Lesson7. 人称代名詞 ( Person Pronoun )

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Problem [ 1 2 3 ]
Answer [ L07a.txt ]

#1. 次の文の[ ]内から適する語を選び( )で囲め 。

  1. This is [ I, ( my ), me ] desk.

  2. I know [ he, his, ( him ) ].

  3. You play with [ she, ( her ), he ].

  4. I know [ they, their, ( them ) ] very well.

  5. [ We, ( Our ), Us ] school is near the river.

#2. 次の英文の意味を完成しなさい 。

  1. His mother knows us.
    ( 彼の )お母さんは、( 私達を ) 知っています。

  2. Tom takes them to his house.
    トムは、( 彼らを ) ( 彼の )家に 連れていきます。

#3. 次の問いに対する答えの分として最も適するものを下のア-エから選び,
[ ]内に書きなさい。

  1. Jane is an American girl.
    [ イ : I like her very mouch. ]

  2. Ken is Taro's brother.
    [ エ : I know him very well. ]

  3. Tom has a new ball.
    [ ア : He uses it every day. ]

  4. My father and mother like me very much.
    [ ウ : I like them very much, too. ]

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