Y-1 year [a period of time equal to twelve months] We signed a work agreement for one year. yellow [having the color like that of gold or the sun] The skin of bananas is yellow. yes [used to express agreement or to permit] When he asked her to marry him, she said, "Yes."  yesterday [the day before today] We talked yesterday about her problem. yet [(1) at some time before now; (2) now; (3) at this time; (4) however] Have they arrived yet? (1) Do not sit down yet. (2) I cannot tell you about it yet. (3) The sun was shining, yet it was cold. (4) you [the person or persons being spoken to] I am glad to see you. young [(1) in the early years of life; (2) not old] The young girl missed her mother. (1) He seemed too young to know so much. (2) --------------------- --------------------- Y-1 year [a period of time equal to twelve months] We signed a work agreement for one year. 私たちは1年間の労働契約に署名した。 yellow [having the color like that of gold or the sun] The skin of bananas is yellow. バナナの皮は黄色です。 yes [used to express agreement or to permit] When he asked her to marry him, she said, "Yes."  彼が彼女に結婚を申し込んだ時、彼女は「いいわ」と答えた。 yesterday [the day before today] We talked yesterday about her problem. 私たちは彼女の問題について昨日話し合った。 yet [(1) at some time before now; (2) now; (3) at this time; (4) however] Have they arrived yet? (1) 彼らはもう到着しましたか? Do not sit down yet. (2) まだ座らないでください。 I cannot tell you about it yet. (3) 私はまだあなたにそのことについて話すことはできません。 The sun was shining, yet it was cold. (4) 太陽は照っていたけれど、それでも寒かった。 you [the person or persons being spoken to] I am glad to see you. あなた(がた)にお会いできてうれしいです。 young [(1) in the early years of life; (2) not old] The young girl missed her mother. (1) 幼い女の子は母親がいないのを寂しく思った。 He seemed too young to know so much. (2) 彼はそんなにたくさんのことを知るには若過ぎるように見えた。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com