W-4 worse [more bad than] Air pollution is worse today than it was yesterday. worth [value measured in money] The new house is worth almost one million dollars. wound [(1) to injure; (2) to hurt; (3) to cause physical damage to a person or animal; (4) an injury to the body of a human or animal in which the skin is usually cut or broken] The terrorist attack wounded twelve people. (1) Her feelings were wounded by him. (2) Many were wounded by glass from broken windows. (3) Blood was pouring from the wound in his leg. (4) wreck [(1) to damage greatly; (2) to destroy; (3) anything that has been badly damaged or broken] The storm wrecked many houses in the town. (1) The boy wrecked the family car. (2) The house was a wreck after the wild party. (3) wreckage [what remains of something severely damaged or destroyed] Searchers found the wreckage of the airplane high on a mountain. write [to use an instrument to make words appear on a surface, such as paper] Please write a note to me with your new address. wrong [(1) not correct; (2) bad; (3) not legal; (4) opposite right] His answer is wrong. (1) He made the wrong decision. (2) It is wrong to steal her money. (3) She knew the difference between right and wrong. (4) --------------------- --------------------- W-4 worse [more bad than] Air pollution is worse today than it was yesterday. 大気汚染は昨日より今日の方が悪化しています。 worth [value measured in money] The new house is worth almost one million dollars. その新しい家は百万ドル弱の価値があります。 wound [(1) to injure; (2) to hurt; (3) to cause physical damage to a person or animal; (4) an injury to the body of a human or animal in which the skin is usually cut or broken] The terrorist attack wounded twelve people. (1) テロリストの攻撃は12人を負傷させた。 Her feelings were wounded by him. (2) 彼女の気持ちは彼に傷付けられた。 Many were wounded by glass from broken windows. (3) 多くの人々が割れた窓のガラスでけがをした。 Blood was pouring from the wound in his leg. (4) 彼の足の傷から血があふれ出ていた。 wreck [(1) to damage greatly; (2) to destroy; (3) anything that has been badly damaged or broken] The storm wrecked many houses in the town. (1) 嵐は町の多くの家々を大破した。 The boy wrecked the family car. (2) 男の子は家族の車を破壊した。 The house was a wreck after the wild party. (3) 大暴れのパーティーの後、その家はぼろぼろだった。 wreckage [what remains of something severely damaged or destroyed] Searchers found the wreckage of the airplane high on a mountain. 捜索者たちは山の上方で飛行機の残骸を見つけた。 write [to use an instrument to make words appear on a surface, such as paper] Please write a note to me with your new address. あなたの新しい住所をいれて私にメモを書いてください。 wrong [(1) not correct; (2) bad; (3) not legal; (4) opposite right] His answer is wrong. (1) 彼の答えは間違っています。 He made the wrong decision. (2) 彼は誤った決断をしました。 It is wrong to steal her money. (3) 彼女のお金を盗むのはよくない。 She knew the difference between right and wrong. (4) 彼女は善悪の区別をわきまえていた。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com