W-3 will [a word used with action words to show future action] They will hold talks tomorrow. willing [being ready or having a desire to] They are willing to talk about the problem. win [(1) to gain a victory; (2) to defeat another or others in a competition, election or battle] Our school won first prize in the foreign language competition. (1) The candidate with the most campaign money usually wins the election. (2) wind [a strong movement of air] In some areas, wind is used to produce electricity. window [an opening in a wall to let in light and air, usually filled with glass] The glass is broken in many of the windows of the old house. winter [the coldest time of year, between autumn and spring] Winter lasts for a long time in the mountains. wire [a long, thin piece of metal used to hang objects or to carry electricity or electronic communications from one place to another] Most electric wires in our town are buried in the ground. wise [(1) having much knowledge and understanding; (2) able to use knowledge and understanding to make good or correct decisions] She is a wise woman. (1) The President is a wise leader. (2) wish [(1) to want; (2) to express a desire for] I wish to have Japanese food tonight. (1) She wishes that her friend will call her. (2) with [(1) along or by the side of; (2) together; (3) using; (4) having] She walked with her friend. (1) She is here with me. (2) He fixed it with a tool. (3) They live in the house with the red door. (4) withdraw [(1) to take or move out, away or back; (2) to remove] He said he will withdraw from the presidential race. (1) The company says it will withdraw the disputed product from stores. (2) without [(1) with no; (2) not having or using; (3) free from; (4) not doing] He grew up without a father. (1) We were without electricity for four hours. (2) They said goodbye without tears. (3) He spoke without thinking. (4) woman [an adult female human] The woman with him was his mother. wonder [(1) to ask oneself; (2) to question; (3) a feeling of surprise] I wonder why she did that. (1) She wonders if it is true. (2) The child's eyes were wide with wonder at the fireworks. (3) wonderful [(1) causing wonder; (2) especially good] Astronauts on the moon took some wonderful pictures of the Earth. (1) It is a wonderful day. (2) wood [the solid material of which trees are made] His stove burns wood. word [one or more connected sounds that form a single part of a language] The Word Book is a list of words used in VOA Special English radio programs. work [(1) to use physical or mental effort to make or do something; (2) the effort used to make or to do something; (3) that which needs effort; (4) the job one does to earn money] She works as an airline pilot. (1) This old house requires a lot of work. (2) You need a strong back to do farm work. (3) What kind of work do you do? (4) world [(1) the earth; (2) the people who live on the earth] Communication satellites let us talk almost instantly to people in any part of the world. (1)                     Most of the world wants an end to nuclear weapons. (2) worry [(1) to be concerned; (2) to continue thinking that something, possibly bad, can happen] They worry that taxes are too high. (1) Others worry that the government will not provide the services they need. (2) --------------------- --------------------- W-3 will [a word used with action words to show future action] They will hold talks tomorrow. 彼らは明日、話し合いを持ちます。 willing [being ready or having a desire to] They are willing to talk about the problem. 彼らは問題について話し合う用意があります。 win [(1) to gain a victory; (2) to defeat another or others in a competition, election or battle] Our school won first prize in the foreign language competition. (1) 我々の学校は外国語のコンクールで優勝した。 The candidate with the most campaign money usually wins the election. (2) 選挙運動資金を一番持っている候補者が、たいてい選挙に勝ちます。 wind [a strong movement of air] In some areas, wind is used to produce electricity. 地域によっては、発電に風が使われています。 window [an opening in a wall to let in light and air, usually filled with glass] The glass is broken in many of the windows of the old house. 古い家の窓の多くはガラスが割れています。 winter [the coldest time of year, between autumn and spring] Winter lasts for a long time in the mountains. 山岳地帯では冬が長く続きます。 wire [a long, thin piece of metal used to hang objects or to carry electricity or electronic communications from one place to another] Most electric wires in our town are buried in the ground. 私たちの町にあるほとんどの電線は、地下に埋められています。 wise [(1) having much knowledge and understanding; (2) able to use knowledge and understanding to make good or correct decisions] She is a wise woman. (1) 彼女は賢い女性です。 The President is a wise leader. (2) 大統領は思慮分別のある指導者です。 wish [(1) to want; (2) to express a desire for] I wish to have Japanese food tonight. (1) 私は今夜日本料理が食べたい。 She wishes that her friend will call her. (2) 彼女は友達が彼女に電話してくれればいいと思っています。 with [(1) along or by the side of; (2) together; (3) using; (4) having] She walked with her friend. (1) 彼女は友達とつれそって歩きました。 She is here with me. (2) 彼女はここに私と一緒にいます。 He fixed it with a tool. (3) 彼は道具でそれを直しました。 They live in the house with the red door. (4) 彼らは赤いドアのある家に住んでいます。 withdraw [(1) to take or move out, away or back; (2) to remove] He said he will withdraw from the presidential race. (1) 彼は大統領選から身を引くと言った。(この時点では、まだ身を引いていない) The company says it will withdraw the disputed product from stores. (2) 会社は問題になっている製品を店頭から撤去すると言っています。 without [(1) with no; (2) not having or using; (3) free from; (4) not doing] He grew up without a father. (1) 彼は父親なしに成長しました。 We were without electricity for four hours. (2) 私たちは4時間、電気なしでいた。 They said goodbye without tears. (3) 彼らは泣かずにさようならを言った。 He spoke without thinking. (4) 彼は考えることなく話した。 woman [an adult female human] The woman with him was his mother. 彼と一緒にいた女性は彼の母親でした。 wonder [(1) to ask oneself; (2) to question; (3) a feeling of surprise] I wonder why she did that. (1) なぜ彼女はそれをしたのかと思う。 She wonders if it is true. (2) 彼女はそれが本当なのか疑問に思っています。 The child's eyes were wide with wonder at the fireworks. (3) 子供は花火に驚いて目を丸くしていた。 wonderful [(1) causing wonder; (2) especially good] Astronauts on the moon took some wonderful pictures of the Earth. (1) 月面の宇宙飛行士はいつくかのすばらしい地球の写真を撮りました。 It is a wonderful day. (2) 今日はすてきな日です。 wood [the solid material of which trees are made] His stove burns wood. 彼のストーブは木を焚きます。 word [one or more connected sounds that form a single part of a language] The Word Book is a list of words used in VOA Special English radio programs. Word BookはVOAスペシャルイングリッシュのラジオ番組で使われる単語の一覧です。 work [(1) to use physical or mental effort to make or do something; (2) the effort used to make or to do something; (3) that which needs effort; (4) the job one does to earn money] She works as an airline pilot. (1) 彼女は航空機の操縦士として働いています。 This old house requires a lot of work. (2) この古い家は多くの手入れ(補修)が必要です。 You need a strong back to do farm work. (3) 農作業をするには強い背中(腰)が必要です。 What kind of work do you do? (4) あなたはどんな種類の仕事をしていますか。 world [(1) the earth; (2) the people who live on the earth] Communication satellites let us talk almost instantly to people in any part of the world. (1) 通信衛星は世界のあらゆる場所の人々と、即時に話しをすることを可能にしています。                    Most of the world wants an end to nuclear weapons. (2) 世界中のほとんどが核兵器の廃止を求めています。 worry [(1) to be concerned; (2) to continue thinking that something, possibly bad, can happen] They worry that taxes are too high. (1) 彼らは税金が高すぎることを心配している。 Others worry that the government will not provide the services they need. (2) 他の人たちは政府が彼らの必要とするサービスを提供しないのではないかと気をもんでいます。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com