W-2 week [a period of time equal to seven days] She will be gone for two weeks. weigh [to measure how heavy someone or something is] The ticket agent will weigh your bag at the airport. welcome [to express happiness or pleasure when someone arrives or something develops] We welcomed the sun after a week of rain. well [(1) in a way that is good or pleasing; (2) in good health; (3) a hole in the ground where water, gas or oil can be found] She is doing well at school. (1) He was sick, but he is well now. (2) We may see more oil wells in Alaska soon. (3) west [the direction in which the sun goes down] They live in a town 50 miles west of Chicago. wet [(1) covered with water or other liquid; (2) not dry] It rained just enough to make the streets wet. (1) My clothing got wet in the rain. (2) what [(1) used to ask about something or to ask for information about ; (2) which or which kind] What is this? (1) He wants to know what you would like to drink. (2) wheat [(1) a grain used to make bread; (2) the plant that produces the grain] We like bread made from whole wheat. (1) The farmer grows wheat in most of his fields. (2) wheel [a round structure that turns around a center] The wheel on his bicycle came off. when [(1) at what time; (2) at any time; (3) during or at the time] When does the train leave? (1) When will she come home? (2) I studied hard when I was in school. (3) where [(1) at, to or in what place; (2) place in which] Where is his house? (1) The house where he lives is in the old part of the city. (2) which [used to ask about what one or what ones of a group of things or people] Which program do you like best? (1) Which students will take the test? (2) while [(1) a space of time; (2) at or during the same time] Please come to my house for a while. (1) It may not be a good idea to eat while you are driving. (2)  white [having the color like that of milk or snow] She calls her cat Snowball because it is white. who [(1) what or which person or persons that; (2) the person or persons] Who wants to go? (1) They are the ones who want to go. (2) whole [(1) the complete amount; (2) all together; (3) not divided; (4) not cut into pieces] He paid the whole cost of the dinner. (1) The whole group is invited. (2) The whole country celebrates Independence Day. (3) The boy ate the whole cake. (4) why [(1) for what cause or reason; (2) the reason for which] Why did she do it? (1) I do not know why she did it. (2) wide [(1) having a great distance from one side to the other; (2) not limited] The flood covered a wide area along the river. (1) The new store offered a wide choice of products. (2) wife [a woman who is married] His wife works at home. wild [(1) living and growing in natural conditions and not organized or supervised by humans; (2) angry; (3) uncontrolled] Many kinds of wild animals live in America's National Forests. (1) The man was wild with anger. (2) Police broke up the wild party. (3) --------------------- --------------------- W-2 week [a period of time equal to seven days] She will be gone for two weeks. 彼女は2週間留守にします。 weigh [to measure how heavy someone or something is] The ticket agent will weigh your bag at the airport. 搭乗券取扱職員が空港であなたのかばんの重さを量ります。 welcome [to express happiness or pleasure when someone arrives or something develops] We welcomed the sun after a week of rain. 我々は1週間の雨の後、太陽を喜んで迎えた。 well [(1) in a way that is good or pleasing; (2) in good health; (3) a hole in the ground where water, gas or oil can be found] She is doing well at school. (1) 彼女は学校でよくやっています。 He was sick, but he is well now. (2) 彼は病気だったが、今は健康です。 We may see more oil wells in Alaska soon. (3) まもなくするとアラスカにもっと油井ができるかもしれません。 west [the direction in which the sun goes down] They live in a town 50 miles west of Chicago. 彼らはシカゴの西、50マイルの町に住んでいます。 * one mile = 1.6 kilometers wet [(1) covered with water or other liquid; (2) not dry] It rained just enough to make the streets wet. (1) ちょうど街路を湿らすぐらいの雨が降った。 My clothing got wet in the rain. (2) わたしの服は雨で濡れた。 what [(1) used to ask about something or to ask for information about ; (2) which or which kind] What is this? (1) これは何ですか? He wants to know what you would like to drink. (2) 彼はあなたが何を飲みたいのか、知りたいのです。 wheat [(1) a grain used to make bread; (2) the plant that produces the grain] We like bread made from whole wheat. (1) 私たちは全粒小麦粉で作られたパンが好きです。 The farmer grows wheat in most of his fields. (2) 農夫は自分の農場のほとんどで小麦を栽培している。 wheel [a round structure that turns around a center] The wheel on his bicycle came off. 彼の自転車の車輪がはずれました。 when [(1) at what time; (2) at any time; (3) during or at the time] When does the train leave? (1) 列車は何時に出発しますか? When will she come home? (2) 彼女はいつ帰宅しますか? I studied hard when I was in school. (3) 私は学校にかよっていた時、一生懸命勉強しました。 where [(1) at, to or in what place; (2) place in which] Where is his house? (1) 彼の家はどこですか? The house where he lives is in the old part of the city. (2) 彼が住んでいる家は、町の古い一角にあります。 which [used to ask about what one or what ones of a group of things or people] Which program do you like best? (1) どのプログラムが一番好きですか? Which students will take the test? (2) どの学生がテストを受けるのですか? while [(1) a space of time; (2) at or during the same time] Please come to my house for a while. (1) 少しの間、私の家に来てください。 It may not be a good idea to eat while you are driving. (2)  車を運転しながら物を食べるのはあまりいい考えではないでしょう。 white [having the color like that of milk or snow] She calls her cat Snowball because it is white. 彼女は自分の猫が白いので、スノーボールと呼んでいます。 who [(1) what or which person or persons that; (2) the person or persons] Who wants to go? (1) 誰が行きたいのですか? They are the ones who want to go. (2) 彼らが行きたいと思っている人たちです。 whole [(1) the complete amount; (2) all together; (3) not divided; (4) not cut into pieces] He paid the whole cost of the dinner. (1) 彼は夕食代の全額を払いました。 The whole group is invited. (2) グループの全員が招待されます。 The whole country celebrates Independence Day. (3) 国中が独立記念日を祝います。 The boy ate the whole cake. (4) 男の子はケーキをまるごとたいらげました。 why [(1) for what cause or reason; (2) the reason for which] Why did she do it? (1) なぜ彼女はそれをしたのですか? I do not know why she did it. (2) 私はなぜ彼女がそれをしたのか分かりません。 wide [(1) having a great distance from one side to the other; (2) not limited] The flood covered a wide area along the river. (1) 洪水は川沿いの広い地域を覆った。 The new store offered a wide choice of products. (2) 新しい店は幅広い種類の品物を置いていた。 wife [a woman who is married] His wife works at home. 彼の妻は家で仕事をしています。 wild [(1) living and growing in natural conditions and not organized or supervised by humans; (2) angry; (3) uncontrolled] Many kinds of wild animals live in America's National Forests. (1) たくさんの種類の野生動物がアメリカの国有林に生息しています。 The man was wild with anger. (2) 男は怒りでひどく興奮していた。 Police broke up the wild party. (3) 警察は大騒ぎのパーティーを解散させた。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com