W-1 wages [money received for work done] Jack receives his wages every Friday. wait [(1) to delay acting; (2) to postpone] Wait for me. (1) We will wait until next Tuesday to discuss the problem. (2) walk [to move by putting one foot in front of the other] She walks two miles every day. wall [(1) the side of a room or building formed by wood, stone or other material; (2) a structure sometimes used to separate areas of land] He has many pictures on his wall. (1) China built the Great Wall to protect against enemy invasions. (2) want [(1) to desire; (2) to wish for; (3) to need] He wants to see her more often. (1) She wants to win a lot of money in the lottery. (2) They want to eat now. (3) war [fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weapons] The world's last major war, World War II, ended in 1945. warm [(1) almost hot; (2) having or feeling some heat] My coffee is warm instead of hot. (1) She likes to sit outside in the warm sunlight. (2) warn [(1) to tell of possible danger; (2) to advise or inform about something bad that may happen] A weather radio warns of dangerous storms. (1) The President warned that the country may be entering an economic recession. (2) wash [to make clean, usually with water] Tommy says that he will wash the car today. waste [(1) to spend or use without need or care; (2) to make bad use of; (3) a spending of money, time or effort with no value gained or returned; (4) something thrown away as having no value; (5) the liquid and solid substances that result from body processes and are passed out of the body] Do not waste your money by buying video games. (1) He wasted his life by using drugs and alcohol. (2) Watching television is a waste of time. (3) Chemical wastes pollute our water supplies. (4) How do astronauts deal with the problem of wastes from their bodies? (5) watch [(1) to look at; (2) to observe closely; (3) to look and wait for] Did you watch the football game on television? (1) Watch every move he makes. (2) I will watch for her train to arrive. (3) water [the liquid that falls from the sky as rain or is found in lakes, rivers and oceans] May I have some water, please? wave [(1) to move or cause to move one way and the other, as a flag in the wind; (2) to signal by moving the hand one way and the other; (3) a large mass of water that forms and moves on the surface of a lake or ocean] The flag is waving in the wind. (1) She waved at me. (2) The waves are especially large today. (3) way [(1) a path on land or sea or in the air; (2) how something is done; (3) method] This trail is the way to our camp. (1) She says I should drive the way that she does. (2) Show me the way to hit the ball. (3) we [two or more people, including the speaker or writer] He and I will go together, and we will return together. weak [(1) having little power; (2) easily broken, damaged or destroyed; (3) opposite strong] He was weak from hunger. (1) We are worried about crossing the weak bridge. (2) You need a strong rope, not a weak one, to tie the boat to the tree. (3) wealth [a large amount of possessions, money or other things of value] His wealth comes from his rich grandfather. weapon [anything used to cause injury or to kill during an attack, fight or war] Police could not find the weapon used in the murder. wear [to have on the body, as clothes] What will you wear to the party? weather [the condition of the atmosphere resulting from sun, wind, rain, heat or cold] We will have more cold weather tomorrow. --------------------- --------------------- W-1 wages [money received for work done] Jack receives his wages every Friday. ジャックは毎週金曜日に給料を受け取ります。 wait [(1) to delay acting; (2) to postpone] Wait for me. (1) 私を待ってください。 We will wait until next Tuesday to discuss the problem. (2) 私たちはその問題を話し合うのを火曜日まで延ばすつもりです。 walk [to move by putting one foot in front of the other] She walks two miles every day. 彼女は毎日、2マイル歩きます。 *one mile = 1.6 kilometers wall [(1) the side of a room or building formed by wood, stone or other material; (2) a structure sometimes used to separate areas of land] He has many pictures on his wall. (1) 彼は壁にたくさんの絵(写真)を掛けています。 China built the Great Wall to protect against enemy invasions. (2) 中国は敵の侵略を防ぐために万里の長城を築きました。 want [(1) to desire; (2) to wish for; (3) to need] He wants to see her more often. (1) 彼は彼女ともっと頻繁に会うことを望んでいます。 She wants to win a lot of money in the lottery. (2) 彼女は宝くじでたくさんのお金を得たいと願っています。 They want to eat now. (3) 彼らは今、食事がしたい。 war [fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weapons] The world's last major war, World War II, ended in 1945. 最後の世界大戦である第二次世界大戦は1945年に終わりました。 warm [(1) almost hot; (2) having or feeling some heat] My coffee is warm instead of hot. (1) 私のコービーは熱いというより温かい。 She likes to sit outside in the warm sunlight. (2) 彼女は暖かい日差しの中、屋外で座るのが好きです。 warn [(1) to tell of possible danger; (2) to advise or inform about something bad that may happen] A weather radio warns of dangerous storms. (1) ラジオの天気予報は危険な嵐がきそうだと警告しています。 The President warned that the country may be entering an economic recession. (2) 大統領は国が経済の景気後退に陥りつつあるかもしれないと発表した。 wash [to make clean, usually with water] Tommy says that he will wash the car today. トミーは今日、車を洗うつもりだと言っています。 waste [(1) to spend or use without need or care; (2) to make bad use of; (3) a spending of money, time or effort with no value gained or returned; (4) something thrown away as having no value; (5) the liquid and solid substances that result from body processes and are passed out of the body] Do not waste your money by buying video games. (1) ビデオゲームを買ってお金を無駄遣いしてはいけません。 He wasted his life by using drugs and alcohol. (2) 彼は麻薬と酒で人生をだめにした。 Watching television is a waste of time. (3) テレビを見ることは時間の浪費です。 Chemical wastes pollute our water supplies. (4) 化学廃棄物は我々に供給される水を汚染します。 How do astronauts deal with the problem of wastes from their bodies? (5) 宇宙飛行士は体から出る排泄物の問題にどう対処しているのですか? watch [(1) to look at; (2) to observe closely; (3) to look and wait for] Did you watch the football game on television? (1) あなたはフットボールの試合をテレビで見ましたか? Watch every move he makes. (2) 彼の一挙一動を観察してください。 I will watch for her train to arrive. (3) 私は彼女の(乗る・乗っている)列車が到着するのを待ちます。 water [the liquid that falls from the sky as rain or is found in lakes, rivers and oceans] May I have some water, please? 水をいただけませんか? wave [(1) to move or cause to move one way and the other, as a flag in the wind; (2) to signal by moving the hand one way and the other; (3) a large mass of water that forms and moves on the surface of a lake or ocean] The flag is waving in the wind. (1) 旗が風になびいています。 She waved at me. (2) 彼女は私に手を振りました。 The waves are especially large today. (3) 今日は波が特に大きい。 way [(1) a path on land or sea or in the air; (2) how something is done; (3) method] This trail is the way to our camp. (1) この小道は野営地(キャンプ場)へ行く道です。 She says I should drive the way that she does. (2) 彼女は車の運転を彼女がするように私もすべきだと言う。 Show me the way to hit the ball. (3) ボールの打ち方をやって見せてください。 we [two or more people, including the speaker or writer] He and I will go together, and we will return together. 彼と私は一緒に行って、一緒に帰ってきます。 weak [(1) having little power; (2) easily broken, damaged or destroyed; (3) opposite strong] He was weak from hunger. (1) 彼は空腹で弱っていた。 We are worried about crossing the weak bridge. (2) 私たちは壊れやすい橋を渡るのが心配だ。 You need a strong rope, not a weak one, to tie the boat to the tree. (3) 木にボートを係留するには、弱いものではなく、強いロープが必要です。 wealth [a large amount of possessions, money or other things of value] His wealth comes from his rich grandfather. 彼の富は金持ちの祖父からのものです。 weapon [anything used to cause injury or to kill during an attack, fight or war] Police could not find the weapon used in the murder. 警察は殺人に使われた武器を見つけることができなかった。 wear [to have on the body, as clothes] What will you wear to the party? あなたはパーティーに何を着て行きますか? weather [the condition of the atmosphere resulting from sun, wind, rain, heat or cold] We will have more cold weather tomorrow. 明日もまだ寒い天候が続くでしょう。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com