V-1 valley [a long area of land between higher areas of land] The people in the valley worry about snow sliding down the mountain. value [(1) the quality of being useful, important or desired; (2) the amount of money that could be received if something is sold] His greatest value is honesty. (1) The value of their house rose 50 percent in two years. (2) vegetable [a plant grown for food] She is healthy because she eats lots of vegetables and exercises every day. vehicle [(1) anything on or in which a person or thing can travel or be transported, especially anything on wheels; (2) a car or truck] This area is closed to all vehicles. (1) We pay a tax based on the value of each vehicle we own. (2) version [the form of something with different details than earlier or later forms] Are you using the latest version of that computer program? very [extremely] He was very late. veto [to reject or refuse to approve] The President promised to veto the bill if Congress passes it. vicious [(1) bad; (2) dangerous; (3) showing harm or hate] They had a vicious argument about money. (1) That vicious dog has bitten several people. (2) He made some vicious statements about the President. (3) victim [(1) someone or something that is injured, killed or made to suffer; (2) someone who is tricked] The victim never saw the vicious person who struck her. (1) The victim trusted the woman who took her money. (2) victory [a success in a fight or competition] The little school won its first basketball victory in two years. village [a very small town] Many villages are dying as people move to towns and cities. violate [(1) to fail to obey or honor; (2) to break (an agreement)] He violated laws against making illegal drugs. (1) He violated the loan agreement by making payments late. (2) violence [the use of force to cause injury, death or damage] She said parents are concerned about violence in the schools. visit [to go to or come to a place for a short time for friendly or business reasons] The President will visit Japan next month. voice [the sound made by creatures, especially humans, for speaking] She has a nice voice for speaking. volcano [a hill or mountain around a hole in the earth's surface that can explode, sending hot, melted rock and ash into the air] Many volcanoes are active and could explode suddenly. vote [(1) to choose a candidate in an election; (2) a choice or decision expressed by the voice, by hand or by writing] Americans vote in national elections every two years. (1) Officials hope to reduce mistakes in votes by replacing old voting systems with new and better ones. (2) --------------------- --------------------- V-1 valley [a long area of land between higher areas of land] The people in the valley worry about snow sliding down the mountain. 谷にいる人たちは、山からすべり落ちてくる雪を心配しています。 value [(1) the quality of being useful, important or desired; (2) the amount of money that could be received if something is sold] His greatest value is honesty. (1) 彼の一番良いところは正直なことです。 The value of their house rose 50 percent in two years. (2) 彼らの家の価値は2年で50パーセント上昇した。 vegetable [a plant grown for food] She is healthy because she eats lots of vegetables and exercises every day. 彼女はたくさんの野菜を食べ、毎日運動するので健康です。 vehicle [(1) anything on or in which a person or thing can travel or be transported, especially anything on wheels; (2) a car or truck] This area is closed to all vehicles. (1) この地域はすべての乗り物の通行を禁じています。 We pay a tax based on the value of each vehicle we own. (2) 私たちは所有するそれぞれの車の価値に基づいて税金を支払います。 version [the form of something with different details than earlier or later forms] Are you using the latest version of that computer program? あなたはそのコンピュータープログラムの最新版を使っていますか? very [extremely] He was very late. 彼はひどく遅れた。 veto [to reject or refuse to approve] The President promised to veto the bill if Congress passes it. 大統領は議会が法案を可決した場合、それを拒否すると断言した。 vicious [(1) bad; (2) dangerous; (3) showing harm or hate] They had a vicious argument about money. (1) 彼らは金のことでひどい言い争いをした。 That vicious dog has bitten several people. (2) その狂暴な犬は何人かの人に噛みついたことがある。 He made some vicious statements about the President. (3) 彼は大統領についていくつかの悪意ある陳述をした。 victim [(1) someone or something that is injured, killed or made to suffer; (2) someone who is tricked] The victim never saw the vicious person who struck her. (1) 被害者は彼女を殴ったひどい男をまったく見なかった。 The victim trusted the woman who took her money. (2) 被害者は彼女の金を奪った女を信じていた。 victory [a success in a fight or competition] The little school won its first basketball victory in two years. 小さな学校はバスケットボールで、2年間ではじめての勝利を勝ち取った。 village [a very small town] Many villages are dying as people move to towns and cities. 多くの村々は人々が町や都会に移住するにつれ、消えつつあります。 violate [(1) to fail to obey or honor; (2) to break (an agreement)] He violated laws against making illegal drugs. (1) 彼は不法な薬の製造を禁じる法律を犯した。 He violated the loan agreement by making payments late. (2) 彼は支払いを遅くしてローン契約を破った。 violence [the use of force to cause injury, death or damage] She said parents are concerned about violence in the schools. 彼女は(生徒たちの)親は学校内暴力を心配していると言った。 visit [to go to or come to a place for a short time for friendly or business reasons] The President will visit Japan next month. 大統領は来週日本を訪れます。 voice [the sound made by creatures, especially humans, for speaking] She has a nice voice for speaking. 彼女は演説によい声をしている。 volcano [a hill or mountain around a hole in the earth's surface that can explode, sending hot, melted rock and ash into the air] Many volcanoes are active and could explode suddenly. 多くの火山は活動中で、突然爆発するかもしれません。 vote [(1) to choose a candidate in an election; (2) a choice or decision expressed by the voice, by hand or by writing] Americans vote in national elections every two years. (1) アメリカ人は2年毎に国政選挙で投票をします。 Officials hope to reduce mistakes in votes by replacing old voting systems with new and better ones. (2) 当局者たちは旧投票システムを新しく良いものに替えることで、投票の間違いを減らすことを期待している。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com