U-1 under [(1) below; (2) below the surface of; (3) less than; (4) as called for by a law, agreement or system] The river flows under the bridge. (1) The submarine went under. (2) The book was under 20 dollars. (3) Such action is not permitted under the law. (4) understand [(1) to know what is meant; (2)to have knowledge of] I understand what you mean. (1) He understands chemistry. (2) unite [to join together] The new president will try to unite all parties in support of his program. universe [all of space, including planets and stars] Do you know why the universe is expanding? university [a place of education that usually includes several colleges and research organizations] Her sons are students at different universities. unless [(1) except if it happens; (2) on condition that] I will not go, unless the rain stops. (1) I will come to your house unless it rains. (2) until [(1) up to a time; (2) before] She said she would wait for me until three o'clock. (1) We cannot start until everyone arrives. (2) up [to, in or at a higher position or value] We will walk up the stairs. urge [(1) to advise strongly; (2) to make a great effort to get someone to do something] He urged the governor to think carefully before signing such a bill. (1) The speaker urged the crowd to take control of the university. (2) urgent [needing an immediate decision or action] She said urgent action is necessary. us [(1) the form of the word "we" used after a preposition; (2) or used as an object of a verb] He said he would write to us. (1) They saw us yesterday. (2) use [(1) to employ for a purpose; (2) to put into action] We use electricity to light our house. (1) He used a piece of glass to cut the ropes that tied our hands. (2) usual [(1) as is normal or common; (2) as is most often done, seen or heard] They watched all the usual television shows. (1) We left for work at our usual time. (2) --------------------- --------------------- U-1 under [(1) below; (2) below the surface of; (3) less than; (4) as called for by a law, agreement or system] The river flows under the bridge. (1) 川はその橋の下を流れています。 The submarine went under. (2) 潜水艦は潜行した。 The book was under 20 dollars. (3) 本は20ドル以下(の値段)だった。 Such action is not permitted under the law. (4) 法律ではそのような行為は許されません。 understand [(1) to know what is meant; (2)to have knowledge of] I understand what you mean. (1) あなたの言いたいことが分かります。 He understands chemistry. (2) 彼は化学の知識がある。 unite [to join together] The new president will try to unite all parties in support of his program. 新大統領はすべての党を結束して自分の計画を支持させるよう努めるでしょう。 universe [all of space, including planets and stars] Do you know why the universe is expanding? あなたはなぜ宇宙が膨張しているか知っていますか? university [a place of education that usually includes several colleges and research organizations] Her sons are students at different universities. 彼女の息子たちは別々の大学に通っています。 unless [(1) except if it happens; (2) on condition that] I will not go, unless the rain stops. (1) 私は雨がやまない限り行きません。 I will come to your house unless it rains. (2) 私は雨が降らなければあなたの家に行きます。 until [(1) up to a time; (2) before] She said she would wait for me until three o'clock. (1) 彼女は3時まで私を待つと言った。 We cannot start until everyone arrives. (2) 私たちは皆が到着するまで出発できません。 up [to, in or at a higher position or value] We will walk up the stairs. 私たちは階段を上ります。 urge [(1) to advise strongly; (2) to make a great effort to get someone to do something] He urged the governor to think carefully before signing such a bill. (1) 彼は知事にそのような法案に署名する前には慎重に考えるよう強く勧めた。 The speaker urged the crowd to take control of the university. (2) 演説者は群集に大学の指揮権を取るよう説いた。 urgent [needing an immediate decision or action] She said urgent action is necessary. 彼女は緊急の行動が必要だと言った。 us [(1) the form of the word "we" used after a preposition; (2) or used as an object of a verb] He said he would write to us. (1) 彼は我々に手紙を書くと言った。 They saw us yesterday. (2) 彼らは私たちに昨日会いました。 use [(1) to employ for a purpose; (2) to put into action] We use electricity to light our house. (1) 私たちは家を明るくするのに電気を使います。 He used a piece of glass to cut the ropes that tied our hands. (2) 彼は私たちの手を縛っていたロープを切るのにガラスの破片を使った。 usual [(1) as is normal or common; (2) as is most often done, seen or heard] They watched all the usual television shows. (1) 彼らはいつものテレビ番組をすべて見た。 We left for work at our usual time. (2) 私たちはいつもの時間に仕事に出かけました。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com