T-5 trick [(1) to cheat; (2) to fool a person so as to get something or make him or her do something] He used false documents to trick the tax office into reducing his taxes. (1) She tricked him into giving her private information about his credit card. (2) trip [a movement from one place to another, usually a long distance] We will go on a trip to Europe next month. troops [a number of soldiers in a large controlled group] American and European troops are keeping peace in Yugoslavia. trouble [that which causes concern, fear, difficulty or problems] He always has trouble starting his car. truce [a temporary halt in fighting agreed to by all sides involved] Fighting ended when the two sides agreed to a truce. truck [a heavy vehicle used to carry goods] The men loaded everything that I own into the truck. true [(1)correct; (2) not false] The news report was true. (1) The woman made a true statement to the court. (2) trust [to believe that someone is honest and will not cause harm] Many important people trusted him. try [(1) to make an effort; (2) to take court action against a person to decide if he or she is guilty or innocent of a crime] We will try to find her. (1) The court will try him next week. (2) tube [(1) a long, round structure through which liquids or gases can flow; (2) a long, thin container in which they can be kept] The patient breathed through a tube placed in his throat. (1) The tube of toothpaste is empty. (2) turn [(1) to change direction; (2) to move into a different position; (3) to change color, form or shape] Turn to the left at the next street. (1) Turn the meat so it will cook on both sides. (2) Her beautiful black hair turned white as years passed. (3) --------------------- --------------------- T-5 trick [(1) to cheat; (2) to fool a person so as to get something or make him or her do something] He used false documents to trick the tax office into reducing his taxes. (1) 彼は、税務所をだまして税金を減らそうと偽りの書類を使った。 She tricked him into giving her private information about his credit card. (2) 彼女は彼をだまして彼のクレジットカードの私的情報を手に入れた。 trip [a movement from one place to another, usually a long distance] We will go on a trip to Europe next month. 私たちは来月ヨーロッパへの旅に行きます。 troops [a number of soldiers in a large controlled group] American and European troops are keeping peace in Yugoslavia. アメリカとヨーロッパの軍隊がユーゴスラビアの平和を保っている。 trouble [that which causes concern, fear, difficulty or problems] He always has trouble starting his car. 彼は自分の車を始動するのにいつもてこずる。 truce [a temporary halt in fighting agreed to by all sides involved] Fighting ended when the two sides agreed to a truce. 戦いは両者が休戦に同意した時に終わった。 truck [a heavy vehicle used to carry goods] The men loaded everything that I own into the truck. 男たちは私の持ち物すべてをトラックに積み込んだ。 true [(1)correct; (2) not false] The news report was true. (1) ニュース報道は本当だった。 The woman made a true statement to the court. (2) 女性は裁判所に真実の供述をした。 trust [to believe that someone is honest and will not cause harm] Many important people trusted him. 多くの重要人物が彼を信じた。 try [(1) to make an effort; (2) to take court action against a person to decide if he or she is guilty or innocent of a crime] We will try to find her. (1) 私たちは彼女を捜してみます。 The court will try him next week. (2) 裁判所は来週、彼を審理します。 tube [(1) a long, round structure through which liquids or gases can flow; (2) a long, thin container in which they can be kept] The patient breathed through a tube placed in his throat. (1) 患者はのどに差し込んだ管を通して息をした。 The tube of toothpaste is empty. (2) 歯磨きのチュープが空です。 turn [(1) to change direction; (2) to move into a different position; (3) to change color, form or shape] Turn to the left at the next street. (1) 次の道で左に曲がってください。 Turn the meat so it will cook on both sides. (2) 両面に火が通るように肉をひっくりかえしてください。 Her beautiful black hair turned white as years passed. (3) 彼女の美しい黒髪は年を経るにつれて白くなった。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com