T-4 touch [to put the hand or fingers on] Please do not touch the wet paint. toward [(1) in the direction of; (2) leading to] He walked toward the river. (1) They took the first steps toward a peace agreement. (2) town [a center where people live, larger than a village but not as large as a city] Many towns are smaller now because young people move to the cities. trade [(1) to buy and sell or exchange products or services; (2) the activity of buying, selling or exchanging products or services] He trades shares of stock on the New York Stock Exchange. (1) The United States wants to sell more American products in its trade with China. (2) tradition [a ceremony, activity or belief that has existed for a long time] A big Thanksgiving Day dinner is a tradition in our family. traffic [the movement of people, vehicles or ships along a street, road or waterway] Traffic was very slow during the evening rush hour. tragic [(1) extremely sad; (2) terrible] The boy's struggle against disease was a tragic story. (1) A tragic car crash killed five people. (2) train [(1) to teach or learn how to do something; (2) to prepare for an activity; (3) an engine and the cars connected to it that move along a railroad] A doctor will train the group in emergency medical treatment. (1) The soldiers trained for days to prepare for the attack. (2) She rides a train to work every day. (3) transport [to move goods or people from one place to another] Trucks will transport the goods. transportation [the act or business of moving goods or people] Effective transportation depends on reasonable fuel costs. trap [(1) to catch or be caught by being tricked; (2) to be unable to move or escape; (3) a device used to catch animals] Police trapped robbers by opening stores that offered to buy stolen goods. (1) He was trapped in the burning building. (2) Few people use traps now to catch animals for their fur or skins. (3) travel [to go from one place to another, usually for a long distance] He travels to California several times a year. treason [the act of fighting against one's own country or of helping its enemies] Only a few persons have been tried for treason in the past 50 years. treasure [a large collection of money, jewels or other things of great value] Searchers still find treasure in ships that sank as they carried gold to Europe. treat [(1) to deal with; (2) to act toward in a special way; (3) to try to cure] The new book treats the subject of political wrong-doing in the 1990's. (1) His political enemies treated him unfairly. (2) Doctors are treating the disease with a new medicine. (3) treatment [(1) the act of treating; (2) the use of medicine to try to cure or make better] A new report offers a different treatment on the costs of reducing air pollution. (1) Doctors are developing some new treatments for the AIDS disease. (2) treaty [a written agreement between two or more nations] The United States may seek changes in the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. tree [a very tall plant that is mostly wood, except for its leaves] Some new rules are expected to reduce the number of trees cut in the National Forests. trial [an examination in a court of a question or dispute to decide if a charge is true] Evidence against the terrorists will be presented at a trial in New York. tribe [a group of families ruled by a common chief or leader] Another Native American tribe is seeking the return of lands taken by the government in the 1800's. --------------------- --------------------- T-4 touch [to put the hand or fingers on] Please do not touch the wet paint. まだ乾いてないペンキに触れないでください。 toward [(1) in the direction of; (2) leading to] He walked toward the river. (1) 彼は川の方へ向かって歩いた。 They took the first steps toward a peace agreement. (2) 彼らは平和協定に向けての第一段階を経ました。 town [a center where people live, larger than a village but not as large as a city] Many towns are smaller now because young people move to the cities. 若者たちが都会へ出ていくので、現在多くの町が小さくなっています。 trade [(1) to buy and sell or exchange products or services; (2) the activity of buying, selling or exchanging products or services] He trades shares of stock on the New York Stock Exchange. (1) 彼はニューヨーク証券取引所で株を取引しています。 The United States wants to sell more American products in its trade with China. (2) 合衆国は中国との貿易でより多くのアメリカ製品を売りたいと思っています。 tradition [a ceremony, activity or belief that has existed for a long time] A big Thanksgiving Day dinner is a tradition in our family. 感謝祭に盛大な正餐をするのは私たち家族の伝統です。 traffic [the movement of people, vehicles or ships along a street, road or waterway] Traffic was very slow during the evening rush hour. 夕方の混雑時の間中、交通は非常に渋滞していた。 tragic [(1) extremely sad; (2) terrible] The boy's struggle against disease was a tragic story. (1) 男の子の病気との闘いはいたましい話でした。 A tragic car crash killed five people. (2) 悲惨な車の衝突(事故)で5人が死亡した。 train [(1) to teach or learn how to do something; (2) to prepare for an activity; (3) an engine and the cars connected to it that move along a railroad] A doctor will train the group in emergency medical treatment. (1) 医師はそのグループに緊急医療処置の仕方を教えこみます。 The soldiers trained for days to prepare for the attack. (2) 兵士らは攻撃に備えて何日も訓練を受けた。 She rides a train to work every day. (3) 彼女は仕事へ行くのに毎日電車に乗ります。 transport [to move goods or people from one place to another] Trucks will transport the goods. トラックはその商品を輸送する予定です。 transportation [the act or business of moving goods or people] Effective transportation depends on reasonable fuel costs. 効率的な輸送は妥当な燃料費次第です。 trap [(1) to catch or be caught by being tricked; (2) to be unable to move or escape; (3) a device used to catch animals] Police trapped robbers by opening stores that offered to buy stolen goods. (1) 警察は盗品を買い取る店を開いて泥棒たちにわなをかけた。 He was trapped in the burning building. (2) 彼は燃えるビルの中に閉じ込められた。 Few people use traps now to catch animals for their fur or skins. (3) 毛皮や皮を得るために動物を捕まえようとしてわなを仕掛ける人は今ではほとんどいない。 travel [to go from one place to another, usually for a long distance] He travels to California several times a year. 彼は年に数回カリフォルニアに旅行します。 treason [the act of fighting against one's own country or of helping its enemies] Only a few persons have been tried for treason in the past 50 years. 過去50年の間に、反逆罪で裁判にかけられた人はほんの少しです。 treasure [a large collection of money, jewels or other things of great value] Searchers still find treasure in ships that sank as they carried gold to Europe. 探索者たちは今なおヨーロッパへ金を運ぶ際に沈んだ船の中に宝物を発見します。 treat [(1) to deal with; (2) to act toward in a special way; (3) to try to cure] The new book treats the subject of political wrong-doing in the 1990's. (1) 新しい本は1990年代の政治的な悪行に関して論じています。 His political enemies treated him unfairly. (2) 彼の政治的な敵対者たちは彼を不当に扱った。 Doctors are treating the disease with a new medicine. (3) 医師たちはその病気を新薬で治療しています。 treatment [(1) the act of treating; (2) the use of medicine to try to cure or make better] A new report offers a different treatment on the costs of reducing air pollution. (1) 新しい報告書は大気汚染減少の費用について異なった対応処置を提案しています。 Doctors are developing some new treatments for the AIDS disease. (2) 医師たちはエイズの新しい治療法をいくつか開発しています。 treaty [a written agreement between two or more nations] The United States may seek changes in the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. 合衆国は核実験禁止条約の変更を求めるかもしれません。 tree [a very tall plant that is mostly wood, except for its leaves] Some new rules are expected to reduce the number of trees cut in the National Forests. いくつの新しい法律で、国有林の木の伐採数が減ることが期待されます。 trial [an examination in a court of a question or dispute to decide if a charge is true] Evidence against the terrorists will be presented at a trial in New York. テロリストたちに不利な証拠がニューヨークの裁判で提出されるでしょう。 tribe [a group of families ruled by a common chief or leader] Another Native American tribe is seeking the return of lands taken by the government in the 1800's. 別のアメリカ原住民の部族は1800年代に政府によって奪われた土地の返還を求めています。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com