T-3 thing [any object] Do you know what that thing is? think [(1) to produce thoughts; (2) to form ideas in the mind; (3) to consider; (4) to believe] What is it in humans that makes them think? (1) Sometimes he thinks about the purpose of his life. (2) I will think about your request. (3) I think you are right. (4) third [coming after two others] You are the third person to tell me about that. this [of or about the person, place or thing nearby that has been spoken about already] This note will answer your question. threaten [to warn that one will do harm or cause damage] The bank threatened to seize his house. through [(1) in at one end and out at the other; (2) from front to back; (3) from top to bottom; (4) with the help of; (5) by] Oil is shipped through a pipe from Texas to Virginia. (1) The dog ran through the house. (2) The submarine sank through the water. (3) They got help through their church. (4) They came through the back way. (5) throw [to cause to go through the air by a movement of the arm] Very few baseball players can throw a ball 100 miles an hour. tie [(1) to join or hold together with some material; (2) anything that joins or unites; (3) links or connections] He tied his dog to the tree. (1) They are connected by business ties. (2) The two nations have strong trade ties. (3) time [(1) that which is measured in minutes, hours, days and years; (2) a period that can be identified in hours and minutes and is shown on a clock; (3) a period when an event should or will take place] We have been friends for a long time. (1) What time is it? (2) The time for starting the meeting is two o'clock. (3) tired [(1) having less strength because of work or exercise; (2) needing sleep or rest] Talking all day makes him tired. (1) I am so tired I could sleep all day. (2) to [(1) showing the direction of an action; (2) showing the person or place toward which an action is directed; (3) showing a goal or purpose] At the first stoplight, turn to the right. (1) She is flying to Seattle. (2) Come to my house to study tonight. (3) today [this day] I am glad that school ends today. together [(1) in one group; (2) at the same time or place; (3) in cooperation] Her wedding will bring us all together next month. (1) They will be together at school tomorrow. (2) We agreed to work together. (3) tomorrow [the day after today] You will feel better tomorrow, after a night's rest. tonight [this night] Are you going to see her tonight? too [(1) also; (2) as well; (3) more than is necessary] I like him too. (1) She will be at the party too. (2) He works too much. (3) tool [any instrument or device designed to help one do work] May I borrow a tool from you to fix my keyboard. top [(1) the upper edge or surface; (2) the highest part; (3) the cover of something] The food is in the pan on the top of the stove. (1) She climbed to the top of the mountain. (2) Please put the top on the box of tea. (3) torture [(1) to cause severe pain; (2) the act of causing severe pain in order to harm, to punish or to get information from] The guards tortured the prisoners by beating them. (1) Torture was used to get information about the rebels. (2) total [the complete amount] The measure proposes a tax-reduction total of 1.6 trillion dollars over ten years. --------------------- --------------------- T-3 thing [any object] Do you know what that thing is? あそこにある物は何か知っていますか? think [(1) to produce thoughts; (2) to form ideas in the mind; (3) to consider; (4) to believe] What is it in humans that makes them think? (1) 人に思考させるのは人間の中にある何ですか? Sometimes he thinks about the purpose of his life. (2) 時々彼は自分の人生の目的について考える。 I will think about your request. (3) あなたの依頼について検討します。 I think you are right. (4) 私はあなたは正しいと思います。 third [coming after two others] You are the third person to tell me about that. そのことを私に告げたのは、あなたで3人目です。 this [of or about the person, place or thing nearby that has been spoken about already] This note will answer your question. この記述があなたの疑問に答えるでしょう。 threaten [to warn that one will do harm or cause damage] The bank threatened to seize his house. 銀行は彼の家を差し押さえると脅した。 through [(1) in at one end and out at the other; (2) from front to back; (3) from top to bottom; (4) with the help of; (5) by] Oil is shipped through a pipe from Texas to Virginia. (1) 石油はパイプを通してテキサスからバージニアへ輸送されます。 The dog ran through the house. (2) 犬は家の中を走りぬけた。 The submarine sank through the water. (3) 潜水艦は水の中に沈んだ。 They got help through their church. (4) 彼らは、彼らの教会のおかげで助けられた。 They came through the back way. (5) 彼らは裏の道を通ってやって来た。 throw [to cause to go through the air by a movement of the arm] Very few baseball players can throw a ball 100 miles an hour. 時速100マイルでボールを投げることのできる野球選手はほとんどいない。 * one mile = 1.6 kilometers tie [(1) to join or hold together with some material; (2) anything that joins or unites; (3) links or connections] He tied his dog to the tree. (1) 彼は自分の犬を木につないだ。 They are connected by business ties. (2) 彼らは商売上のつながりで結ばれている。 The two nations have strong trade ties. (3) 2国は強固な通商関係を持っている。 time [(1) that which is measured in minutes, hours, days and years; (2) a period that can be identified in hours and minutes and is shown on a clock; (3) a period when an event should or will take place] We have been friends for a long time. (1) 私たちは長年友人関係です。 What time is it? (2) 今、何時ですか? The time for starting the meeting is two o'clock. (3) 会合を始める時間は2時です。 tired [(1) having less strength because of work or exercise; (2) needing sleep or rest] Talking all day makes him tired. (1) 1日中話しをすると彼はくたびれる。 I am so tired I could sleep all day. (2) 私は1日中眠ることができるほど疲れています。 to [(1) showing the direction of an action; (2) showing the person or place toward which an action is directed; (3) showing a goal or purpose] At the first stoplight, turn to the right. (1) 最初の停止信号で右に曲がってください。 She is flying to Seattle. (2) 彼女は飛行機でシアトルに行こうとしている。 Come to my house to study tonight. (3) 今夜、勉強しに私の家に来てください。 today [this day] I am glad that school ends today. 私は今日で学校が終わるのでうれしい。 together [(1) in one group; (2) at the same time or place; (3) in cooperation] Her wedding will bring us all together next month. (1) 彼女の結婚式で来月、私たちは全員集まります。 They will be together at school tomorrow. (2) 彼らは明日、学校で一緒になります。 We agreed to work together. (3) 私たちは協力して働くことに同意した。 tomorrow [the day after today] You will feel better tomorrow, after a night's rest. あなたは一晩眠れば、明日には気分がよくなるでしょう。 tonight [this night] Are you going to see her tonight? 今夜、彼女に会いに行きますか? too [(1) also; (2) as well; (3) more than is necessary] I like him too. (1) 私も彼のことが好きです。 She will be at the party too. (2) 彼女もパーティーに来るでしょう。 He works too much. (3) 彼は働きすぎです。 tool [any instrument or device designed to help one do work] May I borrow a tool from you to fix my keyboard. 私の鍵盤(キーボード)を直すのにあなたの工具を借りてもいいですか? top [(1) the upper edge or surface; (2) the highest part; (3) the cover of something] The food is in the pan on the top of the stove. (1) 食べ物はレンジの上の鍋の中にあります。 She climbed to the top of the mountain. (2) 彼女はその山の頂上まで登った。 Please put the top on the box of tea. (3) 紅茶の箱に蓋をしてください。 torture [(1) to cause severe pain; (2) the act of causing severe pain in order to harm, to punish or to get information from] The guards tortured the prisoners by beating them. (1) 看守らは囚人たちを叩いて苦しめた。 Torture was used to get information about the rebels. (2) 反抗者たちについての情報を得るために拷問がなされた。 total [the complete amount] The measure proposes a tax-reduction total of 1.6 trillion dollars over ten years. その法案は10年で合計1兆6千億ドルの減税を提案します。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com