T-2 tense [(1) having fear or concern; (2) dangerous; (3) opposite calm] My pregnant sister is tense about the pain of childbirth. (1) The bomb threat created a tense situation. (2) The calm situation suddenly became a tense situation. (3) term [(1) a limited period of time during which someone does a job or carries out a responsibility; (2) the conditions of an agreement that have been accepted by those involved in it] He served two terms in Congress. (1) The terms of the peace agreement were guaranteed by the United States and Russia. (2) terrible [(1)very bad; (2) causing terror or fear] She had a terrible day at the office. (1) The hostages were in a terrible situation. (2) territory [a large area of land] The area is dangerous territory in summer because of extremely hot weather and lack of water. terror [(1) extreme fear; (2) that which causes great fear] She lived with the terror that the attack could happen again. (1) He froze with terror when he saw the angry bear running toward him. (2) terrorist [a person who carries out acts of extreme violence as a protest or a way to influence a government] The terrorist admitted that he made the bomb. test [(1) to attempt to learn or prove what something is like or how it will act by studying or doing; (2) an attempt to learn or prove what something is like or how it will act by studying or doing; (3) a group of questions or problems used to find out a person's knowledge] The scientists will test the new engine soon. (1) The test of the new engine takes place today. (2) The students did well on the language test. (3) than [(1) connecting word used to link things that may be similar, but are not equal] My sister is taller than I am. thank [to say that one has a good feeling toward another because that person did something kind] I want to thank you for helping me. that [(1) showing the person, place or thing being spoken about; (2) the person, place or thing being spoken about] That man is a soldier. (1) The building that I saw was very large. (2) the [used in front of a name word to show that it is a person or thing that is known about or is being spoken about] The man watched the animal run into the woods. theater [a place where movies are shown or plays are performed] We saw a wonderful play last night at the theater. them [other people being spoken about] Did you talk to them about the dog? then [(1) at that time; (2) and so] We were young then. (1) If I am late then she gets angry. (2) theory [a possible explanation of why something exists or how something happens using experiments or ideas, but which is not yet proven] Other scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs. there [(1) in that place or position; (2) to or toward that place] What did you find over there? (1) I am going there to get something to eat. (2) these [of or about the people, places or things nearby that have been spoken about already] These are my children. they [those ones being spoken about] They work with us on several projects. thick [(1) having a large distance between two opposite surfaces; (2) having many parts close together; (3) almost solid, such as a liquid that does not flow easily; (4) opposite thin] The wall is two meters thick. (1) The forest is very thick. (2) He put thick oil in the motor of his old car. (3) This house paint is thick, not thin like the other paint. (4) thin [(1) having a small distance between two opposite surfaces; (2) not fat; (3) not wide; (4) opposite thick] The walls in this house are very thin. (1) He was fat as a boy but is thin as a man. (2) The young trees are thin but will grow wide. (3) The electric wires were thin, not thick. (4) --------------------- --------------------- T-2 tense [(1) having fear or concern; (2) dangerous; (3) opposite calm] My pregnant sister is tense about the pain of childbirth. (1) 妊娠している私の妹は、分娩の痛みに神経質になっています。 The bomb threat created a tense situation. (2) 爆発物を仕掛けるという脅迫は、張り詰めた状況を生じさせた。 The calm situation suddenly became a tense situation. (3) 穏やかな状況が突然緊迫したものになった。 term [(1) a limited period of time during which someone does a job or carries out a responsibility; (2) the conditions of an agreement that have been accepted by those involved in it] He served two terms in Congress. (1) 彼は議会で2期務めた。 The terms of the peace agreement were guaranteed by the United States and Russia. (2) 平和協定の条件は合衆国とロシアによって保証された。 terrible [(1)very bad; (2) causing terror or fear] She had a terrible day at the office. (1) 彼女は職場でひどい1日を過ごした。 The hostages were in a terrible situation. (2) 人質たちは過酷な状況にあった。 territory [a large area of land] The area is dangerous territory in summer because of extremely hot weather and lack of water. その地区は酷暑と水不足のため夏期は危険な地域です。 terror [(1) extreme fear; (2) that which causes great fear] She lived with the terror that the attack could happen again. (1) 彼女は攻撃がまた始まるのではないかと、怖れをいだいて生活した。 He froze with terror when he saw the angry bear running toward him. (2) 彼は怒った熊が自分に向かって走ってくるのを見て、恐怖で凍りついた。 terrorist [a person who carries out acts of extreme violence as a protest or a way to influence a government] The terrorist admitted that he made the bomb. テロリストは自分がその爆弾を作ったことを認めた。 test [(1) to attempt to learn or prove what something is like or how it will act by studying or doing; (2) an attempt to learn or prove what something is like or how it will act by studying or doing; (3) a group of questions or problems used to find out a person's knowledge] The scientists will test the new engine soon. (1) 科学者たちは新しいエンジンをまもなくテストします。 The test of the new engine takes place today. (2) 新しいエンジンのテストは今日行われます。 The students did well on the language test. (3) 学生たちは語学の試験がよくできました。 than [(1) connecting word used to link things that may be similar, but are not equal] My sister is taller than I am. 私の姉(妹)は私より背が高い。 thank [to say that one has a good feeling toward another because that person did something kind] I want to thank you for helping me. 私はあなたが私を助けてくれたことにお礼を言いたい。 that [(1) showing the person, place or thing being spoken about; (2) the person, place or thing being spoken about] That man is a soldier. (1) その男の人は軍人です。 The building that I saw was very large. (2) 私が見たそのビルはとても大きかった。 the [used in front of a name word to show that it is a person or thing that is known about or is being spoken about] The man watched the animal run into the woods. その男の人は、動物が森に中に走って行くのをじっと見つめていた。 theater [a place where movies are shown or plays are performed] We saw a wonderful play last night at the theater. 私たちは昨夜、劇場ですばらしい芝居を見ました。 them [other people being spoken about] Did you talk to them about the dog? あなたはその犬について彼らに話しましたか? then [(1) at that time; (2) and so] We were young then. (1) 我々はその頃若かった。 If I am late then she gets angry. (2) もし私が遅れたら、彼女は怒ります。 theory [a possible explanation of why something exists or how something happens using experiments or ideas, but which is not yet proven] Other scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs. 他の科学者たちは、恐竜の絶滅についての彼の説を議論しています。 there [(1) in that place or position; (2) to or toward that place] What did you find over there? (1) あそこであなたは何を見つけましたか? I am going there to get something to eat. (2) 私は何か食べるものを手に入れるためにそこへ行きます。 these [of or about the people, places or things nearby that have been spoken about already] These are my children. この子たちが私の子供です。 they [those ones being spoken about] They work with us on several projects. 彼らはいくつかのプロジェクトで我々と共に働きます。 thick [(1) having a large distance between two opposite surfaces; (2) having many parts close together; (3) almost solid, such as a liquid that does not flow easily; (4) opposite thin] The wall is two meters thick. (1) 塀は2メートルの厚みがあります。 The forest is very thick. (2) 森はとても深い(密生している)。 He put thick oil in the motor of his old car. (3) 彼はどろどろの油を彼の古い車のエンジンにいれた。 This house paint is thick, not thin like the other paint. (4) この家屋用ペンキは(濃度が)濃い。他のペンキのように薄くありません。 thin [(1) having a small distance between two opposite surfaces; (2) not fat; (3) not wide; (4) opposite thick] The walls in this house are very thin. (1) この家の壁はとても薄い。 He was fat as a boy but is thin as a man. (2) 彼は子供のころは太っていたが、大人になってからはやせている。 The young trees are thin but will grow wide. (3) 若木たちは細いけれども幅のある大きな木に育ちます。 The electric wires were thin, not thick. (4) 電線は太くなく、細かった。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com