T-1 take [(1) to put a hand or hands around something and hold it, often to move it to another place; (2) to carry something; (3) to seize; (4) to capture; (5) to begin to be in control] Take this glass. (1) They will take this with them. (2) Did the policemen take the evidence? (3) The Marines took the enemy position. (4) The President takes office tomorrow. (5) talk [(1) to express thoughts in spoken words; (2) a meeting for discussion] He will talk to us. (1) The professor will give the talk. (2) tall [(1) higher than others; (2) opposite short] New York has many very tall buildings. (1) Tom is tall but his wife is short. (2) tank [(1) a large container for holding liquids; (2) a heavy military vehicle with guns] That oil tank is leaking. (1) The tank moved into position and began shelling the town. (2) target [any person or object aimed at or fired at] We fired at paper targets 300 meters from us. taste [to sense through the mouth] The fruit tastes sweet. tax [the money a person or business must pay to the government so the government can provide services] Federal taxes are due April 15th, unless you pay them earlier. tea [a drink made from the plant of the same name] May I get you a cup of tea? teach [(1) to show how to do something; (2) to provide knowledge; (3) to cause to understand] Will you teach me how to drive a car? (1) She wants to teach high school students. (2) He taught me to understand poems. (3) team [a group organized for some purpose, often for sports] She plays on the softball and soccer teams. tear [to pull apart, often by force] Did your dog tear the newspaper? tears [the fluid that comes out of the eyes while crying] Her eyes flooded with tears. technical [(1) involving machines, processes and materials in industry, transportation and communications; (2) of or about a very special kind of subject or thing] He has made many technical improvements in our factory. (1) You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. (2) technology [the use of scientific knowledge and methods to produce goods and services] She works at a company that designs communications technology. telephone [a device or system for sending sounds, especially the voice, over distances] Do you have a wireless telephone? telescope [a device for making objects that are far away appear closer and larger] Space telescopes can see objects near the edge of our galaxy. television [(1) a device that receives electronic signals and makes them into pictures and sounds; (2) the system of sending pictures and sounds by electronic signals over a distance so others can see and hear them on a receiver] He has a television in every room. (1) Television has affected almost every part of our lives. (2) tell [(1) to give information; (2) to make known by speaking; (3) to command] He will tell everyone how to get to the party. (1) She will tell us about her trip to China. (2) Do what I tell you. (3) temperature [the measurement of heat and cold] What is the temperature outside? temporary [lasting only a short time] He has a temporary job. --------------------- --------------------- T-1 take [(1) to put a hand or hands around something and hold it, often to move it to another place; (2) to carry something; (3) to seize; (4) to capture; (5) to begin to be in control] Take this glass. (1) このグラスを手に取ってください。 They will take this with them. (2) 彼らはこれを一緒に持っていきます。 Did the policemen take the evidence? (3) 警察官は証拠を手に入れましたか? The Marines took the enemy position. (4) 海兵隊員らは敵の陣地を奪った。 The President takes office tomorrow. (5) 大統領は明日、就任します。 talk [(1) to express thoughts in spoken words; (2) a meeting for discussion] He will talk to us. (1) 彼は我々に話しかけるでしょう。 The professor will give the talk. (2) 教授は講義をする予定です。 tall [(1) higher than others; (2) opposite short] New York has many very tall buildings. (1) ニューヨークにはとても高いビルがたくさんあります。 Tom is tall but his wife is short. (2) トムは背が高いが、彼の妻は背が低い。 tank [(1) a large container for holding liquids; (2) a heavy military vehicle with guns] That oil tank is leaking. (1) その石油タンクは漏れている。 The tank moved into position and began shelling the town. (2) 戦車は配置に着き、町を砲撃し始めた。 target [any person or object aimed at or fired at] We fired at paper targets 300 meters from us. 我々は300メートル先の紙の標的に向けて銃を発射した。 taste [to sense through the mouth] The fruit tastes sweet. この果物は甘い。 tax [the money a person or business must pay to the government so the government can provide services] Federal taxes are due April 15th, unless you pay them earlier. 支払いを早くに済ましている場合を除いて、連邦税の支払期日は4月15日です。 tea [a drink made from the plant of the same name] May I get you a cup of tea? 紅茶を一杯、お持ちしましょうか? teach [(1) to show how to do something; (2) to provide knowledge; (3) to cause to understand] Will you teach me how to drive a car? (1) 車の運転の仕方を教えてくれませんか? She wants to teach high school students. (2) 彼女は高校生を教えることを望んでいます。 He taught me to understand poems. (3) 彼は私に詩を理解できるようにしてくれた。 team [a group organized for some purpose, often for sports] She plays on the softball and soccer teams. 彼女は野球とサッカーのチームでプレイしています。 tear [to pull apart, often by force] Did your dog tear the newspaper? あなたの犬がその新聞を破ったのですか? tears [the fluid that comes out of the eyes while crying] Her eyes flooded with tears. 彼女の目は涙で溢れた。 technical [(1) involving machines, processes and materials in industry, transportation and communications; (2) of or about a very special kind of subject or thing] He has made many technical improvements in our factory. (1) 彼は我々の工場で多くの技術的な改善を成し遂げた。 You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. (2) このシステムがどのように機能するのか理解するためには、専門的な知識が必要です。 technology [the use of scientific knowledge and methods to produce goods and services] She works at a company that designs communications technology. 彼女は情報伝達技術を設計する会社に勤めています。 telephone [a device or system for sending sounds, especially the voice, over distances] Do you have a wireless telephone? あなたは無線電話を持っていますか? telescope [a device for making objects that are far away appear closer and larger] Space telescopes can see objects near the edge of our galaxy. 宇宙望遠鏡で我々の銀河系の果て近くの物体を見ることができます。 television [(1) a device that receives electronic signals and makes them into pictures and sounds; (2) the system of sending pictures and sounds by electronic signals over a distance so others can see and hear them on a receiver] He has a television in every room. (1) 彼は各部屋にテレビを持っています。 Television has affected almost every part of our lives. (2) テレビ放送は我々の生活のほぼあらゆる部分に影響を与えてきました。 tell [(1) to give information; (2) to make known by speaking; (3) to command] He will tell everyone how to get to the party. (1) 彼がパーティー(会場)への行き方を皆に教えます。 She will tell us about her trip to China. (2) 彼女は彼女の中国への旅について我々に話してくれます。 Do what I tell you. (3) 私の命ずることをやりなさい。 temperature [the measurement of heat and cold] What is the temperature outside? 屋外の温度は何度ですか? temporary [lasting only a short time] He has a temporary job. 彼は臨時の仕事をしています。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com