S-9 suggest [to offer or propose something to think about or consider] She suggested doing the job a different way. summer [the warmest time of the year, between spring and autumn] Most public schools are closed during the summer. sun [the huge star in the sky that provides heat and light to earth] Without the sun, life would not exist on Earth. supervise [to direct and observe the work of others] She supervises a health services office. supply [(1) to give; (2) to provide; (3) the amount of something that can be given or sold to others] The organization supplies food and clothing to poor people. (1) The store supplies workers with low cost uniforms and other work clothing. (2) The store has large supplies of uniforms in all sizes. (3) support [(1) to carry the weight of; (2) to hold up or in position; (3) to agree with others and help them reach a goal; (4) to approve] The walls support the weight of the house. (1) My helper supports the part while I connect it. (2) Her job is to support the other workers by agreeing with their decisions. (3) He supports them by approving their efforts to complete the work. (4) suppose [(1) to believe, think or imagine; (2) to expect] I suppose you are right. (1) It is supposed to rain tonight. (2) suppress [(1) to put down or to keep down by force; (2) to prevent information from being known publicly] The government suppressed any attempt to end its control. (1) The government suppressed all reports of demonstrations. (2) sure [(1) very probable; (2) with good reason to believe; (3) true without question] He believed he had a sure method of escape. (1) Everything she wrote was based on sure facts. (2) The government had sure proof that he did the crime. (3) surface [the outer side or top of something] The rocket landed on the surface of the moon. surplus [(1) an amount that is more than is needed; (2) extra] The United States had a big budget surplus. (1) That country has a trade surplus. It exports more than it imports. (2) surprise [(1) to cause a feeling of wonder because something is not expected; (2) something not expected; (3) the feeling caused by something not expected] Her friends surprised her with a party. (1) The party was a big surprise. (2) Her real surprise made everyone else as happy as she. (3) surrender [(1) to give control of oneself or one's property to another or others; (2) to stop fighting and admit defeat] The robbers surrendered to police. (1) Germany surrendered to the allied powers to end the war in Europe. (2) surround [(1) to form a circle around; (2) to be in positions all around someone or something] The house was surrounded by big trees. (1) Soldiers surrounded the enemy headquarters. (2) survive [to remain alive during or after a dangerous situation] No one survived when the plane crashed into the mountain. suspect [(1) to imagine or believe that a person is guilty of something bad or illegal; (2) a person believed to be guilty] Police suspected her from the beginning. (1) They questioned all the usual suspects. (2) suspend [to cause to stop for a period of time] The committee meeting was suspended because not enough voting members were there. swallow [to take into the stomach through the mouth] He swallowed the medicine. swear in [to put an official into office by having him or her promise to carry out the duties of that office] The chief justice will swear in the president. sweet [tasting pleasant, like sugar] This fruit is very sweet. swim [to move through water by making motions with the arms and legs] Can you swim across the river? sympathy [a sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelings of sadness] You have our sympathy for your loss. system [(1) a method of organizing or doing something by following rules or a plan; (2) a group of connected things or parts working together for a common purpose or goal] The office established a filing system so that we can find documents easily and quickly. (1) Our system of justice sometimes makes mistakes and punishes an innocent person. (2) --------------------- --------------------- S-9 suggest [to offer or propose something to think about or consider] She suggested doing the job a different way. 彼女は仕事を違う方法でやることを提案した。 summer [the warmest time of the year, between spring and autumn] Most public schools are closed during the summer. ほとんどの公立学校は夏の間、閉鎖されます。 sun [the huge star in the sky that provides heat and light to earth] Without the sun, life would not exist on Earth. 太陽がなければ、地球上に生物は存在しないでしょう。 supervise [to direct and observe the work of others] She supervises a health services office. 彼女は医療保健事務所を管理しています。 supply [(1) to give; (2) to provide; (3) the amount of something that can be given or sold to others] The organization supplies food and clothing to poor people. (1) その団体は貧しい人々に食料と洋服を支給します。 The store supplies workers with low cost uniforms and other work clothing. (2) その店は労働者に安い制服とその他の仕事着を供給しています。 The store has large supplies of uniforms in all sizes. (3) その店はすべてのサイズを取り揃えた制服の豊富な在庫を持っています。 support [(1) to carry the weight of; (2) to hold up or in position; (3) to agree with others and help them reach a goal; (4) to approve] The walls support the weight of the house. (1) 壁が家の重みを支えています。 My helper supports the part while I connect it. (2) 私の助手は私が部品を繋げる間、それを支えています。 Her job is to support the other workers by agreeing with their decisions. (3) 彼女の仕事は、ほかの労働者たちの決定に同意することで彼らを支援することです。 He supports them by approving their efforts to complete the work. (4) 彼は仕事を完成しようとする彼らの努力を認めることで、彼らを支持しています。 suppose [(1) to believe, think or imagine; (2) to expect] I suppose you are right. (1) あなたの言うとおりでしょう。 It is supposed to rain tonight. (2) 今晩、雨が降ることになっています。 suppress [(1) to put down or to keep down by force; (2) to prevent information from being known publicly] The government suppressed any attempt to end its control. (1) 政府は政権を終わらせようとするあらゆる試みを鎮圧した。 The government suppressed all reports of demonstrations. (2) 政府は示威運動のすべての報道を禁止した。 sure [(1) very probable; (2) with good reason to believe; (3) true without question] He believed he had a sure method of escape. (1) 彼は自分には確実な脱出の方法があると信じていた。 Everything she wrote was based on sure facts. (2) 彼女が書いたことすべてが、疑いのない事実に基づいていた。 The government had sure proof that he did the crime. (3) 政府は彼が罪を犯したという確かな証拠を持っていた。 surface [the outer side or top of something] The rocket landed on the surface of the moon. ロケットは月面に着陸した。 surplus [(1) an amount that is more than is needed; (2) extra] The United States had a big budget surplus. (1) 合衆国は多額の予算剰余を持っていた。 That country has a trade surplus. It exports more than it imports. (2) その国の貿易は黒字です。その国は輸入より多く輸出しています。 surprise [(1) to cause a feeling of wonder because something is not expected; (2) something not expected; (3) the feeling caused by something not expected] Her friends surprised her with a party. (1) 彼女の友人らはパーティーを開いて彼女を驚かした。 The party was a big surprise. (2) パーティーはとても思いがけないものだった。 Her real surprise made everyone else as happy as she. (3) 彼女が本当に驚いたので、ほかの皆も彼女と同じくらいうれしくなった。 surrender [(1) to give control of oneself or one's property to another or others; (2) to stop fighting and admit defeat] The robbers surrendered to police. (1) 強盗たちは警察に自首した。 Germany surrendered to the allied powers to end the war in Europe. (2) ドイツが連合国軍に降伏して、ヨーロッパの戦争は終わった。 surround [(1) to form a circle around; (2) to be in positions all around someone or something] The house was surrounded by big trees. (1) 家は大きな木々で囲まれていた。 Soldiers surrounded the enemy headquarters. (2) 兵士たちは敵軍本部を包囲した。 survive [to remain alive during or after a dangerous situation] No one survived when the plane crashed into the mountain. 飛行機が山に衝突した時、だれも生き残らなかった。 suspect [(1) to imagine or believe that a person is guilty of something bad or illegal; (2) a person believed to be guilty] Police suspected her from the beginning. (1) 警察ははじめから彼女を疑っていた。 They questioned all the usual suspects. (2) 彼らはいつもの要注意人物全員に尋問した。 suspend [to cause to stop for a period of time] The committee meeting was suspended because not enough voting members were there. 委員会の会議は、投票権のあるメンバーの出席数が足りなかったので延期された。 swallow [to take into the stomach through the mouth] He swallowed the medicine. 彼は薬を飲み込んだ。 swear in [to put an official into office by having him or her promise to carry out the duties of that office] The chief justice will swear in the president. 最高裁判所長官が大統領に就任の宣誓をさせます。 sweet [tasting pleasant, like sugar] This fruit is very sweet. この果物はとても甘い。 swim [to move through water by making motions with the arms and legs] Can you swim across the river? あなたはこの川を泳いで渡れますか? sympathy [a sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelings of sadness] You have our sympathy for your loss. ご不幸に対しお悔やみ申し上げます。 system [(1) a method of organizing or doing something by following rules or a plan; (2) a group of connected things or parts working together for a common purpose or goal] The office established a filing system so that we can find documents easily and quickly. (1) 職場は、我々が書類を簡単に早く見つけることができるように書類整理の方式を確立した。 Our system of justice sometimes makes mistakes and punishes an innocent person. (2) 我々の司法の機構はときどき間違いを犯し、無実の人を罰する。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com