S-8 straight [continuing in one direction without turns] The road is straight, all the way across the desert. strange [(1) unusual; (2) not normal; (3) not known] I saw some strange lights in the sky last night. (1) Our backyard is a strange place to see a deer. (2) Some of our customs seem strange to her. (3) street [a road in a city, town or village] Which street are you looking for? stretch [(1) to extend for a distance; (2) to pull on to make longer or wider] They stretched the rope across the river. (1) His shoulders stretched the coat. (2) strike [(1) to hit with force; (2) to stop work as a way to seek better conditions, more pay or to make other demands] He struck the baseball with the bat. (1) The workers are on strike for more money. (2) strong [(1) having much power; (2) not easily broken, damaged or destroyed] The strong wind blew down some trees. (1) Even some of the strong trees were damaged. (2) structure [(1) the way something is built, made or organized; (2) a system that is formed or organized in a special way; (3) a building] This picture shows the structure of a plant cell. (1) He will propose some changes in the structure of the organization. (2) The new structure will have offices on 14 floors. (3) struggle [(1) to try with much effort; (2) to fight with; (3) a great effort; (4) a fight] He struggled to keep his company open. (1) The two boys struggled for no reason. (2) It is a great struggle just to get up in the morning. (3) Who were the boys in that struggle outside the school? (4) study [(1) to make an effort to gain knowledge by using the mind; (2) to examine carefully] He studied for many years to become a doctor. (1) She studied the problem carefully before making her proposal. (2) stupid [(1) not able to learn much; (2) not intelligent] You are not stupid, you have a learning problem. (1) There are no stupid people, only stupid mistakes. (2) subject [the person or thing being discussed, studied or written about] Everyone knows the subject of this meeting, so let us get started. submarine [an underwater ship] The submarine is in trouble at the bottom of the ocean. substance [the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas)] The new substance is a liquid that quickly changes to a solid when mixed with another chemical. substitute [(1) to put or use in place of another; (2) a person or thing put or used in place of another] You can substitute this medicine for the one you have been using. (1) Jim is a substitute for Tom in today's game. (2) subversion [an attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government, usually secretly] The three men are accused of subversion. succeed [(1) to reach a goal or thing desired; (2) to produce a planned result] He succeeded in marrying her. (1) The team succeeded in winning every game that year. (2) such [(1) of this or that kind; (2) of the same kind as; (3) similar to] She was surprised that they were interested in visiting such places. (1) Such people are never happy with their situation. (2) He had coins, keys, gum and such in his pockets. (3) sudden [(1) not expected; (2) without warning; (3) done or carried out quickly or without preparation] All of us got wet during that sudden rainstorm. (1) Police made a sudden arrest in the case. (2) He made a sudden decision to retire immediately. (3) suffer [(1) to feel pain in the body or mind; (2) to receive or experience hurt or sadness] She suffered much before her death from cancer. (1) He suffered from depression when he did not use his medicine. (2) sugar [a sweet substance made from liquids taken from plants] I would like sugar in my tea, please. --------------------- --------------------- S-8 straight [continuing in one direction without turns] The road is straight, all the way across the desert. 道路は砂漠の端から端まで真っ直ぐです。 strange [(1) unusual; (2) not normal; (3) not known] I saw some strange lights in the sky last night. (1) 私は昨晩、空に不思議な光がいくつかあるのを見た。 Our backyard is a strange place to see a deer. (2) 私たちの裏庭で鹿を見るのはめずらしい。 Some of our customs seem strange to her. (3) 我々の習慣のいくつかは、彼女にとってなじみのないものに思われる。 street [a road in a city, town or village] Which street are you looking for? あなたはどの通りを探しているのですか? stretch [(1) to extend for a distance; (2) to pull on to make longer or wider] They stretched the rope across the river. (1) 彼らは川の両岸にロープを張った。 His shoulders stretched the coat. (2) 彼の両肩はコートを引き伸ばした。 strike [(1) to hit with force; (2) to stop work as a way to seek better conditions, more pay or to make other demands] He struck the baseball with the bat. (1) 彼はバットで野球のボールを打った。 The workers are on strike for more money. (2) 労働者たちは賃上げを要求してストライキを行っています。 strong [(1) having much power; (2) not easily broken, damaged or destroyed] The strong wind blew down some trees. (1) 強い風が何本かの木を吹き倒した。 Even some of the strong trees were damaged. (2) 何本かの強固な木々でさえ損害を受けた。 structure [(1) the way something is built, made or organized; (2) a system that is formed or organized in a special way; (3) a building] This picture shows the structure of a plant cell. (1) この絵は植物細胞の構造を示しています。 He will propose some changes in the structure of the organization. (2) 彼は組織構造のいくつかの変更を提案するつもりです。 The new structure will have offices on 14 floors. (3) 新しい建物は14の階に事務所が出来ます。 struggle [(1) to try with much effort; (2) to fight with; (3) a great effort; (4) a fight] He struggled to keep his company open. (1) 彼は自分の会社が営業を続けられるように一生懸命努力した。 The two boys struggled for no reason. (2) 訳もなく2人の男の子はけんかした。 It is a great struggle just to get up in the morning. (3) ただ朝起きることだけでも非常に大変です。 Who were the boys in that struggle outside the school? (4) 学校の外でけんかしていた男の子たちは誰でしたか? study [(1) to make an effort to gain knowledge by using the mind; (2) to examine carefully] He studied for many years to become a doctor. (1) 彼は医者になるために長年勉強した。 She studied the problem carefully before making her proposal. (2) 彼女は提案する前に注意深くその問題を調べました。 stupid [(1) not able to learn much; (2) not intelligent] You are not stupid, you have a learning problem. (1) あなたは頭が鈍いのではありません。学習の問題があります。 There are no stupid people, only stupid mistakes. (2) 愚かな人たちがいるわけではなく、愚かな間違いをするだけです。 subject [the person or thing being discussed, studied or written about] Everyone knows the subject of this meeting, so let us get started. 全員がこの会議の議題を知っています。ですから始めましょう。 submarine [an underwater ship] The submarine is in trouble at the bottom of the ocean. 潜水艦は海の底で困難な状況にあります。 substance [the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas)] The new substance is a liquid that quickly changes to a solid when mixed with another chemical. 新しい物質は別の化学薬品と混ぜるとすぐに固形に変化する液体です。 substitute [(1) to put or use in place of another; (2) a person or thing put or used in place of another] You can substitute this medicine for the one you have been using. (1) この薬をこれまで使っていた薬の代わりにしても結構です。 Jim is a substitute for Tom in today's game. (2) 今日の試合でジムはトムの補欠選手です。 subversion [an attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government, usually secretly] The three men are accused of subversion. 3人の男たちは破壊活動の罪で告訴されます。 succeed [(1) to reach a goal or thing desired; (2) to produce a planned result] He succeeded in marrying her. (1) 彼は(望みどおり)彼女と結婚することができた。 The team succeeded in winning every game that year. (2) チームはその年のすべてのゲームに勝つことができた。 such [(1) of this or that kind; (2) of the same kind as; (3) similar to] She was surprised that they were interested in visiting such places. (1) 彼女は彼らがそのような場所に行くことに興味があることに驚いた。 Such people are never happy with their situation. (2) そういった人たちは、自分たちの状況に決して満足していません。 He had coins, keys, gum and such in his pockets. (3) 彼は小銭、鍵、ガム、そしてその類の物をポケットに持っていた。 sudden [(1) not expected; (2) without warning; (3) done or carried out quickly or without preparation] All of us got wet during that sudden rainstorm. (1) その突然の暴風雨の間に我々は全員濡れた。 Police made a sudden arrest in the case. (2) その事件で警察は突然の逮捕を行った。 He made a sudden decision to retire immediately. (3) 彼は直ちに引退するという急な決断をした。 suffer [(1) to feel pain in the body or mind; (2) to receive or experience hurt or sadness] She suffered much before her death from cancer. (1) 彼女は癌で亡くなる前、大変苦しんだ。 He suffered from depression when he did not use his medicine. (2) 彼は薬を飲まなかった時、うつ状態に悩まされた。 sugar [a sweet substance made from liquids taken from plants] I would like sugar in my tea, please. 私の紅茶には砂糖を入れてください。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com