S-7 stand [(1) to move into or be in a position in which only the feet are on a surface; (2) to be in one position or place] She told the students to stand for the opening ceremony. (1) Two hours ago, she was standing where the city bus stops. (2) star [(1) a mass of gas that usually appears as a small light in the sky at night, but is not a planet; (2) a famous person, usually an actor or singer] Those stars form the shape of Orion the Hunter. (1) Some Hollywood stars were at the White House last night. (2) start [(1) to begin; (2) to make something begin] He will start the new job tomorrow. (1) Will you start the car and turn on the heater? (2) starve [to suffer or die from a lack of food] Thousands may have starved to death because of crop failures in Sudan. state [(1) to say; (2) to declare; (3) a political part of a nation] The Ambassador stated his concern about the problem. (1) A White House spokesman stated that no changes had been made in policies affecting trade with Asia. (2) He plans to travel through several western states. (3) station [(1) a place of special work or purpose; (2) a place where passengers get on or off trains or buses; (3) a place for radio or television broadcasts] Rebels attacked a police station outside the city. (1) He plans to meet her when she arrives at the bus station. (2) She works at the television station. (3) statue [a form of a human, animal or other creature usually made of stone, wood or metal] The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor was a gift from France. stay [(1) to continue to be where one is; (2) to remain; (3) to not leave; (4) to live for a time] I will stay here until you return. (1) He stayed at home yesterday. (2) She said I should stay until she calls. (3) They stayed in New York for two years. (4) steal [to take without permission or paying] Be careful. She will steal your heart. steam [the gas that comes from hot water] The kitchen is full of steam when his mother cooks. steel [iron made harder and stronger by mixing it with other substances] Much of the steel used now in the United States is imported. step [(1) to move by lifting one foot and placing it in a new position; (2) the act of stepping; (3)one of a series of actions designed to reach a goal] He stepped through the door. (1) We moved slowly up the mountain, one step at a time. (2) The final step is to put the new boat in the water. (3) stick [(1) to attach something to another thing using a substance that will hold them together; (2) to become fixed in one position so that movement is difficult; (3) a thin piece of wood] We will put glue on the wallpaper, then stick the paper to the wall. (1) Something is making the door stick. (2) We need some small sticks to start a campfire. (3) still [(1) not moving; (2) until the present or a stated time; (3) even so; (4) although] The man was standing still. (1) Was he still there? (2) She slept for nine hours, but she was still tired. (3) The job was difficult, but she still wanted to do it. (4) stone [a small piece of rock] The boys threw stones at the soldiers. stop [(1) to prevent any more movement or action; (2) to come or bring to an end] She stopped the car. (1) Stop that noise. (2) store [(1) to keep or put away for future use; (2) a place where people buy things] She stores food for emergencies. (1) His father owns an automobile parts store. (2) storm [violent weather, including strong winds and rain or snow] The storm caused severe damage across southern Florida. story [the telling or writing of an event, either real or imagined] No one believed the story of her life, so she changed it. stove [a heating device used for cooking] The stove is broken so I cannot cook dinner. --------------------- --------------------- S-7 stand [(1) to move into or be in a position in which only the feet are on a surface; (2) to be in one position or place] She told the students to stand for the opening ceremony. (1) 彼女は学生たちに開会式のため起立するように言った。 Two hours ago, she was standing where the city bus stops. (2) 2時間前、彼女は市バスの停留所のところに立っていました。 star [(1) a mass of gas that usually appears as a small light in the sky at night, but is not a planet; (2) a famous person, usually an actor or singer] Those stars form the shape of Orion the Hunter. (1) それらの星たちがオリオン座を形作っています。 Some Hollywood stars were at the White House last night. (2) ハリウッドスターの何人かが昨夜ホワイトハウスにいました。 start [(1) to begin; (2) to make something begin] He will start the new job tomorrow. (1) 彼は明日新しい仕事を始めます。 Will you start the car and turn on the heater? (2) 車を始動させて暖房を入れてくれませんか? starve [to suffer or die from a lack of food] Thousands may have starved to death because of crop failures in Sudan. スーダンの農作物の不作で何千人もの人が餓死した可能性があります。 state [(1) to say; (2) to declare; (3) a political part of a nation] The Ambassador stated his concern about the problem. (1) 大使はその問題についての彼の懸念を述べた。 A White House spokesman stated that no changes had been made in policies affecting trade with Asia. (2) ホワイトハウスのスポークスマンは、アジアとの貿易に影響を与えるような政策の変更はなにもなかったと声明した。 He plans to travel through several western states. (3) 彼はいくつかの西方の州を旅することを計画している。 station [(1) a place of special work or purpose; (2) a place where passengers get on or off trains or buses; (3) a place for radio or television broadcasts] Rebels attacked a police station outside the city. (1) 反抗者たちは町の外にある交番を襲った。 He plans to meet her when she arrives at the bus station. (2) 彼は彼女がバスの停留所に着くときに彼女を出迎える予定です。 She works at the television station. (3) 彼女はテレビ局で働いています。 statue [a form of a human, animal or other creature usually made of stone, wood or metal] The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor was a gift from France. ニューヨーク港の自由の女神像はフランスから贈られました。 stay [(1) to continue to be where one is; (2) to remain; (3) to not leave; (4) to live for a time] I will stay here until you return. (1) 私はあなたが戻るまでここにいます。 He stayed at home yesterday. (2) 彼は昨日家で過ごした。 She said I should stay until she calls. (3) 彼女は、彼女が電話するまでいるようにと私に言った。 They stayed in New York for two years. (4) 彼らはニューヨークに2年間滞在しました。 steal [to take without permission or paying] Be careful. She will steal your heart. 気をつけてください。彼女は知らぬ間にあなたの気持ちを自分に向けてしまいますよ。 steam [the gas that comes from hot water] The kitchen is full of steam when his mother cooks. 彼の母が料理すると、台所は蒸気でいっぱいになる。 steel [iron made harder and stronger by mixing it with other substances] Much of the steel used now in the United States is imported. 合衆国で現在使われている鉄の多くは輸入されています。 step [(1) to move by lifting one foot and placing it in a new position; (2) the act of stepping; (3)one of a series of actions designed to reach a goal] He stepped through the door. (1) 彼はそのドアから足を踏み入れた。 We moved slowly up the mountain, one step at a time. (2) 我々は一歩ずつゆっくりと山を登った。 The final step is to put the new boat in the water. (3) 手順の最後は新しいボートを水に入れることです。 stick [(1) to attach something to another thing using a substance that will hold them together; (2) to become fixed in one position so that movement is difficult; (3) a thin piece of wood] We will put glue on the wallpaper, then stick the paper to the wall. (1) 我々は壁紙にのりをつけ、そして壁に壁紙を貼りつけます。 Something is making the door stick. (2) 何かがドアを密着して開かなくしています。 We need some small sticks to start a campfire. (3) 私たちはキャンプファイヤーを始めるのに少し小枝が必要です。 still [(1) not moving; (2) until the present or a stated time; (3) even so; (4) although] The man was standing still. (1) 男はじっと立っていた。 Was he still there? (2) 彼はまだそこにいましたか? She slept for nine hours, but she was still tired. (3) 彼女は9時間眠ったが、まだ疲れていた。 The job was difficult, but she still wanted to do it. (4) 仕事は難しかったが、彼女はそれでもその仕事をしたかった。 stone [a small piece of rock] The boys threw stones at the soldiers. 男の子は兵士たちに向けて石を投げた。 stop [(1) to prevent any more movement or action; (2) to come or bring to an end] She stopped the car. (1) 彼女は車を止めた。 Stop that noise. (2) その音を止めてください。 store [(1) to keep or put away for future use; (2) a place where people buy things] She stores food for emergencies. (1) 彼女は緊急時に備えて食料を蓄えている。 His father owns an automobile parts store. (2) 彼の父は自動車部品の店を持っている。 storm [violent weather, including strong winds and rain or snow] The storm caused severe damage across southern Florida. 嵐は南フロリダの全域に甚大な被害を生じさせた。 story [the telling or writing of an event, either real or imagined] No one believed the story of her life, so she changed it. 彼女の人生の話を信じる人は誰もいなかったので彼女は話を変えた。 stove [a heating device used for cooking] The stove is broken so I cannot cook dinner. 料理用レンジが壊れたので、私は夕食を作れません。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com