S-6 son [a person's male child] Tommy is my youngest son. soon [(1) not long after the present time; (2) quickly] She will soon be 18 years old. (1) Tell him to get here as soon as possible. (2) sort [(1) any group of people or things that are the same or are similar in some way; (2) a kind of something] They are the same sort of people as I. (1) He is the sort of person you want as a friend. (2) sound [(1) fast-moving waves of energy that affect the ear and result in hearing; (2) that which is heard] Sound travels through the air at a speed of 1,088 feet per second. (1) She says the sound of the ocean helps her sleep. (2) south [the direction to the right of a person facing the rising sun] He lives 15 miles south of Washington. space [(1) the area outside the earth's atmosphere where the sun, moon, planets and stars are; (2) the area between or inside things] Humans began making flights into space in the early 1960's. (1) Their new house has more space than their old one. (2) speak [(1) to talk; (2) to say words with the mouth; (3) to express one's thoughts to others and exchange ideas; (4) to give a speech to a group] She would not speak to him. (1) He spoke to everyone. (2) He spoke about his proposal to everyone he met. (3) The Senator speaks to a group tomorrow about trade relations with East Asia. (4) special [(1) of a different or unusual kind; (2) not for general use; (3) better or more important than others of the same kind] Special English is a special kind of English that is easy to understand. (1) This is a special machine that can be used only by a trained worker. (2)                      She received a special award for a lifetime of service to others. (3) speech [a talk given to a group of people] The President will make a television speech tonight about civil rights. speed [(1) to make something go or move faster; (2) the rate at which something moves or travels; (3) the rate at which something happens or is done] The chairman is speeding up debate on the bill. (1) Do you know the speed of light? (2) Special English news is read at a speed of 90 words per minute. (3) spend [(1) to give as payment; (2) to use] He spent 45 dollars for food. (1) He spends much time studying. (2) spill [to cause or permit liquid to flow out, usually by accident] The big ship spilled hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil into the ocean. spirit [(1) the part of a human that is not physical and is connected to thoughts and emotions; (2) the part of a person that is believed to remain alive after death] His spirit continued to fight the disease even after his body surrendered. (1) Many believe a person's spirit does not die but returns to the world in a new body. (2) split [(1) to separate into two or more parts; (2) to divide or break into parts] When you split wood for a fire, you are warmed two times: once by the work and later by the fire. (1) Cells split into two parts; the new part becomes a new cell that is exactly like the old one. (2) sport [any game or activity of competition involving physical effort or skill] His daughter plays four sports. spread [(1) to become longer or wider; (2) to make or become widely known] The old tree has spread its roots and branches over a wide area. (1) Please spread the news that we are having a party next Saturday. (2) spring [the time of the year between winter and summer] I hope spring starts early this year. spy [(1) to steal or get information secretly; (2) one who watches others secretly; (3) a person employed by a government to get secret information about another country] She spied to get information for another company. (1) A spy for the man's wife watched him for several weeks. (2) Three people employed at the C.I.A. were accused of being spies for a foreign country. (3) square [a flat shape having four equal sides] Measure this square and tell me how much material is needed to cover it. stab [to cut or push into or through with a pointed weapon] The person stabbed her then ran away. --------------------- --------------------- S-6 son [a person's male child] Tommy is my youngest son. トミーは私の末の息子です。 soon [(1) not long after the present time; (2) quickly] She will soon be 18 years old. (1) 彼女はまもなく18歳になります。 Tell him to get here as soon as possible. (2) 彼にできるだけ早くここに来るように言ってください。 sort [(1) any group of people or things that are the same or are similar in some way; (2) a kind of something] They are the same sort of people as I. (1) 彼らは私と似通った人たちです。 He is the sort of person you want as a friend. (2) 彼はあなたが友達にしたいタイプの人です。 sound [(1) fast-moving waves of energy that affect the ear and result in hearing; (2) that which is heard] Sound travels through the air at a speed of 1,088 feet per second. (1) 音は空気中を毎秒1,088フイートのスピードで伝わります。 *one feet = 30.48 centimeters She says the sound of the ocean helps her sleep. (2) 彼女は海の音は彼女の眠りを促進すると言います。 south [the direction to the right of a person facing the rising sun] He lives 15 miles south of Washington. 彼はワシントンの15マイル南に住んでいます。 * one mile = 1.6 kilometers space [(1) the area outside the earth's atmosphere where the sun, moon, planets and stars are; (2) the area between or inside things] Humans began making flights into space in the early 1960's. (1) 人類は1960年代のはじめに宇宙への飛行を始めました。 Their new house has more space than their old one. (2) 彼らの新しい家は古い家よりも多くの空間があります。 speak [(1) to talk; (2) to say words with the mouth; (3) to express one's thoughts to others and exchange ideas; (4) to give a speech to a group] She would not speak to him. (1) 彼女はどうしても彼と話しをしなかった。 He spoke to everyone. (2) 彼は全員に話しかけました。 He spoke about his proposal to everyone he met. (3) 彼は自分の案について会った人全員に話しました。 The Senator speaks to a group tomorrow about trade relations with East Asia. (4) 上院議員は明日、ある団体に東アジアとの貿易関係について講演します。 special [(1) of a different or unusual kind; (2) not for general use; (3) better or more important than others of the same kind] Special English is a special kind of English that is easy to understand. (1) スペシャルイングリッシュは理解しやすい特別な英語です。 This is a special machine that can be used only by a trained worker. (2) この機械は訓練された人によってのみ使うことができる特殊な機械です。                        She received a special award for a lifetime of service to others. (3) 彼女は生涯他人に奉仕したことに対して特別賞を受賞した。 speech [a talk given to a group of people] The President will make a television speech tonight about civil rights. 大統領は公民権について今夜テレビで話しをする予定です。 speed [(1) to make something go or move faster; (2) the rate at which something moves or travels; (3) the rate at which something happens or is done] The chairman is speeding up debate on the bill. (1) 議長は法案についての議論(の進行)を急いでいる。 Do you know the speed of light? (2) 光の速度を知っていますか? Special English news is read at a speed of 90 words per minute. (3) スペシャルイングリッシュのニュースは毎分90語のスピードで読まれます。 spend [(1) to give as payment; (2) to use] He spent 45 dollars for food. (1) 彼は食品を買うのに45ドルを使った。 He spends much time studying. (2) 彼は勉強に多くの時間を費やします。 spill [to cause or permit liquid to flow out, usually by accident] The big ship spilled hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil into the ocean. 大きな船は海に何十万バーレルもの石油を流出した。 *one barrel(米)= 42 gallons (159 liters) spirit [(1) the part of a human that is not physical and is connected to thoughts and emotions; (2) the part of a person that is believed to remain alive after death] His spirit continued to fight the disease even after his body surrendered. (1) 彼の精神は彼の体が病気に屈した後でさえも病と闘い続けた。 Many believe a person's spirit does not die but returns to the world in a new body. (2) 多くの人は人の霊魂は死なずに新しい体に宿り、この世に戻ると信じています。 split [(1) to separate into two or more parts; (2) to divide or break into parts] When you split wood for a fire, you are warmed two times: once by the work and later by the fire. (1) 火をつけるために木を割る時、あなたは2回温まることができます。1回は労働によって、その後は火によってです。 Cells split into two parts; the new part becomes a new cell that is exactly like the old one. (2) 細胞は2つの部分に分裂します。新しい部分は元の細胞とまったく同じような細胞となります。 sport [any game or activity of competition involving physical effort or skill] His daughter plays four sports. 彼の娘は4種のスポーツをします。 spread [(1) to become longer or wider; (2) to make or become widely known] The old tree has spread its roots and branches over a wide area. (1) 老木は根と枝を広範囲に渡って広げてきました。 Please spread the news that we are having a party next Saturday. (2) 私たちが次の土曜日にパーティーを開くという情報を広めてください。 spring [the time of the year between winter and summer] I hope spring starts early this year. 私は今年は春が早く始まることを望んでいます。 spy [(1) to steal or get information secretly; (2) one who watches others secretly; (3) a person employed by a government to get secret information about another country] She spied to get information for another company. (1) 彼女は別の会社のために情報を盗んだ。 A spy for the man's wife watched him for several weeks. (2) 男の妻に雇われた密偵は数週間の間、彼を監視した。 Three people employed at the C.I.A. were accused of being spies for a foreign country. (3) CIAに雇われていた3人が外国のスパイであると告発された。 * CIA: Central Intelligence Agency(米中央情報局) square [a flat shape having four equal sides] Measure this square and tell me how much material is needed to cover it. この四角形の寸法を測って、これを蓋うのにどのくらいの材料が必要か私に教えてください。 stab [to cut or push into or through with a pointed weapon] The person stabbed her then ran away. その人は彼女を刺し、そして逃げた。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com