S-5 skin [the outer covering of humans and most animals] Her skin was burned red by the intense sunlight. sky [the space above the earth] The sky was filled with beautiful white clouds. slave [a person owned or controlled by another] All slaves in the United States were freed by an amendment to the Constitution in 1865. sleep [to rest the body and mind with the eyes closed] Do you sleep eight hours or more each night? slide [to move smoothly over a surface] A big area of snow slid down the mountain. slow [(1) to reduce the speed of; (2) not fast in moving, talking or other activities] Slow your speed to 45 miles per hour. (1) Is Special English slow enough for you? (2) small [(1) little in size or amount; (2) few in number; (3) not important; (4) opposite large] The small boy was hungry. (1) The small force landed by parachute. (2) It was a small problem and easy to solve. (3) His small house was next to a big building. (4) smash [(1) to break or be broken into small pieces by force; (2) to hit or move with force] He smashed the window with a rock. (1) The speeding car smashed into the wall. (2) smell [(1) to sense through the nose; (2) something sensed by the nose] She smelled something burning. (1) I love the smell of food cooking. (2) smoke [(1) to use cigarettes or other tobacco products by burning them and breathing in the smoke; (2) that which can be seen rising into the air like a cloud from something burning] He smoked cigarettes until he died. (1) The smoke from the burning forest rose high into the sky. (2) smooth [(1) having a level surface; (2) opposite rough] The smooth floor was perfect for dancing. (1) The floor was rough until the workman made it smooth. (2) snow [soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky, usually in winter or when the air temperature is very cold] The snow fell for two days. so [(1) in such a way that; (2) also; (3) too; (4) very; (5) as a result; (6) in order that; (7) for the purpose of] He held the flag so all could see it. (1) She was tired and so was I. (2) She left early, and so did we. (3) I am so sick. (4) They were sick, so they could not come. (5) We plant seeds so plants will grow. (6) Come early so we can discuss the plans. (7) social [of or about people or a group] The president offered a new solution for some social problems. soft [(1)not hard; (2) easily shaped; (3) pleasing to touch; (4) not loud] She likes a soft bed but her husband likes a hard bed. (1) Her daughter likes to shape things from soft clay. (2) I like to hold her soft hands. (3) The room was filled with soft music. (4) soil [earth in which plants grow] She put the seeds in the soil and the plants began to grow. soldier [a person in the army] A soldier is trained to be ready for any situation. solid [(1) having a hard shape with no empty spaces inside; (2) strong; (3) not in the form of a liquid or gas] The tools were solid metal and very heavy. (1) The house is solid, so it will survive the storm. (2) Ice is the solid form of water. (3) solve [(1) to find an answer; (2) to settle] The boy solved the mathematics problem. (1) The committee hopes its proposals will solve the current economic problem. (2) some [(1) of an amount or number or part not stated; (2) not all] Would you like some coffee? (1) Would you like some of my coffee? (2) --------------------- --------------------- S-5 skin [the outer covering of humans and most animals] Her skin was burned red by the intense sunlight. 彼女の膚は強烈な日光で赤く日焼けした。 sky [the space above the earth] The sky was filled with beautiful white clouds. 空は美しい白い雲でいっぱいでした。 slave [a person owned or controlled by another] All slaves in the United States were freed by an amendment to the Constitution in 1865. 合衆国のすべての奴隷は1865年の憲法改正で解放されました。 sleep [to rest the body and mind with the eyes closed] Do you sleep eight hours or more each night? あなたは毎晩8時間かまたはそれ以上眠りますか? slide [to move smoothly over a surface] A big area of snow slid down the mountain. 広い面積の雪が山をすべり落ちた。 slow [(1) to reduce the speed of; (2) not fast in moving, talking or other activities] Slow your speed to 45 miles per hour. (1) (車の)スピードを時速45マイルに落としなさい。 *one mile = 1.6 kilometers Is Special English slow enough for you? (2) スペシャルイングリッシュはあなた(が聴き取るの)に充分な遅さですか? small [(1) little in size or amount; (2) few in number; (3) not important; (4) opposite large] The small boy was hungry. (1) 小さな男の子は空腹だった。 The small force landed by parachute. (2) 小部隊がパラシュートで降り立った。 It was a small problem and easy to solve. (3) それは些細な問題で簡単に解決できるものだった。 His small house was next to a big building. (4) 彼の小さな家は大きなビルの隣にあった。 smash [(1) to break or be broken into small pieces by force; (2) to hit or move with force] He smashed the window with a rock. (1) 彼は石ころで窓を打ち砕いた。 The speeding car smashed into the wall. (2) スピードを出した車が壁に激突した。 smell [(1) to sense through the nose; (2) something sensed by the nose] She smelled something burning. (1) 彼女は何かが燃えるにおいを嗅いだ。 I love the smell of food cooking. (2) 私は食べ物を煮たきする匂いが好きです。 smoke [(1) to use cigarettes or other tobacco products by burning them and breathing in the smoke; (2) that which can be seen rising into the air like a cloud from something burning] He smoked cigarettes until he died. (1) 彼は死ぬまでタバコを吸った。 The smoke from the burning forest rose high into the sky. (2) 燃える森林から出た煙は、空高く昇った。 smooth [(1) having a level surface; (2) opposite rough] The smooth floor was perfect for dancing. (1) 平らな床はダンスには最適だった。 The floor was rough until the workman made it smooth. (2) 床は職人が滑らかにするまででこぼこだった。 snow [soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky, usually in winter or when the air temperature is very cold] The snow fell for two days. 雪は2日間降った。 so [(1) in such a way that; (2) also; (3) too; (4) very; (5) as a result; (6) in order that; (7) for the purpose of] He held the flag so all could see it. (1) 彼は皆が見えるように旗を持った。 She was tired and so was I. (2) 彼女は疲れていて、私も疲れていた。 She left early, and so did we. (3) 彼女は早く出発した。私たちもそうしました。 I am so sick. (4) 私はとても気分が悪い。 They were sick, so they could not come. (5) 彼らは気分が悪かったので来ることができなかった。 We plant seeds so plants will grow. (6) 私たちは植物が育つように種をまく。 Come early so we can discuss the plans. (7) その計画を話し合えるように早く来てください。 social [of or about people or a group] The president offered a new solution for some social problems. 大統領はいつくかの社会問題に関する新たな解決法を提案した。 soft [(1)not hard; (2) easily shaped; (3) pleasing to touch; (4) not loud] She likes a soft bed but her husband likes a hard bed. (1) 彼女は柔らかいベッドが好きですが、彼女の夫は堅いベッドが好きです。 Her daughter likes to shape things from soft clay. (2) 彼女の娘は柔らかい粘土でものを形作るのが好きです。 I like to hold her soft hands. (3) 私は彼女の感触のよい手を握るのが好きです。 The room was filled with soft music. (4) 部屋は穏やかな音楽で満ちていた。 soil [earth in which plants grow] She put the seeds in the soil and the plants began to grow. 彼女が土に種を埋めると、植物が生えてきました。 soldier [a person in the army] A soldier is trained to be ready for any situation. 兵士はどのような状況にも対応できるように訓練されます。 solid [(1) having a hard shape with no empty spaces inside; (2) strong; (3) not in the form of a liquid or gas] The tools were solid metal and very heavy. (1) 道具は中まで均質の金属で、とても重かった。 The house is solid, so it will survive the storm. (2) 家は堅固なので嵐にも耐えることができるだろう。 Ice is the solid form of water. (3) 氷は水が固形状になったものです。 solve [(1) to find an answer; (2) to settle] The boy solved the mathematics problem. (1) 男の子は数学の問題を解いた。 The committee hopes its proposals will solve the current economic problem. (2) 委員会は提案が現在の経済問題を解決することを望んでいます。 some [(1) of an amount or number or part not stated; (2) not all] Would you like some coffee? (1) コーヒーをお飲みになりませんか? Would you like some of my coffee? (2) 私のコーヒーを少しお飲みになりますか? (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com