S-4 shrink [to make or become less in size, weight or value] Those wool clothes will shrink if you wash them in hot water. sick [(1) suffering physically or mentally with a disease or other problem; (2) not in good health] She is sick with a fever. (1) He always seems to be sick. (2) sickness [the condition of being in bad health] Doctors do not yet know what is causing her sickness. side [(1) the outer surfaces of an object that are not the top or bottom; (2) parts away from the middle; (3) either the right or left half of the body] The side of my car was damaged in the accident. (1) On which side of the football field does our school sit? (2)  He usually sleeps on the left side of his body. (3) sign [(1) to write one's name; (2) a mark or shape used to mean something; (3) evidence that something exists or will happen; (4) a flat piece of material with writing that gives information] The writer signed a copy of his book for me. (1) A white mark on trees is a sign of the mountain trail. (2) Scientists have found no sign yet of life anywhere else in the Universe. (3) That sign tells us how many miles we must drive to get to Chicago. (4) signal [(1) to send a message by signs; (2) an action or movement that sends a message] That traffic light signals when we must stop or go. (1) Paul Revere will make a signal with his light to warn if the British are coming by land or sea. (2) silence [(1) to make quiet; (2) to stop from speaking or making noise; (3) a lack of noise or sound] Silence the television by pushing the mute button on your hand control. (1) The team leader silenced his men with a hand sign. (2) She heard only silence. (3) silver [a valued white metal] That little box is made of silver. similar [like something else but not exactly the same] The President said his proposal was similar to a proposal by Congress. simple [(1) easy to understand or do; (2) not difficult or complex] Special English is a simple form of spoken English. (1) This book tells us in a simple way how to use a computer to do complex work. (2) since [from a time in the past until now] I have known her since we went to school together. sing [to make music sounds with the voice] He sings in the shower. single [one only] He gave her a single flower, a red rose, to show his love. sink [to go down into water or other liquid] He sank deeper into the mud with each step. sister [a female with the same father or mother as another person] I have only one sister. sit [(1) to rest on the lower part of the body without the support of the legs; (2) to become seated] Please sit down and rest. (1) She sat down. (2) situation [the way things are during a period of time] The situation in the Middle East is very dangerous. size [(1) the space occupied by something; (2) how long, wide or high something is] Can you imagine the size of the Universe? (1) Geometry can help you measure the size of that big tree. (2) skeleton [all the bones of a human or other animal together in their normal positions] Scientists sometimes find the skeletons of people who lived thousands of years ago. skill [the ability gained from training or experience] He has great baseball skills. --------------------- --------------------- S-4 shrink [to make or become less in size, weight or value] Those wool clothes will shrink if you wash them in hot water. それらのウールの洋服は、熱いお湯で洗うと縮んでしまうでしょう。 sick [(1) suffering physically or mentally with a disease or other problem; (2) not in good health] She is sick with a fever. (1) 彼女は病気で発熱している。 He always seems to be sick. (2) 彼はいつも具合が悪そうに見える。 sickness [the condition of being in bad health] Doctors do not yet know what is causing her sickness. 医者たちは何が彼女の体調不良の原因になっているかまだ分からない。 side [(1) the outer surfaces of an object that are not the top or bottom; (2) parts away from the middle; (3) either the right or left half of the body] The side of my car was damaged in the accident. (1) 私の車の側面は事故で傷つけられた。 On which side of the football field does our school sit? (2)  フットボール競技場のどちら側に私たちの学校は座るのですか? He usually sleeps on the left side of his body. (3) 彼は普段、体の左側を下にして寝ます。 sign [(1) to write one's name; (2) a mark or shape used to mean something; (3) evidence that something exists or will happen; (4) a flat piece of material with writing that gives information] The writer signed a copy of his book for me. (1) その作家は私のために彼の本の一冊にサインしてくれた。 A white mark on trees is a sign of the mountain trail. (2) 木に付いている白い目印は山道の道しるべです。 Scientists have found no sign yet of life anywhere else in the Universe. (3) 科学者たちは、まだ宇宙の(地球以外)ほかのどこにも生命の形跡を見つけていない。 That sign tells us how many miles we must drive to get to Chicago. (4) その標識はシカゴまで車で何マイルなのかを告げています。 *one mile = 1.6 kilometers signal [(1) to send a message by signs; (2) an action or movement that sends a message] That traffic light signals when we must stop or go. (1) その交通信号はいつ止まり、いつ進むべきか合図を送っています。 Paul Revere will make a signal with his light to warn if the British are coming by land or sea. (2) ポール・リヴィアは英国人が陸上または海上から接近したら、明かりで警告の合図を送ります。 ※ Paul Revere: アメリカ独立革命勃発時の英雄 silence [(1) to make quiet; (2) to stop from speaking or making noise; (3) a lack of noise or sound] Silence the television by pushing the mute button on your hand control. (1) リモートコントロールの無音ボタンを押してテレビを静かにしてください。 The team leader silenced his men with a hand sign. (2) チームの指導者は手まねでチームのメンバーたちを黙らせた。 She heard only silence. (3) 彼女は静寂だけを耳にした。 silver [a valued white metal] That little box is made of silver. その小さな箱は銀で出来ています。 similar [like something else but not exactly the same] The President said his proposal was similar to a proposal by Congress. 大統領は自分の提案は議会による提案と似たものだと言った。 simple [(1) easy to understand or do; (2) not difficult or complex] Special English is a simple form of spoken English. (1) スペシャルイングリッシュは英語の話し言葉のやさしい表現形式です。 This book tells us in a simple way how to use a computer to do complex work. (2) この本は我々に込み入った仕事をするのにコンピューターをどのように使うのか、簡単な方法で教えてくれます。 since [from a time in the past until now] I have known her since we went to school together. 私は彼女のことを一緒に学校に行っていたころから知っている。 sing [to make music sounds with the voice] He sings in the shower. 彼はシャワーを浴びる時、歌を歌います。 single [one only] He gave her a single flower, a red rose, to show his love. 彼は自分の愛を示すために彼女に一輪の花、赤いバラをあげた。 sink [to go down into water or other liquid] He sank deeper into the mud with each step. 彼は一歩、歩くにつれて泥の中に深く沈んだ。 sister [a female with the same father or mother as another person] I have only one sister. 私はひとりだけ姉(妹)がいます。 sit [(1) to rest on the lower part of the body without the support of the legs; (2) to become seated] Please sit down and rest. (1) 座って休んでください。 She sat down. (2) 彼女は着席した。 situation [the way things are during a period of time] The situation in the Middle East is very dangerous. 中東の情勢はとても危険です。 size [(1) the space occupied by something; (2) how long, wide or high something is] Can you imagine the size of the Universe? (1) あなたは宇宙の大きさを想像できますか? Geometry can help you measure the size of that big tree. (2) その大木の大きさを測るには幾何学が役に立ちます。 skeleton [all the bones of a human or other animal together in their normal positions] Scientists sometimes find the skeletons of people who lived thousands of years ago. 科学者たちはときおり数千年も前に生きていた人々の骸骨を見つけます。 skill [the ability gained from training or experience] He has great baseball skills. 彼はすばらしい野球の技術を持っています。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com