S-3 several [three or more, but not many] I saw them in the office several days ago. severe [(1) not gentle; (2) causing much pain, sadness or damage] The prisoners received severe treatment from their guards. (1) The powerful storm caused severe damage to homes. (2) sex [(1) either the male or female group into which all people and animals are divided because of their actions in producing young; (2) the physical activity by which humans and animals can produce young] What is the sex of your children? (1) The doctor warned them about the dangers of unprotected sex. (2) shake [to move or cause to move in short, quick movements] Do not shake your finger at me. shape [(1) to give form to; (2) the form of something, especially how it looks] He shaped his own version of the truth from the facts that were known. (1) She made him a birthday cake in the shape of a fish. (2) share [(1) to give part of something to another or others; (2) a part belonging to, given to or owned by a single person or a group; (3) any one of the equal parts of ownership of a business or company] They shared the food that remained. (1) Each of the brothers had an equal share of the business. (2) The president owned 100,000 shares of the company's stock. (3) sharp [(1) having a thin edge or small point that can cut or hurt; (2) causing hurt or pain] The sharp knife cut through the vegetable and into his finger. (1) Her sharp, angry voice cut him like a knife. (2) she [the girl or woman who is being spoken about] She is a kind woman. sheep [a farm animal used for its meat and hair] They used the wool from their sheep to make all of their clothes. shell [(1) to fire artillery; (2) a metal container that is fired from a large gun and explodes when it reaches its target; (3) a hard outside cover] The big guns shelled the town for an hour. (1) The soldiers fired more than 200 artillery shells. (2) The turtle's shell protects it from its enemies. (3) shelter [(1) to protect or give protection to; (2) something that gives protection; (3) a place of safety] She sheltered her son from the evil she saw in the world. (1) Survival in nature requires food, water and shelter. (2) They found shelter under a tree until the rain ended. (3) shine [(1) to aim a light; (2) to give bright light; (3) to be bright; (4) to clean to make bright] He shined the light on them. (1) The sun shined brightly in the clear sky. (2) The faces of the children shined with happiness. (3) She shined the silver lamp until she could see her face in it. (4) ship [(1) to transport; (2) a large boat] He ships his products by truck. (1) The ship seemed to stop at every island in the Caribbean Sea. (2) shock [(1) to cause to feel sudden surprise or fear; (2) something that greatly affects the mind or emotions; (3) a powerful shake, as from an earthquake] She was shocked to find a man hiding in her house. (1) Her father's sudden death was a great shock to her. (2) Many minor shocks followed the earthquake. (3) shoe [a covering for the foot] I cannot find one of my shoes. shoot [(1) to cause a gun or other weapon to send out an object designed to kill; (2)to use a gun] The policewoman will shoot you if you move. (1) He shoots only at targets. (2) short [(1) lasting only for a small period of time; (2) not long; (3) opposite tall] He made a short speech. (1) The missing dog has short legs and a long body. (2) She is short, but her husband is tall. (3) should [(1) used with another verb (action word) to show responsibility, (2) probability, (3) or that something is believed to be a good idea] We should study. (1) The talks should begin soon. (2) Criminals should be punished. (3) shout [to speak very loudly] The protestors shouted at the President. show [(1) to make something be seen; (2) to make known; (3) a play or story presented in a theater, or broadcast on radio or television, for enjoyment or education; (4) something organized to be seen by the public] She showed an anger I did not know she possessed. (1) He showed that he could do it. (2) Did you hear the Morning Show today on VOA radio? (3) The music students played at a free show after school. (4) --------------------- --------------------- S-3 several [three or more, but not many] I saw them in the office several days ago. 私は彼らを数日前に事務所で見ました。 severe [(1) not gentle; (2) causing much pain, sadness or damage] The prisoners received severe treatment from their guards. (1) 囚人らは看守からきびしい扱いを受けた。 The powerful storm caused severe damage to homes. (2) 強力な嵐は家々に多大な損害を生じさせました。 sex [(1) either the male or female group into which all people and animals are divided because of their actions in producing young; (2) the physical activity by which humans and animals can produce young] What is the sex of your children? (1) あなたの子供たちの性別はなんですか? The doctor warned them about the dangers of unprotected sex. (2) 医者は彼らに無防備な性行為の危険について警告した。 shake [to move or cause to move in short, quick movements] Do not shake your finger at me. 私に向かって人差し指を立てて振らないでください(叱責、非難のしぐさ)。 shape [(1) to give form to; (2) the form of something, especially how it looks] He shaped his own version of the truth from the facts that were known. (1) 彼は周知の事実から、彼なりの真相の見解を作り上げた。 She made him a birthday cake in the shape of a fish. (2) 彼女は彼に魚の形のバースデー・ケーキを作った。 share [(1) to give part of something to another or others; (2) a part belonging to, given to or owned by a single person or a group; (3) any one of the equal parts of ownership of a business or company] They shared the food that remained. (1) 彼らは残っていた食料を分け合った。 Each of the brothers had an equal share of the business. (2) 兄弟のそれぞれは事業の所有権を平等に持った。 The president owned 100,000 shares of the company's stock. (3) 社長は会社の株を10万株所有していた。 sharp [(1) having a thin edge or small point that can cut or hurt; (2) causing hurt or pain] The sharp knife cut through the vegetable and into his finger. (1) 鋭いナイフは野菜を通りぬけて彼の指にまでささった。 Her sharp, angry voice cut him like a knife. (2) 彼女の厳しく、怒った声はナイフのように彼の胸に突き刺さった。 she [the girl or woman who is being spoken about] She is a kind woman. 彼女はやさしい女性です。 sheep [a farm animal used for its meat and hair] They used the wool from their sheep to make all of their clothes. 彼らは自分たちのすべての服を作るのに、飼っている羊から取った羊毛を使いました。 shell [(1) to fire artillery; (2) a metal container that is fired from a large gun and explodes when it reaches its target; (3) a hard outside cover] The big guns shelled the town for an hour. (1) 大きな大砲が町を1時間にわたって砲撃した。 The soldiers fired more than 200 artillery shells. (2) 兵士たちは200以上の砲弾を発射した。 The turtle's shell protects it from its enemies. (3) 亀の甲羅は外敵から身を守ります。 shelter [(1) to protect or give protection to; (2) something that gives protection; (3) a place of safety] She sheltered her son from the evil she saw in the world. (1) 彼女は世間で彼女が目にした害悪から自分の息子を保護しました。 Survival in nature requires food, water and shelter. (2) 自然の中で生き残るためには食料、水、住みかが必要です。 They found shelter under a tree until the rain ended. (3) 彼らは雨が止むまで木の下で雨宿りをした。 shine [(1) to aim a light; (2) to give bright light; (3) to be bright; (4) to clean to make bright] He shined the light on them. (1) 彼は彼らに明かりを当てた。 The sun shined brightly in the clear sky. (2) 澄んだ空で太陽が明るく輝いていた。 The faces of the children shined with happiness. (3) 子供たちの顔は喜びで輝いていた。 She shined the silver lamp until she could see her face in it. (4) 彼女は銀色のランプを自分の顔が写るぐらいまで磨いた。 ship [(1) to transport; (2) a large boat] He ships his products by truck. (1) 彼は製品をトラックで出荷します。 The ship seemed to stop at every island in the Caribbean Sea. (2) 船はカリブ海のすべての島に立ち寄るようでした。 shock [(1) to cause to feel sudden surprise or fear; (2) something that greatly affects the mind or emotions; (3) a powerful shake, as from an earthquake] She was shocked to find a man hiding in her house. (1) 彼女は自分の家に隠れている男を見つけてぎょっとした。 Her father's sudden death was a great shock to her. (2) 彼女の父の突然の死は、彼女に多大な精神的打撃を与えた。 Many minor shocks followed the earthquake. (3) 地震の後に多くの小さな揺れが続いた。 shoe [a covering for the foot] I cannot find one of my shoes. 私の靴の片方が見つかりません。 shoot [(1) to cause a gun or other weapon to send out an object designed to kill; (2)to use a gun] The policewoman will shoot you if you move. (1) その女性警察官はあなたが動けば、銃を発射します。 He shoots only at targets. (2) 彼は標的をめがけてのみ銃を撃ちます。 short [(1) lasting only for a small period of time; (2) not long; (3) opposite tall] He made a short speech. (1) 彼は短いスピーチを行った。 The missing dog has short legs and a long body. (2) 行方不明の犬は足が短く胴が長い犬です。 She is short, but her husband is tall. (3) 彼女は背が低いが、彼女の夫は背が高い。 should [(1) used with another verb (action word) to show responsibility, (2) probability, (3) or that something is believed to be a good idea] We should study. (1) 私たちは勉強しなければならない。 The talks should begin soon. (2) 話し合いはすぐに始まるはずです。 Criminals should be punished. (3) 犯罪者たちは罰せられるべきです。 shout [to speak very loudly] The protestors shouted at the President. 抗議者たちは大統領に向かってどなった。 show [(1) to make something be seen; (2) to make known; (3) a play or story presented in a theater, or broadcast on radio or television, for enjoyment or education; (4) something organized to be seen by the public] She showed an anger I did not know she possessed. (1) 彼女は私が思いもよらなかった怒りをあらわにした。 He showed that he could do it. (2) 彼は自分がそれをできることを示しました。 Did you hear the Morning Show today on VOA radio? (3) あなたは今日VOAラジオ放送のモーニング・ショーを聴きましたか? The music students played at a free show after school. (4) 音楽を学ぶ学生たちは放課後、無料の催しで演奏しました。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com