S-2 secret [(1) something known only to a few and kept from general knowledge; (2) hidden from others; (3) known only to a few] No member will talk about the secret ceremonies. (1) The nuclear scientist denied giving secret information to foreign spies. (2) Many secret stories of the Cold War are now becoming known. (3) security [(1) freedom from danger or harm; (2) protection; (3) measures necessary to protect a person or place] Security was increased in the city. (1) The store provided its own security. (2) Strong national security kept the country safe. (3) see [(1) to know or sense through the eyes; (2) to understand or know] Did you see her smile? (1) I see what you mean. (2) seed [the part of a plant from which new plants grow] If you plant the seeds now, you can eat vegetables in two months. seek(ing) [(1) to search for; (2) to try to get; (3) to plan to do] They are seeking a cure for cancer. (1) She is seeking election to public office. (2) Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal. (3) seem [to appear to be] She seems to be in good health. seize [(1) to take quickly by force; (2) to take control of quickly; (3) to arrest] Marines seized the island in three days. (1) The generals seized power after the president fled. (2) The policeman seized the suspect. (3) self [all that which makes one person different from others] He seems to think only of himself. sell [to give something in exchange for money] He will sell his car to me for 2,000 dollars. Senate [the smaller of the two groups in the governments of some countries, such as in the United States Congress] The Senate has 100 members, two from each state. send [(1) to cause to go; (2) to permit to go; (3) to cause to be carried, taken or directed to or away from a place] She sent the boy away. (1) To which university did he send his daughter? (2) The government will send supplies immediately to the earthquake area. (3) sense [(1) to come to know about by feeling, believing or understanding; (2) any of the abilities to see, hear, taste, smell or feel] He sensed that the dog would not attack him. (1) The medicine affected his sense of taste. (2) sentence [(1) to declare the punishment for a crime; (2) the punishment for a crime] The judge sentenced him to three years in prison. (1) She received a sentence of 18 months of community service. (2) separate [(1) to set or keep people, things or ideas away from or independent from others; (2) not together or connected] He separated the two boys and told them to stop fighting. (1) They work in separate offices. (2) series [a number of similar things or events that follow one after another in time, position or order] The doctor said the series of tests would show the cause of the pain. serious [(1) important; (2) needing careful consideration; (3) dangerous] The two sides have begun serious negotiations. (1) We have a serious problem to solve. (2) The accident victim is reported to be in serious condition. (3) serve [(1) to work as an official; (2) to be employed by the government; (3) to assist or help] He served as Secretary of State. (1) She has served as a government employee for 30 years. (2) She served us tea and made us feel welcome. (3) service [(1) an organization or system that provides something for the public; (2) a job that an organization or business can do for money; (3) military organizations such as an army, navy or air force; (4) a religious ceremony] Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes. (1) His business provides childcare services for working parents. (2) Two of her sons are in the military services. (3) Our church provides three services every Sunday morning. (4) set [(1) to put in place or position; (2) to establish a time, price or limit] She set food in front of us. (1) Have you set a time for our meeting? (2) settle [(1) to end (a dispute); (2) to agree about (a problem); (3) to make a home in a new place] The long dispute was finally settled. (1) We settled our legal problem without going to court. (2) Her family settled in Dallas many years ago. (3) --------------------- --------------------- S-2 secret [(1) something known only to a few and kept from general knowledge; (2) hidden from others; (3) known only to a few] No member will talk about the secret ceremonies. (1) 秘密の儀式について話すメンバーはだれもいないでしょう。 The nuclear scientist denied giving secret information to foreign spies. (2) 核に関わる科学者は外国のスパイに秘密情報を提供していることを否定した。 Many secret stories of the Cold War are now becoming known. (3) 冷戦の多くの知られざる話が現在、周知のものになりつつある。 security [(1) freedom from danger or harm; (2) protection; (3) measures necessary to protect a person or place] Security was increased in the city. (1) 町の安全(治安)は向上した。 The store provided its own security. (2) 店は独自の防衛手段を備えた。 Strong national security kept the country safe. (3) 強固な国家安全対策は国を安全に保った。 see [(1) to know or sense through the eyes; (2) to understand or know] Did you see her smile? (1) あなたは彼女の笑顔を見ましたか? I see what you mean. (2) 私はあなたの意味することが分かります。 seed [the part of a plant from which new plants grow] If you plant the seeds now, you can eat vegetables in two months. もし今この種を今まけば、2ヵ月後には野菜が食べられます。 seek(ing) [(1) to search for; (2) to try to get; (3) to plan to do] They are seeking a cure for cancer. (1) 彼らは癌の治療法を捜し求めている。 She is seeking election to public office. (2) 彼女は公職に選任されることを求めている。 Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal. (3) 電力会社は石炭の使用を減らそうとしています。 seem [to appear to be] She seems to be in good health. 彼女は健康に見える。 seize [(1) to take quickly by force; (2) to take control of quickly; (3) to arrest] Marines seized the island in three days. (1) 海兵隊は3日で島を占拠した。 The generals seized power after the president fled. (2) 将軍たちは大統領が逃亡した後、実権を握った。 The policeman seized the suspect. (3) 警察官は容疑者を捕まえた。 self [all that which makes one person different from others] He seems to think only of himself. 彼は自分のことだけしか考えないようです。 sell [to give something in exchange for money] He will sell his car to me for 2,000 dollars. 彼は自分の車を私に2000ドルで売ってくれるでしょう。 Senate [the smaller of the two groups in the governments of some countries, such as in the United States Congress] The Senate has 100 members, two from each state. 上院は各州から2名、100人のメンバーがいます。 send [(1) to cause to go; (2) to permit to go; (3) to cause to be carried, taken or directed to or away from a place] She sent the boy away. (1) 彼女は男の子を追い払った。 To which university did he send his daughter? (2) 彼は娘をどの大学へ行かせたのですか? The government will send supplies immediately to the earthquake area. (3) 政府は地震(のあった)地区にすぐさま必需品を送るでしょう。 sense [(1) to come to know about by feeling, believing or understanding; (2) any of the abilities to see, hear, taste, smell or feel] He sensed that the dog would not attack him. (1) 彼はその犬は彼に襲いかからないだろうと感じた。 The medicine affected his sense of taste. (2) 薬は彼の味覚に影響を与えた。 sentence [(1) to declare the punishment for a crime; (2) the punishment for a crime] The judge sentenced him to three years in prison. (1) 裁判官は彼に禁固3年の判決を下した。 She received a sentence of 18 months of community service. (2) 彼女は18ヵ月の社会奉仕活動をするよう宣告を受けた。 separate [(1) to set or keep people, things or ideas away from or independent from others; (2) not together or connected] He separated the two boys and told them to stop fighting. (1) 彼は2人の男の子を引き離し、彼らにけんかをやめるように言った。 They work in separate offices. (2) 彼らは別々の事務所で働いています。 series [a number of similar things or events that follow one after another in time, position or order] The doctor said the series of tests would show the cause of the pain. 医者は一連の検査で痛みの原因が分かるだろうと言った。 serious [(1) important; (2) needing careful consideration; (3) dangerous] The two sides have begun serious negotiations. (1) 両者は重要な話し合いを始めました。 We have a serious problem to solve. (2) 我々は解決しなければならない深刻な問題を抱えています。 The accident victim is reported to be in serious condition. (3) 事故の犠牲者は重態であると報告されている。 serve [(1) to work as an official; (2) to be employed by the government; (3) to assist or help] He served as Secretary of State. (1) 彼は国務長官を務めた。 She has served as a government employee for 30 years. (2) 彼女は公務員として30年間勤めた。 She served us tea and made us feel welcome. (3) 彼女は我々にお茶を出して、歓迎してくれた。 service [(1) an organization or system that provides something for the public; (2) a job that an organization or business can do for money; (3) military organizations such as an army, navy or air force; (4) a religious ceremony] Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes. (1) 学校や道路は税金によって賄われた公共施設です。 His business provides childcare services for working parents. (2) 彼の事業は働く両親のために子供を保育するサービスです。 Two of her sons are in the military services. (3) 彼女の息子のうち2人は兵役に服しています。 Our church provides three services every Sunday morning. (4) 我々の教会は毎週日曜日の朝に3回の礼拝を行います。 set [(1) to put in place or position; (2) to establish a time, price or limit] She set food in front of us. (1) 彼女は我々の前に食べ物を並べた。 Have you set a time for our meeting? (2) 我々の打ち合わせの時間を決めましたか? settle [(1) to end (a dispute); (2) to agree about (a problem); (3) to make a home in a new place] The long dispute was finally settled. (1) 長い間続いた論争はついに決着した。 We settled our legal problem without going to court. (2) 我々は裁判ざたにすることなく法的な問題を解決した。 Her family settled in Dallas many years ago. (3) 彼女の家族は何年も前にダラスに定住しました。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com