S-1 sabotage [to damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation] The rebels sabotaged the railroad. sacrifice [to do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person] She sacrificed her house to pay for medical school for her son.    sad [not happy] He was sad because she left. safe [away from harm or danger] This is a safe place for you to stay. sail [to travel by boat or ship] We will sail to Hawaii on Thursday. sailor [a person involved in sailing a boat or ship] He is a sailor on one of the big oil ships. salt [a white substance found in seawater and in the ground, used to affect the taste of food] The doctor says eating too much salt can raise my blood pressure. same [(1) not different; (2) not changed; (3) like another or others] He eats at the same time every day. (1) She looks the same as she did ten years ago. (2) His car is the same as mine. (3) sand [extremely small pieces of crushed rock found in large amounts in deserts and on coasts] The hot sand of the desert burned her feet. satellite [(1) a small object in space that moves around a larger object; (2) an object placed in orbit around the earth] The Earth and other planets are satellites of the sun. (1) A new communications satellite was put in orbit today. (2) satisfy [to give or provide what is desired, needed or demanded] Does this food satisfy your hunger? save [(1) to make safe; (2) to remove from harm; (3) to keep for future use] He saved the building by disarming the bomb. (1) The fireman saved her when he pulled her from the burning house. (2) She saved a little money every week. (3) say [(1) to speak; (2) to express in words] What will you say to her? (1) I will say to her what is in my heart. (2) school [(1) a place for education; (2) a place where people go to learn] Is your son going to public or private school? (1) Her school is testing students to measure how much they have learned. (2) science [the study of nature and the actions of natural things, and the knowledge gained about them] Science has made great changes in our lives in just a few years. sea [a large area of salt water, usually part of an ocean] The rough sea seems angry. search [to look for carefully] We searched everywhere for her missing book. season [(1) one of the four periods of the year that is based on the earth's position toward the sun (spring, summer, autumn, winter); (2) a period of time based on different weather conditions; (3) a period during the year when something usually happens] He says autumn is his favorite season. (1) She likes to visit there during the dry season. (2) He cannot wait for baseball season to start. (3) seat [(1) a thing to sit on; (2) a place to sit or the right to sit there] The boy gave the woman his seat on the bus. (1) He has held his seat in parliament for 40 years. (2) second [the one that comes after the first] This is the second time I have been here. --------------------- --------------------- S-1 sabotage [to damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation] The rebels sabotaged the railroad. 反抗者たちは鉄道の破壊活動を行った。 sacrifice [to do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person] She sacrificed her house to pay for medical school for her son. 彼女は息子を医学校に行かせるために自分の家を投げ売った。    sad [not happy] He was sad because she left. 彼女が去ってしまったので、彼は悲しかった。 safe [away from harm or danger] This is a safe place for you to stay. ここはあなたが居るのに安全なところです。 sail [to travel by boat or ship] We will sail to Hawaii on Thursday. 我々は木曜日にハワイに向けて出航する。 sailor [a person involved in sailing a boat or ship] He is a sailor on one of the big oil ships. 彼は大きなオイルタンカーのひとつに乗る船乗りです。 salt [a white substance found in seawater and in the ground, used to affect the taste of food] The doctor says eating too much salt can raise my blood pressure. 医者は塩をたくさん摂りすぎると、私の血圧は上がることがあると言う。 same [(1) not different; (2) not changed; (3) like another or others] He eats at the same time every day. (1) 彼は毎日同じ時間に食事をする。 She looks the same as she did ten years ago. (2) 彼女は10年前と見た目が変わりません。 His car is the same as mine. (3) 彼の車は私の車と同じ(種類、型式)です。 sand [extremely small pieces of crushed rock found in large amounts in deserts and on coasts] The hot sand of the desert burned her feet. 砂漠の熱い砂は彼女の足をやけどさせた。 satellite [(1) a small object in space that moves around a larger object; (2) an object placed in orbit around the earth] The Earth and other planets are satellites of the sun. (1) 地球とその他の惑星は太陽の衛星です。 A new communications satellite was put in orbit today. (2) 新しい通信衛星は今日、軌道に乗せられた。 satisfy [to give or provide what is desired, needed or demanded] Does this food satisfy your hunger? この食べ物であなたの空腹は満たされますか? save [(1) to make safe; (2) to remove from harm; (3) to keep for future use] He saved the building by disarming the bomb. (1) 彼は爆弾を爆発しないようにすることでそのビルを救った。 The fireman saved her when he pulled her from the burning house. (2) 消防士は燃えている家から彼女を救出した。 She saved a little money every week. (3) 彼女は毎週少しのお金を貯金した。 say [(1) to speak; (2) to express in words] What will you say to her? (1) あなたは彼女に何を言うつもりですか? I will say to her what is in my heart. (2) 私は心の中にあることを彼女に話すつもりです。 school [(1) a place for education; (2) a place where people go to learn] Is your son going to public or private school? (1) あなたの息子は公立か私立どちらの学校に行きますか? Her school is testing students to measure how much they have learned. (2) 彼女の学校は、どのぐらい生徒たちが学んだかを評価するために生徒を試験しています。 science [the study of nature and the actions of natural things, and the knowledge gained about them] Science has made great changes in our lives in just a few years. 科学者たちはここ数年で我々の暮らしを劇的に変化させました。 sea [a large area of salt water, usually part of an ocean] The rough sea seems angry. 荒れた海は怒っているように見えます。 search [to look for carefully] We searched everywhere for her missing book. 我々は彼女のなくなった本をくまなく探しました。 season [(1) one of the four periods of the year that is based on the earth's position toward the sun (spring, summer, autumn, winter); (2) a period of time based on different weather conditions; (3) a period during the year when something usually happens] He says autumn is his favorite season. (1) 彼は秋が好きな季節だと言っています。 She likes to visit there during the dry season. (2) 彼女は乾期の間にその地を訪れるのが好きです。 He cannot wait for baseball season to start. (3) 彼は野球のシーズンが始まるのが待ち遠しい。 seat [(1) a thing to sit on; (2) a place to sit or the right to sit there] The boy gave the woman his seat on the bus. (1) 男の子はバスで自分の席をその女性に譲った。 He has held his seat in parliament for 40 years. (2) 彼は40年間議席を確保してきた。 second [the one that comes after the first] This is the second time I have been here. 私がここに来たのは今回が2回目です。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com