R-4 rice [a food grain] Rice is a major food in much of the world. rich [(1) having much money or goods; (2) having plenty of something] Her brother became a rich man. (1) Oil made Kuwait a rich country. (2) ride [(1) to sit on or in and be carried along; (2) to travel by animal, wheeled vehicle, airplane or boat] She and I ride horses every weekend. (1) I ride the subway to work. (2) right [(1) what a person legally and morally should be able to do or have; (2) agreeing with the facts; (3) good; (4) correct; (5) opposite wrong; (6) on the side that is toward the east when one is facing north; (7) opposite left] It is their right to vote. (1) You gave the right answer. (2) He is the right kind of person for the job. (3) She always seems to do the right thing. (4) She said she was right and he was wrong. (5) Our farm is on the right side of the river. (6) Turn right, not left, at the second street. (7) riot [(1) to act with many others in a violent way in a public place; (2) a violent action by a large group of people] Prisoners rioted and started fires inside the prison. (1) The riot spread from the football game to the streets. (2) rise [(1) to go up; (2) to go higher; (3) to increase; (4) to go from a position of sitting or lying to a position of standing] The moon will rise soon after the sun goes down. (1) The river is rising and spreading out. (2) The temperature rises as the sun gets higher. (3) He rose to his feet as she walked into the room. (4) risk [the chance of loss, damage or injury] He never considered the risk of a broken heart. river [a large amount of water that flows across land into another river, a lake or an ocean] Native Americans called the big river "the Father of Waters." road [a long piece of hard ground built between two places so people can walk, drive or ride easily from one place to the other] The road was straight until it reached the mountains. rob [(1) to take money or property secretly or by force; (2) to steal] Someone robbed his television. (1) The two men robbed her as she walked home from work. (2) rock [a hard piece of mineral matter] He threw a rock across the river. rocket [a device shaped like a tube that moves through air or space by burning gases and letting them escape from the back or bottom, sometimes used as a weapon] The huge rocket launched three men on a flight to the moon. roll [(1) to turn over and over; (2) to move like a ball] The children rolled down the hill. (1) She rolled her eyes at his joke. (2) room [a separate area within a building with its own walls] The boy spent hours playing in his room. root [the part of a plant that is under the ground and takes nutrients from the soil] The roots brought food to the big tree and held it firmly in the ground. rope [a long, thick piece of material made from thinner pieces of material, used for tying] The boy tied the end of the rope around the tree. rough [(1) not flat or smooth; (2) having an uneven surface; (3) violent; (4) not made well] The rough floor was made of wood, split by hand. (1) We found rough ground at the top of the mountain. (2) The strong wind made a rough sea. (3) The rough wall of stones did not stand straight. (4) round [having the shape of a ball or circle] The stone plate was perfectly round. rub [to move something over the surface of another thing] The boy rubbed his hand over the cat's back. rubber [a substance made from the liquid of trees with the same name, or a similar substance made from chemicals] The ball was made of rubber. ruin [(1) to damage severely; (2) to destroy] The rain ruined the book he left outside. (1) Time ruined the old building, leaving only fallen walls. (2) rule [(1) to govern or control; (2) to decide; (3) a statement or an order that says how something must be done] One party ruled the Senate; the other ruled the House of Representatives. (1) Five of nine Supreme Court judges ruled that the Republican should be President. (2) The rules were not clear on how to count the votes. (3) run [to move quickly by steps faster than those used for walking] Please walk, do not run, to the nearest door. --------------------- -------------------- R-4 rice [a food grain] Rice is a major food in much of the world. 米は世界の多くの所で主食です。 rich [(1) having much money or goods; (2) having plenty of something] Her brother became a rich man. (1) 彼女の兄(弟)は金持ちになった。 Oil made Kuwait a rich country. (2) 石油はクエートを裕福な国にしました。 ride [(1) to sit on or in and be carried along; (2) to travel by animal, wheeled vehicle, airplane or boat] She and I ride horses every weekend. (1) 彼女と私は週末はいつも馬に乗ります。 I ride the subway to work. (2) 私は仕事へ行くのに地下鉄に乗ります。 right [(1) what a person legally and morally should be able to do or have; (2) agreeing with the facts; (3) good; (4) correct; (5) opposite wrong; (6) on the side that is toward the east when one is facing north; (7) opposite left] It is their right to vote. (1) 投票することは彼らの権利です。 You gave the right answer. (2) あなたは正しい答を出しました。 He is the right kind of person for the job. (3) 彼がその仕事にふさわしい人です。 She always seems to do the right thing. (4) 彼女はいつも当を得たことをしているようです。 She said she was right and he was wrong. (5) 彼女は自分は正しく、彼が間違っていると言った。 Our farm is on the right side of the river. (6) 我々の農場はその川の右側にあります。 Turn right, not left, at the second street. (7) 2番目の道を左ではなく右に曲がってください。 riot [(1) to act with many others in a violent way in a public place; (2) a violent action by a large group of people] Prisoners rioted and started fires inside the prison. (1) 囚人らは暴動を起こし、刑務所の中に火をつけた。 The riot spread from the football game to the streets. (2) 暴動はフットボールの試合から市街へと広がった。 rise [(1) to go up; (2) to go higher; (3) to increase; (4) to go from a position of sitting or lying to a position of standing] The moon will rise soon after the sun goes down. (1) 月は太陽が沈んだ後すぐに昇るでしょう。 The river is rising and spreading out. (2) 川は増水して広がっています。 The temperature rises as the sun gets higher. (3) 気温は太陽が高くなるにつれ上昇します。 He rose to his feet as she walked into the room. (4) 彼は彼女が部屋に入ってきた時、立ちあがった。 risk [the chance of loss, damage or injury] He never considered the risk of a broken heart. 彼は失恋の恐れがあることなど全く考えなかった。 river [a large amount of water that flows across land into another river, a lake or an ocean] Native Americans called the big river "the Father of Waters." アメリカ先住民はその大きな川を「父なる川」と呼んだ。 road [a long piece of hard ground built between two places so people can walk, drive or ride easily from one place to the other] The road was straight until it reached the mountains. 道は山に到着するまで真っ直ぐでした。 rob [(1) to take money or property secretly or by force; (2) to steal] Someone robbed his television. (1) 誰かが彼のテレビを盗んだ。 The two men robbed her as she walked home from work. (2) 彼女が仕事場から家へと歩いていた時、2人の男が彼女に強盗を働いた。 rock [a hard piece of mineral matter] He threw a rock across the river. 彼は川の向こう側へ石を投げた。 rocket [a device shaped like a tube that moves through air or space by burning gases and letting them escape from the back or bottom, sometimes used as a weapon] The huge rocket launched three men on a flight to the moon. 巨大なロケットが月への飛行に3人の男を打ち上げた。 roll [(1) to turn over and over; (2) to move like a ball] The children rolled down the hill. (1) 子供たちは丘を転げ落ちた。 She rolled her eyes at his joke. (2) 彼女は彼の冗談に目をぎょろつかせた。 room [a separate area within a building with its own walls] The boy spent hours playing in his room. 男の子は自分の部屋で何時間も遊びにふけった。 root [the part of a plant that is under the ground and takes nutrients from the soil] The roots brought food to the big tree and held it firmly in the ground. 根は大木に栄養を送り、地面にしっかりと根付かせた。 rope [a long, thick piece of material made from thinner pieces of material, used for tying] The boy tied the end of the rope around the tree. 男の子はロープの端をその木の周りに結びつけた。 rough [(1) not flat or smooth; (2) having an uneven surface; (3) violent; (4) not made well] The rough floor was made of wood, split by hand. (1) 粗い床は手(作業)で割った木で出来ていました。 We found rough ground at the top of the mountain. (2) 山の頂上に着くと、地面はでこぼこだった。 The strong wind made a rough sea. (3) 強風で海が荒れた。 The rough wall of stones did not stand straight. (4) ぞんざいな作りの石塀は真っ直ぐには立っていなかった。 round [having the shape of a ball or circle] The stone plate was perfectly round. 石の皿は完全な円形でした。 rub [to move something over the surface of another thing] The boy rubbed his hand over the cat's back. 男の子は猫の背を手でなでました。 rubber [a substance made from the liquid of trees with the same name, or a similar substance made from chemicals] The ball was made of rubber. ボールはゴムで出来ていました。 ruin [(1) to damage severely; (2) to destroy] The rain ruined the book he left outside. (1) 彼が外に置きっぱなしにした本が雨でだめになった。 Time ruined the old building, leaving only fallen walls. (2) 時はその古いビルを朽ちさせ、くずれた塀だけが残っていた。 rule [(1) to govern or control; (2) to decide; (3) a statement or an order that says how something must be done] One party ruled the Senate; the other ruled the House of Representatives. (1) ひとつの党が上院を支配し、もうひとつの党が下院を支配した。 Five of nine Supreme Court judges ruled that the Republican should be President. (2) 9人のうち5人の最高裁判所判事がその共和党員が大統領であると裁決した。 The rules were not clear on how to count the votes. (3) 票を数える方法についての規定が明確でなかった。 run [to move quickly by steps faster than those used for walking] Please walk, do not run, to the nearest door. 一番近くのドアまで走らずに歩いてください。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com