R-3 repeat [to say or do again] Please repeat what you said. report [(1) to tell about; (2) to give the results of a study or investigation; (3) the story about an event; (4) the results of a study or investigation; (5) a statement in which the facts may not be confirmed] She reported about her holiday in Europe. (1) The scientist reported the results of his experiment. (2) Did you read the newspaper report about the accident? (3) The director said he was pleased with our budget report. (4) A report said 260 people were killed. (5) represent [(1) to act in the place of someone else; (2) to substitute for; (3) to serve as an example] She represents the people who could not be here. (1) On this map, X represents where the treasure is buried. (2) This statue represents the skills of the ancient artists. (3) repress [to control or to restrict freedoms by force] He repressed his people. request [(1) to ask for; (2) the act of asking for] She requested a glass of water. (1) No one heard her request for help. (2) require [to need or demand as necessary] This job requires computer skills. rescue [to free from danger or evil] He rescued a little boy floating in the sea. research [a careful study to discover correct information] He made the discovery after many years of research. resign [to leave a position, job or office] The President has resigned. resist [(1) to oppose; (2) to fight to prevent] He resists all demands for new elections. (1) The baby resisted sleep for several hours. (2) resolution [an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usually reached by voting] The United Nations Security Council approved a joint cease-fire resolution. resource [anything of value that can be used or sold] Our coal supplies are a great energy resource. responsible [(1) having a duty or job to do; (2) being the cause of] He is responsible for preparing the report. (1) They were responsible for the accident. (2) rest [(1) to sit, lie down or sleep to regain strength; (2) that which remains; (3) the others] You should rest after your long walk. (1) Would anyone like the rest of my dinner? (2) He spoke to the rest of them. (3) restrain [(1) to keep controlled; (2) to limit action by a person or group] He restrained his anger. (1) Police restrained the protestors. (2) restrict [(1) to limit; (2) to prevent from increasing or becoming larger] The government restricted travel. (1) The device restricts the car's speed. (2) result [(1) to happen from a cause; (2) that which follows or is produced by a cause; (3) effect] The accident resulted from the thick fog. (1) The test results showed she was pregnant. (2) As a result of the storm, no one could get to work. (3) retire [to leave a job or position because one is old or in poor health] He retired at age 55 and traveled for the rest of his life. return [(1) to go or come back; (2) to bring, give, take or send back] She returned home yesterday. (1) I returned the book to the library last week. (2) revolt [(1) to protest violently; (2) to fight for a change, especially of government] Demonstrators will revolt if police try to arrest them. (1) Protesters revolted and seized several government buildings. (2) --------------------- --------------------- R-3 repeat [to say or do again] Please repeat what you said. あなたが言ったことをもう一度言ってください。 report [(1) to tell about; (2) to give the results of a study or investigation; (3) the story about an event; (4) the results of a study or investigation; (5) a statement in which the facts may not be confirmed] She reported about her holiday in Europe. (1) 彼女はヨーロッパでの休日について話した。 The scientist reported the results of his experiment. (2) 科学者は彼の実験の結果を報告した。 Did you read the newspaper report about the accident? (3) 事故についての新聞報道を読みましたか? The director said he was pleased with our budget report. (4) 取締役は我々の予算報告に満足であると言った。 A report said 260 people were killed. (5) ある報告によれば、260人が殺害されたとのことです。 represent [(1) to act in the place of someone else; (2) to substitute for; (3) to serve as an example] She represents the people who could not be here. (1) 彼女はここに来られなかった人たちを代表しています。 On this map, X represents where the treasure is buried. (2) この地図上でXは宝が埋まっているところを表示している。 This statue represents the skills of the ancient artists. (3) この像は古代の芸術家たちの技量を示す見本です。 repress [to control or to restrict freedoms by force] He repressed his people. 彼は(彼の国の)人々を抑圧した。 request [(1) to ask for; (2) the act of asking for] She requested a glass of water. (1) 彼女はグラス一杯の水を頼んだ。 No one heard her request for help. (2) 彼女が助けを呼ぶ声をだれも聞かなかった。 require [to need or demand as necessary] This job requires computer skills. この仕事にはコンピューターの技術が必要です。 rescue [to free from danger or evil] He rescued a little boy floating in the sea. 彼は海に浮いていた小さな男の子を救助した。 research [a careful study to discover correct information] He made the discovery after many years of research. 彼は何年もの研究の後、その発見をした。 resign [to leave a position, job or office] The President has resigned. 大統領は辞任しました。 resist [(1) to oppose; (2) to fight to prevent] He resists all demands for new elections. (1) 彼は新たな選挙を行う要求すべてを阻みます。 The baby resisted sleep for several hours. (2) その赤ちゃんは何時間もの間、眠気に耐えた。 resolution [an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usually reached by voting] The United Nations Security Council approved a joint cease-fire resolution. 国連安全保証理事会は共同の停戦決議を承認した。 resource [anything of value that can be used or sold] Our coal supplies are a great energy resource. 我々の石炭供給は大きなエネルギー資源です。 responsible [(1) having a duty or job to do; (2) being the cause of] He is responsible for preparing the report. (1) 彼は報告書を作成する責任があります。 They were responsible for the accident. (2) 事故の原因は彼らにありました。 rest [(1) to sit, lie down or sleep to regain strength; (2) that which remains; (3) the others] You should rest after your long walk. (1) あなたは長い距離歩いた後には休息をとるべきです。 Would anyone like the rest of my dinner? (2) どなたか私のディナーの残りをほしい人はいらっしゃいますか? He spoke to the rest of them. (3) 彼はその他の人たちに話しをした。 restrain [(1) to keep controlled; (2) to limit action by a person or group] He restrained his anger. (1) 彼は怒りを抑えた。 Police restrained the protestors. (2) 警察は抗議者たちを拘束した。 restrict [(1) to limit; (2) to prevent from increasing or becoming larger] The government restricted travel. (1) 政府は旅行を制限しました。 The device restricts the car's speed. (2) その装置は車のスピードを制限します。 result [(1) to happen from a cause; (2) that which follows or is produced by a cause; (3) effect] The accident resulted from the thick fog. (1) 事故は濃霧によって起こりました。 The test results showed she was pregnant. (2) 検査結果は彼女が妊娠していることを示した。 As a result of the storm, no one could get to work. (3) 嵐の影響でだれも仕事に行くことができなかった。 retire [to leave a job or position because one is old or in poor health] He retired at age 55 and traveled for the rest of his life. 彼は55歳で引退し、残りの人生を旅行して過ごした。 return [(1) to go or come back; (2) to bring, give, take or send back] She returned home yesterday. (1) 彼女は昨日、帰宅しました。 I returned the book to the library last week. (2) 私は本を先週図書館に返却しました。 revolt [(1) to protest violently; (2) to fight for a change, especially of government] Demonstrators will revolt if police try to arrest them. (1) デモの参加者たちは、もし警察が彼らを逮捕しようとしたら反抗するでしょう。 Protesters revolted and seized several government buildings. (2) 抗議者たちは反乱を起こし、いくつかの政府ビルを占拠した。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com