R-2 recent [a short time ago] These are recent pictures of my family. recession [a temporary reduction in economic activity, when industries produce less and many workers lose their jobs] Will a big tax cut prevent a recession? recognize [(1) to know or remember something or someone that was known, known about or seen before; (2) to accept another nation as independent and establish diplomatic ties with its government] He recognized his friend of many years ago. (1) Most nations recognized the newly independent country. (2) record [(1) to write something in order to have it for future use; (2) to put sound or pictures in a form that can be kept and heard or seen again; (3) a writing that shows proof or facts about something] He records each day what his teachers expect him to study at home. (1) VOA Special English feature programs are recorded before they are broadcast. (2) A public record is kept of all home sales in this county. (3) recover [(1) to get again something that was lost, stolen or taken away; (2) to return to normal health or normal conditions] The police recovered the stolen money. (1) She is expected to recover from the operation. (2) red [having the color like that of blood] Those red flowers are roses. reduce [(1) to make less or smaller in number, size or amount; (2) to cut] She reduced her picture so it would fit in her passport. (1) Congress voted to reduce taxes. (2) reform [(1) to make better by changing; (2) to improve; (3) a change to a better condition] The Congress reformed the way candidates pay for political campaigns. (1) He reformed his life by ending all use of tobacco and alcohol. (2) The voters approved reforms that will reduce air and water pollution. (3) refugee [a person who has been forced to flee because of unjust treatment, danger or war] His family came to the United States as refugees. refuse [(1) to reject; (2) to not accept, give or do something] She refused his apology. (1) He refused to fight in the Vietnam War. (2) regret [a feeling of sadness or sorrow about something that is done or that happens] The President expressed regret that so many lives were lost. reject [to refuse to accept, use or believe] Colonel Travis rejected the General's demand. relations [(1) understandings or ties between nations; (2) members of the same family; (3) people connected by marriage or family ties] The United States does not have diplomatic relations with Cuba. (1) Most of his relations live in California. (2) He sees his wife's relations almost every week. (3) release [(1) to free; (2) to permit to go; (3) to permit to be known or made public] The terrorists released their hostages. (1) The child released his balloon. (2) The spokesman released details of the President's trip. (3) religion [a belief in, or the honoring of, a god or gods] The Constitution says the United States cannot establish an official religion. remain [(1) to stay in a place after others leave; (2) to stay the same] She remained in the town after most of her friends left. (1) He has remained my friend for almost 50 years. (2) remains [a dead body] The soldier's remains were buried in the National Cemetery. remember [(1) to think about the past; (2) opposite forget] I still remember stories that my grandfather told me. (1) She told him to remember to call when he got home. (2) remove [(1) to take away or take off; (2) to put an end to; (3) to take out of a position or office] She removed her shoes as soon as she sat down. (1) Doctors removed his gall bladder. (2) The dishonest judge was removed from office. (3) repair [work done to fix something] His car is being repaired. --------------------- --------------------- R-2 recent [a short time ago] These are recent pictures of my family. これらは私の家族の最近の写真です。 recession [a temporary reduction in economic activity, when industries produce less and many workers lose their jobs] Will a big tax cut prevent a recession? 大減税が景気後退を防ぐでしょうか? recognize [(1) to know or remember something or someone that was known, known about or seen before; (2) to accept another nation as independent and establish diplomatic ties with its government] He recognized his friend of many years ago. (1) 彼は何年も前の友人のことが分かった。 Most nations recognized the newly independent country. (2) ほとんどの国が新たに独立した国を承認した。 record [(1) to write something in order to have it for future use; (2) to put sound or pictures in a form that can be kept and heard or seen again; (3) a writing that shows proof or facts about something] He records each day what his teachers expect him to study at home. (1) 彼は先生たちが彼に家で勉強するように言うことを毎日書きとめます。 VOA Special English feature programs are recorded before they are broadcast. (2) VOA Special English の特別番組は放送前に録音されます。 A public record is kept of all home sales in this county. (3) この郡におけるすべての住宅の販売については、公の記録が残されます。 recover [(1) to get again something that was lost, stolen or taken away; (2) to return to normal health or normal conditions] The police recovered the stolen money. (1) 警察は盗まれた金を取り戻した。 She is expected to recover from the operation. (2) 彼女は手術から回復する見込みです。 red [having the color like that of blood] Those red flowers are roses. あれらの赤い花はバラです。 reduce [(1) to make less or smaller in number, size or amount; (2) to cut] She reduced her picture so it would fit in her passport. (1) 彼女は旅券に合うように写真を縮小した。 Congress voted to reduce taxes. (2) 議会は減税のため票決した。 reform [(1) to make better by changing; (2) to improve; (3) a change to a better condition] The Congress reformed the way candidates pay for political campaigns. (1) 議会は選挙候補者が政治運動に対して支払う方法を改革した。 He reformed his life by ending all use of tobacco and alcohol. (2) 彼は喫煙やアルコールを飲むことをすべてやめることによって生活を改善した。 The voters approved reforms that will reduce air and water pollution. (3) 有権者たちは大気や水の汚染を減らす改革に賛成した。 refugee [a person who has been forced to flee because of unjust treatment, danger or war] His family came to the United States as refugees. 彼の家族は合衆国に難民としてやって来ました。 refuse [(1) to reject; (2) to not accept, give or do something] She refused his apology. (1) 彼女は彼の謝罪を拒絶しました。 He refused to fight in the Vietnam War. (2) 彼はベトナム戦争で戦うのを拒否しました。 regret [a feeling of sadness or sorrow about something that is done or that happens] The President expressed regret that so many lives were lost. 大統領は非常にたくさんの命が失われたことに遺憾の意を表した。 reject [to refuse to accept, use or believe] Colonel Travis rejected the General's demand. トラヴィス大佐は将軍の要求を拒否した。 relations [(1) understandings or ties between nations; (2) members of the same family; (3) people connected by marriage or family ties] The United States does not have diplomatic relations with Cuba. (1) 合衆国はキューバと外交関係を持っていません。 Most of his relations live in California. (2) 彼の親族のほとんどはカリフォルニアに住んでいます。 He sees his wife's relations almost every week. (3) 彼は妻の親類とほぼ毎週会う。 release [(1) to free; (2) to permit to go; (3) to permit to be known or made public] The terrorists released their hostages. (1) テロリストたちは人質を解放した。 The child released his balloon. (2) 子供は風船を放した。 The spokesman released details of the President's trip. (3) スポークスマンは大統領の旅行の詳細を公表した。 religion [a belief in, or the honoring of, a god or gods] The Constitution says the United States cannot establish an official religion. 合衆国憲法は公認の宗教を制定することはできないとしている。 remain [(1) to stay in a place after others leave; (2) to stay the same] She remained in the town after most of her friends left. (1) 彼女は友人らのほとんどが去った後も町に残っていた。 He has remained my friend for almost 50 years. (2) 彼はほぼ50年間私の友人のままです。 remains [a dead body] The soldier's remains were buried in the National Cemetery. 兵士の遺体は国立墓地に埋葬された。 remember [(1) to think about the past; (2) opposite forget] I still remember stories that my grandfather told me. (1) 私は祖父が話してくれた物語をまだ覚えています。 She told him to remember to call when he got home. (2) 彼女は家に着いたら忘れずに電話するよう彼に言った。 remove [(1) to take away or take off; (2) to put an end to; (3) to take out of a position or office] She removed her shoes as soon as she sat down. (1) 彼女は座るやいなや靴を脱いだ。 Doctors removed his gall bladder. (2) 医師らは彼の胆嚢を摘出した。 The dishonest judge was removed from office. (3) 不誠実な裁判官は公職を解かれた。 repair [work done to fix something] His car is being repaired. 彼の車は修理中です。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com