R-1 race [(1) to run; (2) to take part in a competition to decide who or what can move fastest; (3) to take part in a campaign for political office; (4) one of the major groups that humans can be divided into because of a common physical similarity, such as skin color] The cat and dog raced through the house. (1) Are you racing in the one hundred meter event? (2) Her mother entered the race for mayor. (3) All races of people are equal under the laws of the United States. (4) radar [a device that uses radio signals to learn the position or speed of objects that may be too far away to be seen] Radar can show if a storm is moving toward us. radiation [(1) waves of energy from something that produces heat or light; (2) energy from a nuclear substance, which can be dangerous] Radiation from the sun can burn our skin. (1) Radiation from a nuclear explosion can kill. (2) radio [the system of sending and receiving signals or sounds through the air without wires] Do you listen to VOA Special English on the radio? raid [(1) to make a sudden attack; (2) a sudden attack] Police raided a number of houses where illegal drugs were sold. (1) Thirty-eight people were arrested in the drug raid. (2) railroad [(1) a road for trains; (2) a company that operates such a road and its stations and equipment] The government has made a walking trail where the railroad was. (1) Railroads in the United States mostly carry products instead of passengers. (2) rain [water falling from the sky] Rain has fallen for three days. raise [(1) to lift up; (2) to move to a higher position; (3) to cause to grow; (4) to increase] Rising floodwaters raised the house and carried it away. (1) The bridge raises so ships can pass under it. (2) The farmer raises mostly corn and soybeans. (3) Congress raised taxes. (4) rare [(1) not common; (2) not usual; (3) not often] He has rare musical ability for a boy so young. (1) A warm day is rare this time of year. (2) It is rare for me to get so many telephone calls. (3) rate [(1) speed; (2) a measure of how quickly or how often something happens; (3) the price of any thing or service that is bought or sold] The old man reads at a slow rate. (1) What is the patient's heart rate? (2) The interest rate on home loans has increased. (3) reach [(1) to put a hand toward; (2) to arrive at; (3)to come to] She reached out to take my hand. (1) He reached home about six o'clock. (2) We will reach a decision soon. (3) react [to act as a result of or in answer to] How did she react to the news? read [to look at and understand the meaning of written words or numbers] She reads four newspapers every morning. ready [(1) prepared; (2) completed; (3) organized; (4) willing] They are ready to start the game. (1) Your food order is ready. (2) The new Congress is ready to begin its work. (3) Who is ready to eat an insect? (4) real [(1) true; (2) truly existing; (3) not false] The real reason he came here was to see you. (1) He never believed in ghosts until he saw a real one. (2) That is a real diamond, not a copy. (3) realistic [in agreement with the way things are] He put a realistic price on his house and sold it very quickly. reason [(1) the cause for a belief or act; (2) purpose; (3) something that explains] She did not believe his reason for leaving. (1) The reason he studies English is to get a better job. (2) Warmer water in the eastern Pacific Ocean is the reason for unusual weather in the Americas. (3) reasonable [(1) ready to listen to reasons or ideas; (2) not extreme; (3) ready or willing to compromise] The head of our office is a reasonable woman. (1) They told him to come home at a reasonable hour. (2) They reached agreement because they were reasonable.(3) rebel [(1) to act against a government or power, often with force; (2) to refuse to obey; (3) one who opposes or fights against the government of his or her country] The people rebelled against the government. (1) My body rebels when I exercise too much. (2) Rebels fought to overthrow the government. (3) receive [to get or accept something given, offered or sent] I received your letter today. --------------------- --------------------- R-1 race [(1) to run; (2) to take part in a competition to decide who or what can move fastest; (3) to take part in a campaign for political office; (4) one of the major groups that humans can be divided into because of a common physical similarity, such as skin color] The cat and dog raced through the house. (1) 猫と犬は家中を走り回った。 Are you racing in the one hundred meter event? (2) あなたは100メートル競走に出場しますか? Her mother entered the race for mayor. (3) 彼女の母は市長選に出馬した。 All races of people are equal under the laws of the United States. (4) 合衆国の法律下では、すべての人種は平等です。 radar [a device that uses radio signals to learn the position or speed of objects that may be too far away to be seen] Radar can show if a storm is moving toward us. レーダーは嵐が我々の方へ向かってくるかどうかを示してくれます。 radiation [(1) waves of energy from something that produces heat or light; (2) energy from a nuclear substance, which can be dangerous] Radiation from the sun can burn our skin. (1) 太陽が放つ光は我々の膚を日焼けさせます。 Radiation from a nuclear explosion can kill. (2) 核爆発による放射線は死を招くことがある。 radio [the system of sending and receiving signals or sounds through the air without wires] Do you listen to VOA Special English on the radio? あなたはラジオでVOA Special Englishを聴きますか? raid [(1) to make a sudden attack; (2) a sudden attack] Police raided a number of houses where illegal drugs were sold. (1) 警察は不法な麻薬が売られている多くの家々の手入れを行った。 Thirty-eight people were arrested in the drug raid. (2) その麻薬の手入れで38人の人々が逮捕された。 railroad [(1) a road for trains; (2) a company that operates such a road and its stations and equipment] The government has made a walking trail where the railroad was. (1) 政府はかつて線路があったところに歩行路を作りました。 Railroads in the United States mostly carry products instead of passengers. (2) 合衆国の鉄道の多くは乗客でなく製品を輸送しています。 rain [water falling from the sky] Rain has fallen for three days. 雨が3日間降り続きました。 raise [(1) to lift up; (2) to move to a higher position; (3) to cause to grow; (4) to increase] Rising floodwaters raised the house and carried it away. (1) 上昇した洪水は家を持ち上げ、運び去った。 The bridge raises so ships can pass under it. (2) 橋は下を船が通過できるように上がります。 The farmer raises mostly corn and soybeans. (3) その農夫は主としてとうもろこしや大豆を栽培します。 Congress raised taxes. (4) 議会は税金を引き上げた。 rare [(1) not common; (2) not usual; (3) not often] He has rare musical ability for a boy so young. (1) 彼はとても若い男の子の割には類まれな音楽の才能がある。 A warm day is rare this time of year. (2) 暖かな日はこの時期にはめずらしいことです。 It is rare for me to get so many telephone calls. (3) 私がこんなにたくさんの電話を受けることはめったにありません。 rate [(1) speed; (2) a measure of how quickly or how often something happens; (3) the price of any thing or service that is bought or sold] The old man reads at a slow rate. (1) 老人はゆっくりした速度で読みます。 What is the patient's heart rate? (2) 患者の心拍数はいくつですか? The interest rate on home loans has increased. (3) 家の貸し付け金の利率が上がりました。 reach [(1) to put a hand toward; (2) to arrive at; (3)to come to] She reached out to take my hand. (1) 彼女は私の手を取ろうと手を差し出した。 He reached home about six o'clock. (2) 彼は6時頃に家に到着した。 We will reach a decision soon. (3) 私たちはもうすぐ結論に達するでしょう。 react [to act as a result of or in answer to] How did she react to the news? ニュースに対する彼女の反応はどうでしたか? read [to look at and understand the meaning of written words or numbers] She reads four newspapers every morning. 彼女は毎朝、新聞4紙を読みます。 ready [(1) prepared; (2) completed; (3) organized; (4) willing] They are ready to start the game. (1) 彼らは試合を始める準備ができています。 Your food order is ready. (2) あなたが注文した食べ物の用意ができました。 The new Congress is ready to begin its work. (3) 新議会は稼動する準備が整っています。 Who is ready to eat an insect? (4) 進んで昆虫を食べようという人はいますか? real [(1) true; (2) truly existing; (3) not false] The real reason he came here was to see you. (1) 彼がここに来た本当の理由はあなたに会うためでした。 He never believed in ghosts until he saw a real one. (2) 本物の幽霊を見るまでは、彼は決して幽霊の存在を信じていなかった。 That is a real diamond, not a copy. (3) それは模倣ではない、本物のダイヤモンドです。 realistic [in agreement with the way things are] He put a realistic price on his house and sold it very quickly. 彼は自分の家に現実的な価格を付け、とても早く売った。 reason [(1) the cause for a belief or act; (2) purpose; (3) something that explains] She did not believe his reason for leaving. (1) 彼女は彼が去る理由を信じなかった。 The reason he studies English is to get a better job. (2) 彼が英語を学ぶ理由はよりよい仕事を得るためです。 Warmer water in the eastern Pacific Ocean is the reason for unusual weather in the Americas. (3) アメリカ大陸の異常気象は東太平洋の(通常より)暖かい水温によるものです。 reasonable [(1) ready to listen to reasons or ideas; (2) not extreme; (3) ready or willing to compromise] The head of our office is a reasonable woman. (1) 我々の事務所の長は分別のある女性です。 They told him to come home at a reasonable hour. (2) 彼らは彼にほどよい時間に帰宅するように言った。 They reached agreement because they were reasonable.(3) 彼らはものわかりのいい人たちだったので、意見の一致を見た。 rebel [(1) to act against a government or power, often with force; (2) to refuse to obey; (3) one who opposes or fights against the government of his or her country] The people rebelled against the government. (1) 人々は政府に対して反逆した。 My body rebels when I exercise too much. (2) 私の体は運動しすぎると反発します。 Rebels fought to overthrow the government. (3) 反逆者たちは政府を転覆させるために闘った。 receive [to get or accept something given, offered or sent] I received your letter today. 私はあなたの手紙を今日受け取りました。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com