Q-1 quality [(1) that which something is known to have or be; (2) amount of value or excellence] An important quality of steel is its strength. (1) Their goods are of the highest quality. (2) question [(1) to ask; (2) to express wonder or disbelief; (3) a sentence or word used in asking for information; (4) a problem; (5) an issue to be discussed] His father questioned him about the car. (1) She questioned if he really cooked the dinner. (2) Did you answer every question in the test? (3) The question of a pay increase is blocking a new labor agreement. (4) The civil rights question is a big issue in the campaign. (5) quick [fast] She made a quick decision. quiet [(1) with little or no noise; (2) having little or no movement; (3) calm] The room was so quiet he could hear his heart beat. (1) The sea was quiet. (2) City streets were quiet on the night before Christmas. (3) --------------------- --------------------- Q-1 quality [(1) that which something is known to have or be; (2) amount of value or excellence] An important quality of steel is its strength. (1) 鉄の重要な特質のひとつは、その強度です。 Their goods are of the highest quality. (2) 彼ら(その会社)の商品は最も高品質なものです。 question [(1) to ask; (2) to express wonder or disbelief; (3) a sentence or word used in asking for information; (4) a problem; (5) an issue to be discussed] His father questioned him about the car. (1) 彼の父親は彼に車について尋ねた。 She questioned if he really cooked the dinner. (2) 彼女は、彼が本当にそのディナーを料理したのか疑問だった。 Did you answer every question in the test? (3) テストですべての設問に解答しましたか? The question of a pay increase is blocking a new labor agreement. (4) 昇給の問題が新たな労働協約を妨げている。 The civil rights question is a big issue in the campaign. (5) 公民権問題は選挙戦における大きな論争点です。 quick [fast] She made a quick decision. 彼女は即決しました。 quiet [(1) with little or no noise; (2) having little or no movement; (3) calm] The room was so quiet he could hear his heart beat. (1) 部屋は彼の心臓の鼓動が聞こえるほど静かだった。 The sea was quiet. (2) 海は穏やかでした。 City streets were quiet on the night before Christmas. (3) 市街はクリスマスの前夜、静かだった。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com