P-5 program [(1) a plan of action; (2) the different events or parts of a meeting or show] We have developed a program to increase company profits. (1) Our group is part of the program at the school meeting. (2) progress [movement forward or toward improvement or a goal] Are you making progress on your science project? project [a planned effort to do something] She hopes to complete her science project in about a week. propaganda [ideas or information used to influence opinions] Does political propaganda win elections? property [anything owned by someone such as land, buildings or goods] His property extends from here to the river. propose [to present or offer for consideration] She proposed a new program for teaching English. protect [(1) to guard; (2) to defend; (3) to prevent from being harmed or damaged] The museum is protecting its valuable paintings with a new security system. (1) The Secret Service protects the White House from any kind of attack. (2) Seat belts and air bags protect the driver and front seat passenger in most new cars. (3) protest [(1) to speak against; (2) to object] The speakers protested the lack of controls on handgun sales. (1) The group protested because their votes were not counted. (2) prove [to show to be true] The defense lawyer proved that the young man was not guilty. provide [to give something needed or wanted] She provided food and warm clothing to the homeless man. public [(1) of or about all the people in a community or country; (2) opposite private] Everyone could speak at the public meeting. (1) She said she spoke as a private citizen, not as a public official. (2) publication [something that is published such as a book, newspaper or magazine] I do not read that publication. publish [(1) to make public something that is written; (2) to include something in a book, newspaper or magazine] The government published the list of properties. (1) Did the newspaper publish anything about the accident? (2) pull [(1) to use force to move something toward the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite push] Please pull the microphone closer so we can hear you. (1) You have to pull, not push the door to open it. (2) pump [to force a gas or liquid up, into or through] The broken part would not pump fuel from the tank to the engine. punish [to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal] The judge punished him with a five-year prison sentence. purchase [(1) to buy with money or with something of equal value; (2) that which is bought] Did you purchase your watch in Switzerland? (1) He used a charge card to pay for the purchase. (2) pure [(1) free from anything that is different or that reduces value; (2) clean] He asked if the ring was made of pure gold. (1) Do not expect pure water from a mountain stream. (2) purpose [(1) the reason or desired effect for doing something; (2) goal] What is the purpose of your trip? (1) His only purpose in life was to make her happy. (2) push [(1) to use force to move something away from the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite pull] She pushed him away. (1) Ed pushed the horse and I pulled it. (2) put [(1) to place; (2) to set in position] She put the dog outside. (1) He put the television where everyone could see it. (2) --------------------- --------------------- P-5 program [(1) a plan of action; (2) the different events or parts of a meeting or show] We have developed a program to increase company profits. (1) 我々は会社の収益をあげるためにひとつの計画を発案した。 Our group is part of the program at the school meeting. (2) 我々のグループは学校の集会の(催物の)プログラムに含まれています。 progress [movement forward or toward improvement or a goal] Are you making progress on your science project? あなたの科学の研究課題は進展していますか? project [a planned effort to do something] She hopes to complete her science project in about a week. 彼女は自分の科学の研究課題をだいたい1週間後には完成させたいと思っています。 propaganda [ideas or information used to influence opinions] Does political propaganda win elections? 政治的宣伝活動で選挙に勝てますか?  property [anything owned by someone such as land, buildings or goods] His property extends from here to the river. 彼の不動産はここから川のところまで及びます。 propose [to present or offer for consideration] She proposed a new program for teaching English. 彼女は英語教育の新しいプログラムを提案した。 protect [(1) to guard; (2) to defend; (3) to prevent from being harmed or damaged] The museum is protecting its valuable paintings with a new security system. (1) 美術館は新しい警備設備で所有する高価な絵画を守っている。 The Secret Service protects the White House from any kind of attack. (2) シークレットサービスはいかなる攻撃からもホワイトハウスを守ります。 Seat belts and air bags protect the driver and front seat passenger in most new cars. (3) 新しい車のほとんどは、シートベルトとエアバッグが運転手と前席の乗員を(事故、衝撃から)保護します。 protest [(1) to speak against; (2) to object] The speakers protested the lack of controls on handgun sales. (1) 話し手たちはピストル販売の規制が充分でないと抗議した。 The group protested because their votes were not counted. (2) そのグループは彼らの投票が数えられなかったことに異議を唱えた。 prove [to show to be true] The defense lawyer proved that the young man was not guilty. 弁護人は若者が有罪でないことを証明した。 provide [to give something needed or wanted] She provided food and warm clothing to the homeless man. 彼女はホームレスの男に食べ物と暖かい服を与えた。 public [(1) of or about all the people in a community or country; (2) opposite private] Everyone could speak at the public meeting. (1) 公のミーティングでは皆が話すことができた。 She said she spoke as a private citizen, not as a public official. (2) 彼女は一市民として話したのであり、官僚として話したのではないと言った。 publication [something that is published such as a book, newspaper or magazine] I do not read that publication. 私はその出版物は読みません。 publish [(1) to make public something that is written; (2) to include something in a book, newspaper or magazine] The government published the list of properties. (1) 政府は(国有)財産のリストを公表した。 Did the newspaper publish anything about the accident? (2) 新聞は事故について何か載せましたか? pull [(1) to use force to move something toward the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite push] Please pull the microphone closer so we can hear you. (1) 私たちにあなたの声が聞こえるようにマイクを近くに引き寄せてください。 You have to pull, not push the door to open it. (2) ドアを開けるには、押すのではなく引かなければいけません。 pump [to force a gas or liquid up, into or through] The broken part would not pump fuel from the tank to the engine. 壊れた部品では、タンクから燃料をエンジンへ送り込むことはできないだろう。 punish [to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal] The judge punished him with a five-year prison sentence. 裁判官は5年の懲役で彼を罰した。 purchase [(1) to buy with money or with something of equal value; (2) that which is bought] Did you purchase your watch in Switzerland? (1) あなたの時計はスイスで購入したものですか? He used a charge card to pay for the purchase. (2) 彼は買い物の支払いにクレジットカードを使いました。 pure [(1) free from anything that is different or that reduces value; (2) clean] He asked if the ring was made of pure gold. (1) 彼は指輪が純金で出来ているか尋ねた。 Do not expect pure water from a mountain stream. (2) 山の川から取った水がきれいなものだと思ってはいけません。 purpose [(1) the reason or desired effect for doing something; (2) goal] What is the purpose of your trip? (1) あなたの旅行の目的はなんですか? His only purpose in life was to make her happy. (2) 彼の人生の唯一の目標は、彼女を幸せにすることだった。 push [(1) to use force to move something away from the person or thing using the force; (2) opposite pull] She pushed him away. (1) 彼女は彼を押し放した。 Ed pushed the horse and I pulled it. (2) エドが馬を押し、私は引いた。 put [(1) to place; (2) to set in position] She put the dog outside. (1) 彼女は犬を外に出した. He put the television where everyone could see it. (2) 彼はテレビを皆が見えるところに据えた。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com