P-4 praise [(1) to say good things about; (2) to approve] Kelley's professor praised her test results. (1) The father praised his son's decision. (2) pray [(1) to make a request to a god or spirit; (2) to praise a god or spirit] He prayed to ask God to forgive him for the terrible thing he had done. (1) She prayed to give thanks to God for healing her son. (2) pregnant [(1) carrying a child within the body before it is born; (2) expecting to give birth to a baby] She just learned that she is pregnant. (1) The pregnant woman expects to give birth next month. (2) prepare [(1) to make ready; (2) to put together] She is prepared for her trip to Europe. (1) He will prepare dinner. (2) present [(1) to offer for consideration; (2) a gift; (3) now; (4) to be at a place] We will present our idea to the committee. (1) I gave them a present for their anniversary. (2) The present time is a good time. (3) I was present at school yesterday. (4) president [(1) the chief official of a country that is a republic; (2) the leader of an organization] The President of the United States serves a term of four years. (1) His wife is president of our school's parents and teachers organization. (2) press [(1) to urge strongly; (2) newspapers, magazines and other publications] The mayor pressed him for money for his re-election campaign. (1) The opening of the new hospital was fully reported in the local press. (2) pressure [the force produced when something is pushed down or against something else] We expect a storm because the atmospheric pressure is very low. prevent [to keep or stop from going or happening] Doctors are trying to prevent the disease from spreading. price [the amount of money for which anything is bought, sold or offered for sale] He is asking a fair price for his house. prison [a place where a person is kept as punishment for a crime] The state is building a new prison because the old one is not big enough. private [(1) of or about a person or group that is secret; (2) opposite public] Reports say a private army is plotting to take over the government. (1) This private property is closed to public use. (2) prize [(1) something offered or won in a competition; (2) something of value that one must work hard for to get] She knows the writer who won the Nobel Prize last year. (1) The prize that he seeks is peace in the Middle East. (2) probably [(1) a good chance of taking place; (2) a little more than possible] My son's friend probably will eat at our house tonight. (1) We probably will get some rain from those dark clouds. (2) problem [a difficult question or situation with an unknown or unclear answer] She has sympathy for people with those problems. process [an operation or series of changes leading to a desired result] The production process seems to be a success. produce [(1) to make; (2) to create; (3) to cause something to be; (4) to manufacture] The farmer produced a big crop. (1) Who produced the new action movie? (2) The police produced some new evidence at the trial. (3) His company produces road signs. (4) profession [a job that requires special training] Many doctors are leaving the medical profession. professor [a teacher at a college or university] Do you like your English professor? profit [money gained from a business activity after paying all costs of that activity] How much profit did you make from selling the stock? --------------------- --------------------- P-4 praise [(1) to say good things about; (2) to approve] Kelley's professor praised her test results. (1) ケリーの教授は彼女の試験の結果を称賛した。 The father praised his son's decision. (2) 父親は息子の決断を誉めた。 pray [(1) to make a request to a god or spirit; (2) to praise a god or spirit] He prayed to ask God to forgive him for the terrible thing he had done. (1) 彼は自分が行ったひどいことの許しを神に乞うために祈った。 She prayed to give thanks to God for healing her son. (2) 彼女は自分の息子(の病気)が治ったことを神に感謝して祈った。 pregnant [(1) carrying a child within the body before it is born; (2) expecting to give birth to a baby] She just learned that she is pregnant. (1) 彼女は妊娠したことをついさっき知りました。 The pregnant woman expects to give birth next month. (2) 妊婦は来月出産の予定です。 prepare [(1) to make ready; (2) to put together] She is prepared for her trip to Europe. (1) 彼女はヨーロッパへの旅行の準備ができています。 He will prepare dinner. (2) 彼は夕飯の用意をします。 present [(1) to offer for consideration; (2) a gift; (3) now; (4) to be at a place] We will present our idea to the committee. (1) 私たちは委員会に我々の考えを提出します。 I gave them a present for their anniversary. (2) 私は彼らの記念日にプレゼントをあげた。 The present time is a good time. (3) 現今はよい時代です。 I was present at school yesterday. (4) 私は昨日学校に出席していた。 president [(1) the chief official of a country that is a republic; (2) the leader of an organization] The President of the United States serves a term of four years. (1) 合衆国大統領は4年の任期を務めます。 His wife is president of our school's parents and teachers organization. (2) 彼の妻は、我々の学校の父母と教師の会の会長です。 press [(1) to urge strongly; (2) newspapers, magazines and other publications] The mayor pressed him for money for his re-election campaign. (1) 市長は自分の再選運動資金を彼にせがんだ。 The opening of the new hospital was fully reported in the local press. (2) 新しい病院の開院は、地元の新聞・雑誌にすべて報道された。 pressure [the force produced when something is pushed down or against something else] We expect a storm because the atmospheric pressure is very low. 気圧がとても低いので、嵐が予想されます。 prevent [to keep or stop from going or happening] Doctors are trying to prevent the disease from spreading. 医師たちは病気が広がるのを防ごうと努力している。 price [the amount of money for which anything is bought, sold or offered for sale] He is asking a fair price for his house. 彼は彼の家に対する適正な価格を求めています。 prison [a place where a person is kept as punishment for a crime] The state is building a new prison because the old one is not big enough. 州は古い刑務所の規模が充分でないので、新しい刑務所を建てています。 private [(1) of or about a person or group that is secret; (2) opposite public] Reports say a private army is plotting to take over the government. (1) 報道によれば、ある民間の軍隊が政府にとって代わろうと企てているとのことです。 This private property is closed to public use. (2) この私有地は一般の使用を禁止しています。 prize [(1) something offered or won in a competition; (2) something of value that one must work hard for to get] She knows the writer who won the Nobel Prize last year. (1) 彼女は昨年ノーベル賞を受賞したその作家を知っている。 The prize that he seeks is peace in the Middle East. (2) 彼が努力し求めているものは中東の平和です。 probably [(1) a good chance of taking place; (2) a little more than possible] My son's friend probably will eat at our house tonight. (1) 私の息子の友人はたぶん今夜うちで食事をすることになるでしょう。 We probably will get some rain from those dark clouds. (2) おそらくそれらの暗い雲から雨が降るでしょう。 problem [a difficult question or situation with an unknown or unclear answer] She has sympathy for people with those problems. 彼女はそれらの問題を抱えている人々に同情しています。 process [an operation or series of changes leading to a desired result] The production process seems to be a success. 生産過程はうまくいっているように見えます。 produce [(1) to make; (2) to create; (3) to cause something to be; (4) to manufacture] The farmer produced a big crop. (1) 農夫はたくさんの作物を生産しました。 Who produced the new action movie? (2) 新しいアクション映画はだれが制作しましたか? The police produced some new evidence at the trial. (3) 警察は裁判でいくつかの新しい証拠を提出した。 His company produces road signs. (4) 彼の会社は道路標識を製造しています。 profession [a job that requires special training] Many doctors are leaving the medical profession. 多くの医者たちが医療職から離れていっている。 professor [a teacher at a college or university] Do you like your English professor? あなたは英語の教授が好きですか? profit [money gained from a business activity after paying all costs of that activity] How much profit did you make from selling the stock? あなたは株を売ることで、どのくらいの利益を得ましたか? (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com