P-3 please [(1) to make one happy; (2) to give enjoyment] He was pleased to see her again. (1) The music is pleasing to her. (2) plenty [(1) all that is needed; (2) a large enough amount] There is plenty of time to see a movie. (1) We have plenty of food. (2) plot [(1) to make secret plans; (2) a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal] Her friends plotted to surprise her with a party. (1) A bank employee discovered the plot. (2) poem [words and their sounds organized in a special way to express emotions] Several of his poems have been published. point [(1) to aim one's finger toward; (2) to aim; (3) the sharp end of something] The man pointed his finger at the suspect. (1) She pointed the gun at the target. (2) The knife had a sharp point. (3) poison [a substance that can destroy life or damage health] Police found poison in the woman's food. police [(1) a government agency responsible for guarding the public, keeping order, and making sure people obey the law; (2) members of that agency] The mayor said police have failed to reduce crime in the city. (1) He said the city needs more police. (2) policy [an established set of plans or goals used to develop and make decisions in politics, economics or business] The new president said he would change the nation's economic policy. politics [the activities of government and of those who are in public office] He enjoys discussing politics with his friends. pollute [to release dangerous or unpleasant substances into the air, soil or water] The governor said he will act against companies that pollute the air and water in his state. poor [(1) people with little or no money; (2) lacking money or goods; (3) of bad quality] She has proposed programs to help the poor. (1) His family is poor because he cannot keep a job. (2) The company makes poor products. (3) popular [(1) liked by many people; (2) generally approved by the public] She is a popular girl at our school. (1) A proposal to cut taxes has much popular support. (2) population [all the people in a place, city or country] The population of the world continues to increase. port [(1) a city where ships load or unload goods; (2) a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm] Baltimore is a busy port on the Atlantic coast. (1) The ship raced the storm to a safe port. (2) position [(1) a place; (2) the way of holding the body; (3) the way a thing is set or placed; (4) a job (or level of a job) in an organization] The soldiers attacked the enemy position. (1) The position of his body showed he was in pain. (2) Someone changed the position of the bed. (3) Her father holds a high position in the company. (4) possess [(1) to have; (2) to own; (3) to control or be controlled by] She possesses great negotiating skills. (1) He possesses a 1955 Ford Thunderbird car. (2) An evil spirit possessed her. (3) possible [(1) able to be done; (2) can happen or is expected to happen] The train is a possible way to get there. (1) She is a possible candidate for President in 2004. (2) postpone [to delay action until a later time] The meeting is postponed until Tuesday. pour [(1) to flow; (2) to cause to flow] Rain water poured down the mountain. (1) People poured from the store when the alarm sounded. (2) power [(1) the ability to control or direct others; (2) control; (3) strength; (4) ruling force; (5) force or energy used to do work] The police have the power to arrest and question people suspected of crimes. (1) The independent counsel was given the power to investigate the president. (2) Nations have nuclear weapons with the power to destroy the world. (3) The governing power of the United States rests in the Constitution. (4)  Water power turns the wheel. (5) --------------------- --------------------- P-3 please [(1) to make one happy; (2) to give enjoyment] He was pleased to see her again. (1) 彼は彼女に再び会えてうれしかった。 The music is pleasing to her. (2) その音楽は彼女にとって心地よい。 plenty [(1) all that is needed; (2) a large enough amount] There is plenty of time to see a movie. (1) 映画を見る時間は充分あります。 We have plenty of food. (2) 私たちはたっぷり食料を持っています。 plot [(1) to make secret plans; (2) a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal] Her friends plotted to surprise her with a party. (1) 彼女の友人らはパーティーを開いて彼女を驚かせようとたくらんだ。 A bank employee discovered the plot. (2) 銀行職員のひとりが陰謀を発見した。 poem [words and their sounds organized in a special way to express emotions] Several of his poems have been published. 彼の詩のいくつかは出版されています。 point [(1) to aim one's finger toward; (2) to aim; (3) the sharp end of something] The man pointed his finger at the suspect. (1) 男は容疑者を指差した。 She pointed the gun at the target. (2) 彼女は標的に向けて銃のねらいを定めた。 The knife had a sharp point. (3) ナイフの刃先はするどかった。 poison [a substance that can destroy life or damage health] Police found poison in the woman's food. 警察は女性の食べ物の中に毒を発見した。 police [(1) a government agency responsible for guarding the public, keeping order, and making sure people obey the law; (2) members of that agency] The mayor said police have failed to reduce crime in the city. (1) 市長は警察は町の犯罪を減らすのに失敗したと言った。 He said the city needs more police. (2) 彼は町にはもっと大勢の警察官が必要だと言った。 policy [an established set of plans or goals used to develop and make decisions in politics, economics or business] The new president said he would change the nation's economic policy. 新しい大統領は国の経済政策を変更するつもりだと述べた。 politics [the activities of government and of those who are in public office] He enjoys discussing politics with his friends. 彼は友人らと政治について話し合うのが好きです。 pollute [to release dangerous or unpleasant substances into the air, soil or water] The governor said he will act against companies that pollute the air and water in his state. 知事は州の大気や水を汚染する企業に対して対抗すると言った(この時点では、まだ対抗していない)。 poor [(1) people with little or no money; (2) lacking money or goods; (3) of bad quality] She has proposed programs to help the poor. (1) 彼女は貧しい人々を助ける計画を提案しました。 His family is poor because he cannot keep a job. (2) 彼の一家は彼が仕事を続けられないので貧乏です。 The company makes poor products. (3) その会社の製品は品質がよくない。 popular [(1) liked by many people; (2) generally approved by the public] She is a popular girl at our school. (1) 彼女は我々の学校で人気のある子です。 A proposal to cut taxes has much popular support. (2) 減税の提案は多くの一般の指示を受けています。 population [all the people in a place, city or country] The population of the world continues to increase. 世界の人口は増加し続けています。 port [(1) a city where ships load or unload goods; (2) a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm] Baltimore is a busy port on the Atlantic coast. (1) ボルティモアは大西洋岸の活気のある港町です。 The ship raced the storm to a safe port. (2) 船は嵐から抜け出ようと安全な港まで疾走した。 position [(1) a place; (2) the way of holding the body; (3) the way a thing is set or placed; (4) a job (or level of a job) in an organization] The soldiers attacked the enemy position. (1) 兵士たちは敵地を攻撃した。 The position of his body showed he was in pain. (2) 彼の姿勢は彼が痛みを持っていることを示していた。 Someone changed the position of the bed. (3) 誰かがベッドの位置を変えました。 Her father holds a high position in the company. (4) 彼女の父は会社で高い役職についています。 possess [(1) to have; (2) to own; (3) to control or be controlled by] She possesses great negotiating skills. (1) 彼女はすばらしい交渉能力を持っている。 He possesses a 1955 Ford Thunderbird car. (2) 彼は1955年型のフォード・サンダーバード車を所有している。 An evil spirit possessed her. (3) 悪霊が彼女にとりついた。 possible [(1) able to be done; (2) can happen or is expected to happen] The train is a possible way to get there. (1) 電車はそこに行くのに利用できる手段のひとつです。 She is a possible candidate for President in 2004. (2) 彼女は2004年の大統領選の候補として考えらます。 postpone [to delay action until a later time] The meeting is postponed until Tuesday. 会議は火曜日まで延期されます。 pour [(1) to flow; (2) to cause to flow] Rain water poured down the mountain. (1) 雨水が激しく山を流れ落ちた。 People poured from the store when the alarm sounded. (2) 警報が鳴った時、人々が店からどっと出てきた。 power [(1) the ability to control or direct others; (2) control; (3) strength; (4) ruling force; (5) force or energy used to do work] The police have the power to arrest and question people suspected of crimes. (1) 警察は犯罪の容疑のある人々を逮捕し、尋問する権力を持っている。 The independent counsel was given the power to investigate the president. (2) 独立した審議会は大統領を調査する指揮権を与えられた。 Nations have nuclear weapons with the power to destroy the world. (3) 国々は世界を破滅させる力を持つ核兵器を保有している。 The governing power of the United States rests in the Constitution. (4) 合衆国の統治権については憲法に載っている。  Water power turns the wheel. (5) 水力が車輪(車輪状の装置)を回します。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com