P-2 percent [a part of every hundred] Ten is ten percent of one hundred. perfect [(1) complete or correct in every way; (2) completely right or good; (3) without mistakes] It was a perfect performance. (1) Today is a perfect day. (2) She had a perfect score on the test. (3) perform [to speak, dance or sing in front of others] She performed perfectly. period [an amount of time within events, restrictions or conditions] The child went through a period of intense growth. permanent [(1) never changing; (2) lasting for a very long time or for all time] Please tell me your permanent address. (1) Astronauts left an American flag on the moon as a permanent memorial. (2) permit [(1) to let; (2) to make possible] Her parents permit her to work. (1) The wider doors and raised walkway permit people in wheelchairs to use the building. (2) person [a man, woman or child] She is a good person to know. physical [of the body] Physical exercise helps keep him healthy. physics [the study of motion, matter and energy] Studying physics takes a lot of time. picture [(1) an idea or representation of something as seen by the eye; (2) a painting; (3) what is made with a camera] She drew a picture of him from memory. (1) The picture of her was painted many years ago. (2) My camera takes good pictures. (3) piece [a part of something larger] Please have a piece of my birthday cake. pig [a farm animal used for its meat] He raises pigs on his farm. pilot [one who guides or flies an airplane or helicopter] The pilot landed the airplane on a road. pipe [a long, round piece of material used to move liquid or gas] The pipe moves oil from Texas to Virginia. place [(1) to put something somewhere; (2) an area or a part of an area; (3) space where a person or thing is; (4) any room, building, town or country] He placed the book on the table. (1) The place you are looking for is on the other side of town. (2) I am staying at his place. (3) Japan is a place I would like to visit. (4) plan [(1) to organize or develop an idea or method of acting or doing something; (2) an organized or developed idea or method] They plan to have a party. (1) The plan will not work. (2) planet [a large object in space that orbits the sun] Earth is a planet. plant [(1) to put into the ground to grow; (2) a living growth from the ground which gets its food from air, water and earth] If you plant this, it will grow. (1) These plants have beautiful flowers in the summer. (2) plastic [a material made from chemicals that can be formed and made into things] I ate with a plastic spoon from a plastic plate on a plastic table. play [(1) to have fun; (2) to not work; (3) to take part in a sport; (4) to make music on an instrument; (5) a story acted in a theater] She plays with her baby. (1) I cannot play today. (2) He plays baseball every day. (3) Will you play the guitar? (4) We saw a play at the theater last night. (5) --------------------- --------------------- P-2 percent [a part of every hundred] Ten is ten percent of one hundred. 10は100の10パーセントです。 perfect [(1) complete or correct in every way; (2) completely right or good; (3) without mistakes] It was a perfect performance. (1) 演奏(演技)は完璧だった。 Today is a perfect day. (2) 今日は申し分なく良い日です。 She had a perfect score on the test. (3) 彼女は試験で満点を取った。 perform [to speak, dance or sing in front of others] She performed perfectly. 彼女は完璧に演技(演奏)した。 period [an amount of time within events, restrictions or conditions] The child went through a period of intense growth. その子はある期間に急激に成長した。 permanent [(1) never changing; (2) lasting for a very long time or for all time] Please tell me your permanent address. (1) あなたの本籍を教えてください。 Astronauts left an American flag on the moon as a permanent memorial. (2) 宇宙飛行士は、月の上にアメリカ国旗を永久的な記念物として残した。 permit [(1) to let; (2) to make possible] Her parents permit her to work. (1) 彼女の両親は彼女が働くことを許可しています。 The wider doors and raised walkway permit people in wheelchairs to use the building. (2) 広いドアと高くした通路は、車椅子の人々がこのビルを使うことを可能にします。 person [a man, woman or child] She is a good person to know. 彼女は知り合いになるのにいい人です。 physical [of the body] Physical exercise helps keep him healthy. 身体運動は彼の健康維持に役立ちます。 physics [the study of motion, matter and energy] Studying physics takes a lot of time. 物理学を学ぶにはとても時間がかかります。 picture [(1) an idea or representation of something as seen by the eye; (2) a painting; (3) what is made with a camera] She drew a picture of him from memory. (1) 彼女は記憶をたよりに彼の肖像をスケッチした。 The picture of her was painted many years ago. (2) 彼女の絵は何年も前に描かれました。 My camera takes good pictures. (3) 私のカメラはいい写真が撮れる。 piece [a part of something larger] Please have a piece of my birthday cake. 私のバースデイケーキを一切れどうぞ。 pig [a farm animal used for its meat] He raises pigs on his farm. 彼は自分の農場で豚を飼育します。 pilot [one who guides or flies an airplane or helicopter] The pilot landed the airplane on a road. 操縦士は道の上に飛行機を着陸させた。 pipe [a long, round piece of material used to move liquid or gas] The pipe moves oil from Texas to Virginia. パイプは石油をテキサスからバージニアに送ります。 place [(1) to put something somewhere; (2) an area or a part of an area; (3) space where a person or thing is; (4) any room, building, town or country] He placed the book on the table. (1) 彼はテーブルの上に本を置いた。 The place you are looking for is on the other side of town. (2) あなたが探している場所は、町の反対側にあります。 I am staying at his place. (3) 私は彼のところ(家)に滞在しています。 Japan is a place I would like to visit. (4) 日本は私が行きたい場所のひとつです。 plan [(1) to organize or develop an idea or method of acting or doing something; (2) an organized or developed idea or method] They plan to have a party. (1) 彼らはパーティーを開く予定です。 The plan will not work. (2) 計画はうまくいかないだろう。 planet [a large object in space that orbits the sun] Earth is a planet. 地球は惑星のひとつです。 plant [(1) to put into the ground to grow; (2) a living growth from the ground which gets its food from air, water and earth] If you plant this, it will grow. (1) これを植えたら、育つでしょう。 These plants have beautiful flowers in the summer. (2) これらの植物は夏には美しい花を咲かせます。 plastic [a material made from chemicals that can be formed and made into things] I ate with a plastic spoon from a plastic plate on a plastic table. 私は、プラスティックのテーブルの上のプラスティックの皿から、プラスティックのスプーンで食べた。 play [(1) to have fun; (2) to not work; (3) to take part in a sport; (4) to make music on an instrument; (5) a story acted in a theater] She plays with her baby. (1) 彼女は自分の赤ちゃんと遊びます。 I cannot play today. (2) 私は今日遊べません。 He plays baseball every day. (3) 彼は毎日野球をします。 Will you play the guitar? (4) ギターを弾いてくれませんか? We saw a play at the theater last night. (5) 私たちは昨晩劇場で演劇を見た。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com