P-1 pain [a hurt or suffering somewhere in the body] The injury caused him great pain. paint [(1) to cover with a liquid color; (2) to make a picture with liquid colors; (3) a colored liquid used to cover or protect a surface] He will paint his house next week. (1) She painted this picture when she was young. (2) How much paint will you need to paint your house? (3) pan [a metal container used for cooking] Cook your food in this pan. paper [a thin, flat material made from plants or cloth often used for writing] I use a lot of paper for my schoolwork. parachute [a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplane or helicopter to the ground] He jumps from an airplane and his parachute lets him fall slowly to the ground. parade [a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary] She took the children to watch the Independence Day parade. pardon [to forgive for a crime and release from punishment] Presidents can pardon criminals. parent [a father or mother] Her parents will be here later. parliament [a government lawmaking group] The government ended parliament and called new elections. part [(1) something less than the whole; (2) not all of something] I spend part of today planning what I will do tomorrow. (1) Only a small part of this land belongs to me. (2) party [(1) a group of people working together for a political purpose; (2) a group of people or friends gathered together for enjoyment] She raises money for the Democratic Party. (1) Bill has invited everyone to a party at his house. (2) pass [(1) to go by or move around something; (2) to move along; (3) to cause or permit to go] You can pass the car in front of us. (1) The hours passed slowly as he waited to leave. (2) The guard passed him through the gate. (3) passenger [a person traveling by airplane, train, boat or car who is not the pilot or driver] All passengers and the crew of the airplane survived the emergency landing. passport [a document permitting a person to travel to another country] She was arrested for traveling with a false passport. past [(1) the time gone by; (2) the time before; (3) recent; (4) immediately before; (5) former] He would like to forget the past. (1) The records showed the patient had no medical problems in his recent past. (2) She has not been here for the past few days. (3) He is the past president of our organization. (4) He is a past president of our organization. (5) path [(1) a narrow way for walking; (2) a way along which something moves] We walked along the path together. (1) He watched the path of the arrow all the way to the target. (2) patient [a person being treated by a doctor for a health problem] The doctors examined the patient carefully. pay [to give money for work done or for something bought] She paid a lot of money for her clothes. peace [(1) the condition of freedom from war, fighting or noise; (2) rest; (3) quiet] We have been at peace for almost ten years. (1) He was sleeping, at peace with the world. (2) A shout broke the peace of the early morning. (3) people [(1) any group of persons; (2) all the persons of a group, race, religion or nation] A large crowd of people welcomed the Pope to St. Louis. (1) The American people are a mix of the world's people. (2) --------------------- --------------------- P-1 pain [a hurt or suffering somewhere in the body] The injury caused him great pain. けがは彼に大変な痛みをもたらした。 paint [(1) to cover with a liquid color; (2) to make a picture with liquid colors; (3) a colored liquid used to cover or protect a surface] He will paint his house next week. (1) 彼は来週、自分の家にペンキを塗るつもりです。 She painted this picture when she was young. (2) 彼女は若い時にこの絵を描きました。 How much paint will you need to paint your house? (3) あなたの家を塗るために、どのくらいの量のペンキが必要ですか? pan [a metal container used for cooking] Cook your food in this pan. この鍋で食べ物を調理してください。 paper [a thin, flat material made from plants or cloth often used for writing] I use a lot of paper for my schoolwork. 私は宿題にたくさんの紙を使います。 parachute [a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplane or helicopter to the ground] He jumps from an airplane and his parachute lets him fall slowly to the ground. 彼は飛行機から飛び降ります。すると彼のパラシュートが、彼を地面にゆっくりと降下させます。 parade [a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary] She took the children to watch the Independence Day parade. 彼女は子供たちを独立記念日のパレードを見に連れて行った。 pardon [to forgive for a crime and release from punishment] Presidents can pardon criminals. 大統領は犯罪者たちを特赦することができる。 parent [a father or mother] Her parents will be here later. 彼女の両親は後でここにきます。 parliament [a government lawmaking group] The government ended parliament and called new elections. 政府は国会を解散し、新たな選挙を宣言した。 part [(1) something less than the whole; (2) not all of something] I spend part of today planning what I will do tomorrow. (1) 私は明日何をするか計画することに今日の一部を費やした。 Only a small part of this land belongs to me. (2) この土地のほんのわずかな部分が私のものです。 party [(1) a group of people working together for a political purpose; (2) a group of people or friends gathered together for enjoyment] She raises money for the Democratic Party. (1) 彼女は民主党民主党のために資金集めをします。 Bill has invited everyone to a party at his house. (2) ビルは自分の家でのパーティーに皆を招待した。 pass [(1) to go by or move around something; (2) to move along; (3) to cause or permit to go] You can pass the car in front of us. (1) 我々の前の車を通り越しても大丈夫ですよ。 The hours passed slowly as he waited to leave. (2) 彼が出発を待っている時、時間はゆっくり過ぎていった。 The guard passed him through the gate. (3) 守衛はゲートで彼を通した。 passenger [a person traveling by airplane, train, boat or car who is not the pilot or driver] All passengers and the crew of the airplane survived the emergency landing. 緊急着陸で飛行機の乗客と乗組員は全員助かった。 passport [a document permitting a person to travel to another country] She was arrested for traveling with a false passport. 彼女は偽の旅券で旅行をした容疑で逮捕された。 past [(1) the time gone by; (2) the time before; (3) recent; (4) immediately before; (5) former] He would like to forget the past. (1) 彼は昔のことを忘れたい。 The records showed the patient had no medical problems in his recent past. (2) 記録は患者にはここ最近医療上の問題がなかったことを示していた。 She has not been here for the past few days. (3) 彼女はこの数日間ここに来ていません。 He is the past president of our organization. (4) 彼は我々の組織の前会長です。 He is a past president of our organization. (5) 彼は我々の組織の元会長です。 path [(1) a narrow way for walking; (2) a way along which something moves] We walked along the path together. (1) 我々は一緒に小道に沿って歩いた。 He watched the path of the arrow all the way to the target. (2) 彼は矢が標的に達するまでの進路をずっと見守った。 patient [a person being treated by a doctor for a health problem] The doctors examined the patient carefully. 医者は患者を注意深く診察した。 pay [to give money for work done or for something bought] She paid a lot of money for her clothes. 彼女は自分の服のために大金を支払った。 peace [(1) the condition of freedom from war, fighting or noise; (2) rest; (3) quiet] We have been at peace for almost ten years. (1) 我々はほぼ10年間平和に過ごしています。 He was sleeping, at peace with the world. (2) 彼は満たされた気持ちで眠りについていた。 A shout broke the peace of the early morning. (3) 叫び声が早朝の静けさを破った。 people [(1) any group of persons; (2) all the persons of a group, race, religion or nation] A large crowd of people welcomed the Pope to St. Louis. (1) 大群衆は法王のセントルイス入りを歓迎した。 The American people are a mix of the world's people. (2) アメリカ国民は世界中の人々の寄り集まりです。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com