O-2 opinion [a belief based on one's own ideas and thinking] What is your opinion on the power crisis? oppose [(1) to be against; (2) to fight against] She opposes cutting trees in national forests. (1) Protesters promised to oppose attempts to put oil wells in wild areas of Alaska. (2) opposite [(1) as different as possible; (2) completely different from; (3) exactly the other way] They worked on opposite sides of town. (1) The two men held opposite opinions on the war. (2) North is the opposite direction from south. (3) oppress [(1) to make others suffer; (2) to control by the use of unjust and cruel force or power] The Khmer Rouge used torture and murder to oppress the Cambodian people. (1) The American colonists declared independence because Britain oppressed them with heavy taxes and brutal force. (2) or [(1) giving another of two choices; (2) giving the last of several choices] Would you like coffee or tea? (1) I could meet you at noon on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday. (2) orbit [(1) to travel in space around a planet or other object; (2) the path or way an object travels in space around another object or planet] The spacecraft will orbit the moon three times. (1) The satellite is in an orbit that will keep it always above the same place on Earth. (2) order [(1) to give a command; (2) to tell someone what to do; (3) a command; (4) the correct or normal way things are organized; (5) a peaceful situation in which people obey laws] The sergeant ordered the marching soldiers to halt. (1) The court ordered election officials to count the votes again. (2) You have no choice but to obey the order. (3) The President spoke about a new world order. (4) Police stopped the rioting and returned order to the city. (5) organize [(1) to put in order; (2) to put together into a system] He needed a few minutes to organize his thoughts. (1) She will help him organize the material for his book. (2) other [(1) different; (2) of another kind; (3) the remaining one or ones of two or more] Any other woman would have left him. (1) He wanted a life other than his own. (2) That man is short; the other is tall. (3) our [of or belonging to us] We ate our dinner in the park. oust [(1) to force to leave; (2) to remove by force] The soldiers ousted the farmers from the village. (1) The rebels ousted the President. (2) out [(1) away from the inside; (2) opposite of in] He walked out of the house. (1) She was out of the office when I arrived. (2) over [(1) above; (2) covering; (3) across, in or on every part of] She looked up as the plane flew over her. (1) He pulled the blanket over his sleeping daughter. (2) She has traveled all over the world. (3) overthrow [(1) to remove from power; (2) to defeat or end by force] The people of Yugoslavia overthrew the President. (1) The report said the generals were plotting to overthrow the government. (2) owe [to pay or have to repay (usually money) in return for something received] How much do I owe you for the coffee? own [to have or possess for oneself] He said he owned the car. --------------------- --------------------- O-2 opinion [a belief based on one's own ideas and thinking] What is your opinion on the power crisis? エネルギー危機について、あなたの意見はどのようなものですか? oppose [(1) to be against; (2) to fight against] She opposes cutting trees in national forests. (1) 彼女は国有森林の木々を切ることに反対です。 Protesters promised to oppose attempts to put oil wells in wild areas of Alaska. (2) 反対者たちはアラスカの自然地帯に油井を置く試みに抵抗することを誓った。 opposite [(1) as different as possible; (2) completely different from; (3) exactly the other way] They worked on opposite sides of town. (1) 彼らは(互いに)町の反対側で働いた。 The two men held opposite opinions on the war. (2) 2人は戦争について正反対の意見を持っていた。 North is the opposite direction from south. (3) 北は南の逆の方向です。 oppress [(1) to make others suffer; (2) to control by the use of unjust and cruel force or power] The Khmer Rouge used torture and murder to oppress the Cambodian people. (1) クメール・ルージュはカンボジアの人々を抑圧するのに拷問と殺人を行使した。 The American colonists declared independence because Britain oppressed them with heavy taxes and brutal force. (2) アメリカの入植者たちは、英国が彼らを重税と残忍な暴力でしいたげたので独立を宣言した。 or [(1) giving another of two choices; (2) giving the last of several choices] Would you like coffee or tea? (1) コーヒーか紅茶を召し上がりますか? I could meet you at noon on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday. (2) 私はあなたに月曜日、火曜日、または金曜日の正午ならお会いできます。 orbit [(1) to travel in space around a planet or other object; (2) the path or way an object travels in space around another object or planet] The spacecraft will orbit the moon three times. (1) 宇宙船は月の周囲を3度回ります。 The satellite is in an orbit that will keep it always above the same place on Earth. (2) 衛星はいつも地球の同じ場所の上を通る軌道にいます。 order [(1) to give a command; (2) to tell someone what to do; (3) a command; (4) the correct or normal way things are organized; (5) a peaceful situation in which people obey laws] The sergeant ordered the marching soldiers to halt. (1) 軍曹は行進する兵士たちに止まるよう命令した。 The court ordered election officials to count the votes again. (2) 裁判所は選挙係官たちに投票をもう1度数えるように指示した。 You have no choice but to obey the order. (3) あなたには命令に従うほかに選択はありません。 The President spoke about a new world order. (4) 大統領は新しい世界の体制について話しをした。 Police stopped the rioting and returned order to the city. (5) 警察は暴動を止め、町に秩序を取り戻した。 organize [(1) to put in order; (2) to put together into a system] He needed a few minutes to organize his thoughts. (1) 彼は自分の考えをまとめるのに数分かかった。 She will help him organize the material for his book. (2) 彼女は彼の本のための資料を整理するのを手伝います。 other [(1) different; (2) of another kind; (3) the remaining one or ones of two or more] Any other woman would have left him. (1) ほかの女性だったら誰もが彼から離れていっただろう。 He wanted a life other than his own. (2) 彼は自分のものとは違う人生を望んでいた。 That man is short; the other is tall. (3) その男の人は背が低いです。もう一方の人は背が高いです。 our [of or belonging to us] We ate our dinner in the park. 公園で自分たちの夕食を取りました。 oust [(1) to force to leave; (2) to remove by force] The soldiers ousted the farmers from the village. (1) 兵士たちは村から農民らを立ち退かせた。 The rebels ousted the President. (2) 反逆者たちは大統領を追放した。 out [(1) away from the inside; (2) opposite of in] He walked out of the house. (1) 彼は家から外へ歩いて出ていった。 She was out of the office when I arrived. (2) 彼女は私が到着した時、事務所を留守にしていた。 over [(1) above; (2) covering; (3) across, in or on every part of] She looked up as the plane flew over her. (1) 彼女はその飛行機が彼女の上空を飛んだ時、見上げた。 He pulled the blanket over his sleeping daughter. (2) 彼は寝ている自分の娘の上の毛布を引っ張り、すっかりかけてやった。 She has traveled all over the world. (3) 彼女は世界中を旅してきました。 overthrow [(1) to remove from power; (2) to defeat or end by force] The people of Yugoslavia overthrew the President. (1) ユーゴスラビアの国民は大統領を権力の座から引きずり下ろした。 The report said the generals were plotting to overthrow the government. (2) 報告によれば、将軍たちは政府を転覆させようとたくらんでいたとのことだった。 owe [to pay or have to repay (usually money) in return for something received] How much do I owe you for the coffee? 私はコーヒー代として、いくらあなたに借りがありますか? own [to have or possess for oneself] He said he owned the car. 彼はその車は自分のものだと言った。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com