O-1 obey [to act as one is ordered to act] She said she became a judge because she believed that people must obey the laws. object [(1) to show that one does not like or approve; (2) to protest;(3) something not alive that can be seen or touched] The lawyer said he would object if the disputed evidence was given. (1) He objected strongly to the Senator's comment. (2) She found a strange object near her house. (3) observe [(1) to watch; (2) to look at carefully; (3) to celebrate or honor something] She observed everyone who walked past her house. (1) They observed the elections to report on possible violations of voting laws. (2) They will observe the anniversary of the day she was born. (3) occupy [to take and hold or to control by force] Soldiers occupied the town formerly controlled by rebels. ocean [(1) the area of salt water that covers almost seventy-five percent of the earth's surface; (2) any of the five main divisions of this water] We are going to the ocean for two weeks. (1) He has sailed across the Pacific Ocean three times. (2) of [(1) made from; (2) belonging to; (3) about; (4) connected to; (5) included among] Her ring is made of gold. (1) His son is a member of the Boy Scouts. (2) That movie is the story of a woman who wins one million dollars. (3) Someone broke the window of my car. (4) One of my brothers is a doctor. (5) off [(1) away; (2) at a distance; (3) condition when something is no longer operating or continuing; (4) not on; (5) not connected] She walked off without speaking. (1) The lake was 10 miles off. (2) The game is off because of rain. (3) The electric power was off for three hours. (4) He took off the rope so his dog could run. (5) offensive [(1) a military campaign of attack;(2) having to do with attacking] The government offensive began with an air attack. (1) The weapons included a new offensive missile that destroys radar centers. (2) offer [(1) to present or propose;(2) the act of presenting or proposing; (3) that which is presented or proposed] He offered to help her find her car. (1) Republican leaders made an offer to share power with the Democrats. (2) She got a job offer from a computer company in Texas. (3) office [(1) a room or building where business or work is done; (2) a public position to which one is elected or appointed] Her office is on the fortieth floor of the new building. (1) He was elected to the office of Vice President. (2) officer [(1) a person in the military who commands others; (2) any person who is a member of a police force] Her father is an army officer in Germany. (1) Two police officers were honored for saving the lives of five people. (2) official [(1) a person with power in an organization; (2) a representative of an organization or government;(3) of or about an office; (4) approved by the government or someone in power] She is an official of our church council. (1) Members of our local parents and teachers organization are electing an official to represent them at the state level. (2) She read about it in the official newspaper. (3) An official statement said the labor strike would begin at midnight. (4) often [many times] How often do you see each other? oil [(1) a thick liquid that does not mix with water and that burns easily; (2) a black liquid taken from the ground and used as fuel] Oil for heating homes costs a lot more this year. (1) The president says America must produce more of the oil it needs. (2) old [(1) not young or new; (2) having lived or existed for many years] He has an old car and an old house. (1) The old tree has been growing for more than three hundred years. (2) on [(1) above and held up by; (2) touching the upper surface of; (3) supported by; (4) about; (5) at the time of] The clock is on the wall. (1) The book is on the table. (2) He is on his feet. (3) The report on the meeting is ready. (4) He left on Wednesday. (5) once [one time only] We had dinner there once. only [(1) being the single one or ones; (2) no more than] He was the only person here. (1) We have only two dollars. (2) open [(1) to start; (2) not closed; (3) not secret] They opened talks. (1) We saw them through the open window. (2) No secrets were discussed at the open meeting. (3) operate [(1) to do work or a job; (2) to cut into the body for medical reasons] Her family operates a car repair business. (1) Doctors will operate on him to remove a cancer. (2) --------------------- --------------------- O-1 obey [to act as one is ordered to act] She said she became a judge because she believed that people must obey the laws. 彼女は、人々は法律に従って行動すべきだと信じて判事になったと言った。 object [(1) to show that one does not like or approve; (2) to protest;(3) something not alive that can be seen or touched] The lawyer said he would object if the disputed evidence was given. (1) 弁護士はもし争点となっている証拠が提出されたら、異議を唱えるつもりだと言った。 He objected strongly to the Senator's comment. (2) 彼は議員の意見に対して強く抗議した。 She found a strange object near her house. (3) 彼女は不思議な物体を家の近くで見つけた。 observe [(1) to watch; (2) to look at carefully; (3) to celebrate or honor something] She observed everyone who walked past her house. (1) 彼女は、彼女の家を通りすぎるすべての人を見ていた。 They observed the elections to report on possible violations of voting laws. (2) 彼らは起こりえる投票規則の違反を報告するために選挙を監視した。 They will observe the anniversary of the day she was born. (3) 彼らは彼女が生まれた記念日を祝う予定です。 occupy [to take and hold or to control by force] Soldiers occupied the town formerly controlled by rebels. 兵士たちは以前は反逆者たちに支配されていた町を占拠した。 ocean [(1) the area of salt water that covers almost seventy-five percent of the earth's surface; (2) any of the five main divisions of this water] We are going to the ocean for two weeks. (1) 私たちは2週間海に行ってきます。 He has sailed across the Pacific Ocean three times. (2) 彼は太平洋を3度横断航海した。 of [(1) made from; (2) belonging to; (3) about; (4) connected to; (5) included among] Her ring is made of gold. (1) 彼女の指輪は金で出来ています。 His son is a member of the Boy Scouts. (2) 彼の息子はボーイスカウトの一員です。 That movie is the story of a woman who wins one million dollars. (3) 映画は百万ドルを手に入れる女性についての物語です。 Someone broke the window of my car. (4) だれかが私の車の窓を壊した。 One of my brothers is a doctor. (5) 私の兄弟のうちのひとりは、医者です。 off [(1) away; (2) at a distance; (3) condition when something is no longer operating or continuing; (4) not on; (5) not connected] She walked off without speaking. (1) 彼女は話しをすることなく立ち去った。 The lake was 10 miles off. (2) 湖は10マイル離れていた。 ※one mile = 1.6 kilometers The game is off because of rain. (3) 試合は雨のため中止です。 The electric power was off for three hours. (4) 電力は3時間、不通だった。 He took off the rope so his dog could run. (5) 彼は、彼の犬が走れるように綱をほどいた。 offensive [(1) a military campaign of attack;(2) having to do with attacking] The government offensive began with an air attack. (1) 政府側の攻撃は空襲で始まった。 The weapons included a new offensive missile that destroys radar centers. (2) 兵器にはレーダーセンターを破壊する新しい攻撃ミサイルが含まれていた。 offer [(1) to present or propose;(2) the act of presenting or proposing; (3) that which is presented or proposed] He offered to help her find her car. (1) 彼は彼女の車を見つけるのを手伝うと申し出た。 Republican leaders made an offer to share power with the Democrats. (2) 共和党のリーダーたちは民主党員らと政権を分担することを申し出た。 She got a job offer from a computer company in Texas. (3) 彼女はテキサスのコンピューター会社から雇い入れの申し出を受けた。 office [(1) a room or building where business or work is done; (2) a public position to which one is elected or appointed] Her office is on the fortieth floor of the new building. (1) 彼女の事務所は新しいビルの40階にあります。 He was elected to the office of Vice President. (2) 彼は副大統領の職に選出された。 officer [(1) a person in the military who commands others; (2) any person who is a member of a police force] Her father is an army officer in Germany. (1) 彼女の父はドイツの陸軍将校です。 Two police officers were honored for saving the lives of five people. (2) 2人の警察官は5人の命を救ったことに対して賞された。 official [(1) a person with power in an organization; (2) a representative of an organization or government;(3) of or about an office; (4) approved by the government or someone in power] She is an official of our church council. (1) 彼女は私たちの教会会議の役員です。 Members of our local parents and teachers organization are electing an official to represent them at the state level. (2) 地元の父母と教師たちの組織メンバーたちは州の代表役員を選出している。 She read about it in the official newspaper. (3) 彼女は広報紙でそのことを読んだ。 An official statement said the labor strike would begin at midnight. (4) 労働ストライキは夜半から始まると公式発表された。 often [many times] How often do you see each other? あなたたちはお互いにどのくらいの頻度で会っていますか? oil [(1) a thick liquid that does not mix with water and that burns easily; (2) a black liquid taken from the ground and used as fuel] Oil for heating homes costs a lot more this year. (1) 今年は家庭暖房用の油代がいつもよりずっと高くつく。 The president says America must produce more of the oil it needs. (2) 大統領は、アメリカは自国が必要とする石油のより多くの部分を産出しなければならないと言っている。 old [(1) not young or new; (2) having lived or existed for many years] He has an old car and an old house. (1) 彼は古い車と古い家を所有しています。 The old tree has been growing for more than three hundred years. (2) 老木は300年以上年以上前から生えています。 on [(1) above and held up by; (2) touching the upper surface of; (3) supported by; (4) about; (5) at the time of] The clock is on the wall. (1) 時計は壁にかかっています。 The book is on the table. (2) 本は机の上にあります。 He is on his feet. (3) 彼は立ちあがっています。 The report on the meeting is ready. (4) 会議についての報告書は準備できています。 He left on Wednesday. (5) 彼は水曜日に出発した。 once [one time only] We had dinner there once. 我々はそこで一度、食事をしました。 only [(1) being the single one or ones; (2) no more than] He was the only person here. (1) 彼はこの場所に1人きりでした。 We have only two dollars. (2) 私たちは2ドルしか持っていない。 open [(1) to start; (2) not closed; (3) not secret] They opened talks. (1) 彼らは話し合いを始めた。 We saw them through the open window. (2) 我々は開いている窓から彼らを見た。 No secrets were discussed at the open meeting. (3) 公開会議では機密は話し合われなかった。 operate [(1) to do work or a job; (2) to cut into the body for medical reasons] Her family operates a car repair business. (1) 彼女の家族は車修理の商売をしている。 Doctors will operate on him to remove a cancer. (2) 医師たちは癌を取り除く手術を彼にします。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com