N-2 noise [sound, especially when loud] What is making so much noise? nominate [(1) to name someone as a candidate for an election; (2) to propose a person for an office or position] The Democratic Party nominated our Governor as its Presidential candidate. (1) Do you think we should nominate Tom as our committee representative? (2) noon [(1) the middle of the day; (2) twelve o'clock in the daytime] He usually eats lunch about noon. (1) I have to be in his office at noon. (2) normal [(1) the usual condition, amount or form; (2) usual; (3) what is expected] Snow is normal this time of year. (1) Her normal drink is tea. (2) I expect him to leave home at the normal time. (3) north [the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun] We drove north for 10 miles. not [a word showing that something is denied or untrue] She is not going. note [(1) to talk about something already known; (2) a word or words written to help a person remember; (3) a short letter] She noted that our report must be completed by three o'clock. (1) I wrote a short note about the meeting so I could talk about it tomorrow. (2) She sent a Christmas note to some of her friends. (3) nothing [(1) not anything; (2) no thing] He had eaten nothing all day. (1) He talked of nothing but food. (2) now [(1) at this time; (2) immediately] Now I understand what you meant. (1) Can you talk to me now? (2) nowhere [not in, to or at any place] The boy said he had nowhere to go. nuclear [(1) of or about the energy produced by splitting atoms or bringing them together; (2) of or about weapons that explode by using energy from atoms] He worked as a nuclear engineer. (1) The government fears that terrorists will buy or steal nuclear weapons. (2) number [a word or sign used to show the order or amount of things] A large number of people are expected to join the protest. --------------------- --------------------- N-2 noise [sound, especially when loud] What is making so much noise? 何がそんなにすごい音を立てているのですか? nominate [(1) to name someone as a candidate for an election; (2) to propose a person for an office or position] The Democratic Party nominated our Governor as its Presidential candidate. (1) 民主党は我々の知事を党の大統領候補に指名した。 Do you think we should nominate Tom as our committee representative? (2) トムを我々の委員会の代表者に推薦すべきだと思いますか? noon [(1) the middle of the day; (2) twelve o'clock in the daytime] He usually eats lunch about noon. (1) 彼は普段、正午ごろに昼食をとる。 I have to be in his office at noon. (2) 私は12時に彼の事務所にいなければならない。 normal [(1) the usual condition, amount or form; (2) usual; (3) what is expected] Snow is normal this time of year. (1) この時季に雪が降るのは普通のことです。 Her normal drink is tea. (2) いつもの彼の飲み物は紅茶です。 I expect him to leave home at the normal time. (3) 彼はいつもの時間に家を出ると思います。 north [the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun] We drove north for 10 miles. 私たちは北に10マイル車を走らせた。 ※one mile = 1.6 kilometers not [a word showing that something is denied or untrue] She is not going. 彼女は行きません。 note [(1) to talk about something already known; (2) a word or words written to help a person remember; (3) a short letter] She noted that our report must be completed by three o'clock. (1) 彼女は、我々の報告書は3時までに完成させなければならないと言った。 I wrote a short note about the meeting so I could talk about it tomorrow. (2) 私は明日、そのミーティングについて話すことができるように短いメモを書いた。 She sent a Christmas note to some of her friends. (3) 彼女はクリスマスの挨拶状を友人何人かに送った。 nothing [(1) not anything; (2) no thing] He had eaten nothing all day. (1) 彼は1日中何も食べていませんでした。 He talked of nothing but food. (2) 彼は食べ物のこと以外何も話さなかった。 now [(1) at this time; (2) immediately] Now I understand what you meant. (1) あなたが言ったことの意味が今は分かります。 Can you talk to me now? (2) 今、私に話してもらえますか? nowhere [not in, to or at any place] The boy said he had nowhere to go. 男の子は自分はどこにも行く所がないと言った。 nuclear [(1) of or about the energy produced by splitting atoms or bringing them together; (2) of or about weapons that explode by using energy from atoms] He worked as a nuclear engineer. (1) 彼は原子力の技術者として働いた。 The government fears that terrorists will buy or steal nuclear weapons. (2) 政府はテロリストたちが核兵器を買うか盗むかすることを懸念している。 number [a word or sign used to show the order or amount of things] A large number of people are expected to join the protest. 大勢の人々が抗議に参加すると思われます。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com