N-1 name [(1) to appoint; (2) to nominate; (3) to give a name to; (4) a word by which a person, animal or thing is known or called] The Governor named him to be a justice on the state Supreme Court. (1) She said the President will name her to be an ambassador. (2) We named our son John, after his grandfather. (3) Her dog's name is Elmo. (4) narrow [(1) limited in size or amount; (2) not wide; (3) having a short distance from one side to the other] The Democrats passed the bill by a narrow majority. (1) They ran along the narrow path between the two buildings. (2) The narrow valley was less than a kilometer wide. (3) nation [a country, together with its social and political systems] The American nation is more than two hundred years old. native [someone who was born in a place, not one who moved there] He is a native of Texas. natural [(1) of or about nature; (2) normal; (3) common to its kind] I am interested in biology and other natural sciences. (1) It is natural for a cat to sleep most of the time. (2) Babies naturally cry a lot. (3) nature [(1) all the plants, animals and other things on earth not created by humans; (2) events or processes not caused by humans] She enjoys the beauty of nature. (1) Modern technology cannot protect us from storms, wildfires and other acts of nature. (2) navy [the part of a country's military force trained to fight at sea] He led an exciting life in the navy. near [(1) not far; (2) close to] Rain is near; I can smell it. (1) She lives near the sea. (2) necessary [(1) needed to get a result or effect; (2) required] The farmer said rain is necessary to save his crops. (1) A passport is necessary before you go. (2) need [(1) to require; (2) to want; (3) to be necessary to have or to do] I need some sleep. (1) Do you need a drink? (2) He needed someone to help him learn English. (3) negotiate [to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution] They are trying to negotiate a peace agreement. neither [not one or the other of two] Neither boy had any money. neutral [not supporting one side or the other in a dispute] The election officials were not neutral. never [(1) at no time; (2) not ever] I had never seen him before. (1) He said he would never lie to me. (2) new [(1) not existing before; (2) not known before; (3) recently made, built, bought or grown; (4) another; (5) different] They have a new baby. (1) Did you see the new information about the Governor? (2) John bought a new car today. (3) California needs some new electric power centers. (4) She has some exciting new ideas. (5) news [information about any recent events, especially as reported by the media] The local news on television last night was full of violence. next [(1) coming immediately after; (2) nearest] The next job is to clean house. (1) Turn left at the next street. (2) nice [(1) pleasing; (2) good; (3) kind] I hope you have a nice time with your friend. (1) Their children seem nice. (2) He said some very nice things about you. (3) night [the time between when the sun goes down and when it rises, when there is little or no light] Did you hear that storm last night? no [(1) used to reject or to refuse; (2) not any; (3) not at all] No, I will not do it. (1) After the windstorm, no fruit was left on the tree. (2) As soon as the show started we could see that our friend was no actor. (3) --------------------- --------------------- N-1 name [(1) to appoint; (2) to nominate; (3) to give a name to; (4) a word by which a person, animal or thing is known or called] The Governor named him to be a justice on the state Supreme Court. (1) 州知事は彼を州最高裁の裁判官に任命した。 She said the President will name her to be an ambassador. (2) 彼女は大統領は自分を大使に指名するだろうと言った(彼女が言った時点ではまだ指名していない)。 We named our son John, after his grandfather. (3) 我々は息子にジョンと名づけた。これは彼の祖父の名を取ったものです。 Her dog's name is Elmo. (4) 彼女の犬の名前はエルモです。 narrow [(1) limited in size or amount; (2) not wide; (3) having a short distance from one side to the other] The Democrats passed the bill by a narrow majority. (1) 民主党員らは過半数すれすれで法案を可決した。 They ran along the narrow path between the two buildings. (2) 彼らは2つのビルの間の狭い道に沿って走った。 The narrow valley was less than a kilometer wide. (3) 狭い谷間は幅が1キロ以下だった。 nation [a country, together with its social and political systems] The American nation is more than two hundred years old. アメリカ国家は200年以上の歴史があります。 native [someone who was born in a place, not one who moved there] He is a native of Texas. 彼はきっすいのテキサス人です。 natural [(1) of or about nature; (2) normal; (3) common to its kind] I am interested in biology and other natural sciences. (1) 私は生物学やその他の自然科学に興味がある。 It is natural for a cat to sleep most of the time. (2) 猫がほとんどの時間寝ているのは自然なことです。 Babies naturally cry a lot. (3) 赤ん坊は本来よく泣くものです。(〜ly adv.) nature [(1) all the plants, animals and other things on earth not created by humans; (2) events or processes not caused by humans] She enjoys the beauty of nature. (1) 彼女は自然の美しさを楽しむ。 Modern technology cannot protect us from storms, wildfires and other acts of nature. (2) 近代技術は我々を嵐や野火、その他の天災から守ることはできない。 navy [the part of a country's military force trained to fight at sea] He led an exciting life in the navy. 彼は海軍で刺激的な人生を送った。 near [(1) not far; (2) close to] Rain is near; I can smell it. (1) 雨が近いです。私は雨の匂いを感じることができます。 She lives near the sea. (2) 彼女は海の近くに住んでいます。 necessary [(1) needed to get a result or effect; (2) required] The farmer said rain is necessary to save his crops. (1) 農夫は農作物を救うために雨が必要だと言った。 A passport is necessary before you go. (2) あなたは行く前にパスポートが必要です。 need [(1) to require; (2) to want; (3) to be necessary to have or to do] I need some sleep. (1) 私は睡眠が必要です。 Do you need a drink? (2) 飲み物がほしいですか? He needed someone to help him learn English. (3) 彼は英語を学ぶのにだれかの助けが必要だった。 negotiate [to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution] They are trying to negotiate a peace agreement. 彼らは和平協定を交渉しようと努力している。 neither [not one or the other of two] Neither boy had any money. どちらの男の子もお金を持っていなかった。 neutral [not supporting one side or the other in a dispute] The election officials were not neutral. 選挙係員たちは中立ではなかった。 never [(1) at no time; (2) not ever] I had never seen him before. (1) 私はそれ以前に彼を見たことがなかった。 He said he would never lie to me. (2) 彼は決して私にうそをつかないと言った。 new [(1) not existing before; (2) not known before; (3) recently made, built, bought or grown; (4) another; (5) different] They have a new baby. (1) 彼らには新しい赤ちゃんがいる。 Did you see the new information about the Governor? (2) あなたはその知事についての新たな情報を見ましたか? John bought a new car today. (3) ジョンは今日新しい車を買った。 California needs some new electric power centers. (4) カリフォルニアはいくつか新たな発電所を必要としている。 She has some exciting new ideas. (5) 彼女はいくつかのわくわくする新しいアイディアを持っている。 news [information about any recent events, especially as reported by the media] The local news on television last night was full of violence. 昨晩テレビで放映された地元のニュースは、暴力行為でいっぱいだった。 next [(1) coming immediately after; (2) nearest] The next job is to clean house. (1) 次の仕事は家を掃除することです。 Turn left at the next street. (2) 次の道を左に曲がってください。 nice [(1) pleasing; (2) good; (3) kind] I hope you have a nice time with your friend. (1) 私は、あなたが友人らと楽しいひとときを過ごしてほしいと思います。 Their children seem nice. (2) 彼らの子供たちはよい子のようです。 He said some very nice things about you. (3) 彼はあなたについてとても良いことを言っていました。 night [the time between when the sun goes down and when it rises, when there is little or no light] Did you hear that storm last night? 昨晩、嵐の音を聞きましたか? no [(1) used to reject or to refuse; (2) not any; (3) not at all] No, I will not do it. (1) いいえ、私はそれをするつもりはありません。 After the windstorm, no fruit was left on the tree. (2) 暴風の後、木には果実がひとつも残っていなかった。 As soon as the show started we could see that our friend was no actor. (3) ショーが始まるやいなや、我々の友人が俳優なんてとんでもないということがわかった。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com