M-3 middle [(1) the center; (2) a place or time of equal distance from both sides or ends; (3) in the center] He stopped in the middle of the field. (1) They rested in the middle of the day. (2) I would guess her age to be in the middle twenties. (3) militant [someone active in trying to cause political change, often by the use of force or violence] Police are prepared for violence by militant demonstrators. military [(1) the armed forces of a nation or group; (2) of or about the armed forces] She has been in the military for seven years. (1) Many military bases were closed in the United States. (2) milk [the white liquid produced by female animals to feed their young] Please bring me a glass of cold milk. mind [the thinking, feeling part of a person] He has a good mind, but sometimes he does not use it. mine [(1) to dig useful or valuable substances out of the earth; (2) a place in the earth where such substances are found; (3) a bomb placed under the ground or under water so it cannot be seen] Mining for gold can create serious environmental problems. (1) Many old mines can be found in the mountains of the western United States. (2) An international treaty seeks a ban on the use of explosive military mines. (3) mineral [a substance found in nature that is not an animal or a plant, such as coal or salt] Name two important minerals found under the ground. minister [(1) a member of a cabinet; (2) a high government official ] The Cabinet Ministers meet every Tuesday. (1) The Prime Minister and his new Foreign Minister will arrive in Washington tomorrow. (2) minor [(1) small in size; (2) of little importance] Only a minor amount of money is missing. (1) He wrote a report on a minor English poet. (2) minority [(1) the smaller number; (2) opposite majority] Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are minorities in America. (1) The Democrats are the minority party in the Congress. (2)         minute [(1) a measure of time; (2) one of the sixty equal parts of an hour; (3) sixty seconds] I saw him only minutes ago. (1) We met for 30 minutes. (2) She gave him exactly one minute to explain. (3) miss [to fail to hit, see, reach or meet] He missed meeting her by only about two minutes. missile [any weapon that can be thrown or fired through the air and explodes when it reaches its target] Some Senators support building a new rocket system to defend against long distance missiles. missing [(1) lost; (2) not found] My watch is missing. (1) His brother was reported missing in Vietnam. (2) mistake [(1) a wrong action or decision; (2) an action done without the knowledge that it was wrong] He made a mistake by not waiting for the telephone call. (1) Her mistake was not understanding his feelings for her. (2) mix [to put different things together to make one thing] She mixed peanut butter and fruit jelly in a sandwich. mob [a large group of wild or angry people] The peaceful demonstration suddenly became an angry mob. model [(1) an example; (2) something, usually small, made to show how something will look or work] Her daughter was the model of a perfect child. (1) This model shows how his new home will look when completed. (2) moderate [not extreme] The moderate proposal was approved by both sides. modern [(1) of the present or very recent time; (2) the most improved] We enjoyed the Museum of Modern Art. (1) The old ships are being replaced by modern ones. (2) --------------------- --------------------- M-3 middle [(1) the center; (2) a place or time of equal distance from both sides or ends; (3) in the center] He stopped in the middle of the field. (1) 彼は野原の中央で立ち止まった。 They rested in the middle of the day. (2) 彼らは真昼時に休憩した。 I would guess her age to be in the middle twenties. (3) 私は彼女の年齢は20代半ばだと推測します。 militant [someone active in trying to cause political change, often by the use of force or violence] Police are prepared for violence by militant demonstrators. 警察は戦闘的なデモ隊による暴力に備えます。 military [(1) the armed forces of a nation or group; (2) of or about the armed forces] She has been in the military for seven years. (1) 彼女は7年間、軍隊にいた。 Many military bases were closed in the United States. (2) 合衆国内の多くの軍基地が閉鎖された。 milk [the white liquid produced by female animals to feed their young] Please bring me a glass of cold milk. グラスに一杯、冷たいミルクを持ってきてください。 mind [the thinking, feeling part of a person] He has a good mind, but sometimes he does not use it. 彼はよい頭を持っている。しかし、彼はそれを働かせることをしないことがある。 mine [(1) to dig useful or valuable substances out of the earth; (2) a place in the earth where such substances are found; (3) a bomb placed under the ground or under water so it cannot be seen] Mining for gold can create serious environmental problems. (1) 金を採掘することは重大な環境問題を引き起こすことがある。 Many old mines can be found in the mountains of the western United States. (2) 合衆国の西部の山々では多くの古い採掘坑が見られる。 An international treaty seeks a ban on the use of explosive military mines. (3) 国際条約は爆発性の軍事用地雷の使用を禁止することを求めている。 mineral [a substance found in nature that is not an animal or a plant, such as coal or salt] Name two important minerals found under the ground. 地中に見つかる2つの重要な鉱物の名前を挙げなさい。 minister [(1) a member of a cabinet; (2) a high government official ] The Cabinet Ministers meet every Tuesday. (1) 内閣大臣たちは毎週火曜日に会合する。 The Prime Minister and his new Foreign Minister will arrive in Washington tomorrow. (2) 総理大臣と新しい外務大臣は、明日ワシントンに到着します。 minor [(1) small in size; (2) of little importance] Only a minor amount of money is missing. (1) ごく少額の金が見当たらない。 He wrote a report on a minor English poet. (2) 彼はある二流のイギリスの詩人について研究報告を書いた。 minority [(1) the smaller number; (2) opposite majority] Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are minorities in America. (1) 黒人、ヒスパニック、アジア人らはアメリカでは少数民族です。 The Democrats are the minority party in the Congress. (2) 民主党は議会では少数党です。         minute [(1) a measure of time; (2) one of the sixty equal parts of an hour; (3) sixty seconds] I saw him only minutes ago. (1) 私は彼をほんの数分前に見た。 We met for 30 minutes. (2) 私たちは30分間会った。 She gave him exactly one minute to explain. (3) 彼女は彼に説明の時間をきっかり1分間与えた。 miss [to fail to hit, see, reach or meet] He missed meeting her by only about two minutes. 彼はわずか2分ほどの差で彼女に会い損ねた。 missile [any weapon that can be thrown or fired through the air and explodes when it reaches its target] Some Senators support building a new rocket system to defend against long distance missiles. 上院議員の中には、長距離ミサイルに対する防衛のために新しいロケットシステムを建設することを支持する人もいる。 missing [(1) lost; (2) not found] My watch is missing. (1) 私の時計が見当たらない。 His brother was reported missing in Vietnam. (2) 彼の兄(弟)はベトナムで行方不明であると報告された。 mistake [(1) a wrong action or decision; (2) an action done without the knowledge that it was wrong] He made a mistake by not waiting for the telephone call. (1) 彼が電話を待たなかったことは間違いでした。 Her mistake was not understanding his feelings for her. (2) 彼女のあやまちは彼の彼女に対する感情を理解しなかったことです。 mix [to put different things together to make one thing] She mixed peanut butter and fruit jelly in a sandwich. 彼女はピーナッツバターとフルーツゼリーを混ぜてサンドイッチの中に入れた。 mob [a large group of wild or angry people] The peaceful demonstration suddenly became an angry mob. 平和的なデモは突然激しい暴徒となった。 model [(1) an example; (2) something, usually small, made to show how something will look or work] Her daughter was the model of a perfect child. (1) 彼女の娘は申し分ない子供の見本です。 This model shows how his new home will look when completed. (2) この模型は彼の新しい家が完成した時にどのように見えるかを示しています。 moderate [not extreme] The moderate proposal was approved by both sides. 中間案が両者によって承認された。 modern [(1) of the present or very recent time; (2) the most improved] We enjoyed the Museum of Modern Art. (1) 私たちは現代美術館を楽しんだ。 The old ships are being replaced by modern ones. (2) 古い船は最新のものと取り替えられています。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com