M-2 matter [(1) anything that can be seen or felt; (2) what things are made of] Scientists are trying to measure all the matter in the universe. (1) Anything you can see or feel is made of matter. (2) may [a word used with an action word to mean permit (1) or possible (2) ] May I go? (1) They may leave tomorrow. (2) mayor [the chief official of a city or town government] Her father was elected mayor of Springfield. meal [food eaten to satisfy hunger, such as dinner] Take this medicine after every meal.      mean [(1) to want to; (2) to give the idea of; (3) to have the idea of] She meant to call you on the telephone, but she forgot. (1) Tell me what you mean to do about the damage to my car. (2) I know what you mean. (3) measure [(1) to learn the amount, size or distance of something; (2) an action taken; (3) a legislative proposal] I will measure the size of the windows. (1) What measures did you take to prevent more damage? (2) The Senate approved the measure. (3) meat [the part of a dead animal used for food] She no longer eats meat; only vegetables, grains and fruits. media [all public information organizations, including newspapers, television and radio] The big story in the media is the vote counting problem. medicine [(1) a substance or drug used to treat disease or pain; (2) the science or study of treating and curing disease or improving health] She started feeling better after she began using the medicine. (1) His wife is studying medicine at the Harvard Medical School. (2) meet [to come together with someone or something at the same time and place] We will meet here tomorrow with other members of the committee. 我々は明日委員会の他のメンバーたちとここに集まります。 melt [to make a solid into a liquid by heating it] Ice melts into water at temperatures above zero degrees Celsius. member [one of a group] He is a member of a rock band. memorial [something done or made to honor the memory of a person or event] Have you visited the Lincoln Memorial in Washington? memory [(1) a picture in the mind of past events; (2) the ability to remember; (3) a thing remembered] I can still see in my memory the place we used to swim. (1) He has a good memory. (2) Do you have any memory of your father before he went to war? (3) mental [about or having to do with the mind] She had some unusual mental powers. mercy [(1) kindness toward those who should be punished; (2) the power to be kind or to pardon] She showed mercy by forgiving him for leaving her. (1) He admitted guilt and asked the judge for mercy. (2) message [(1) written or spoken news or information; (2) a note from one person to another person or group] The candidate delivered his message to the crowd. (1) He sent her an E-mail message with his computer. (2) metal [a hard substance such as iron, steel or gold] Many products formerly made of metal now are made of plastic. method [the way something is done] She developed a new method for losing weight. microscope [a device used to make very small things look larger so they can be studied] Tell me what you see through the microscope. --------------------- --------------------- M-2 matter [(1) anything that can be seen or felt; (2) what things are made of] Scientists are trying to measure all the matter in the universe. (1) 科学者たちは宇宙のすべての物体を測定しようとしています。 Anything you can see or feel is made of matter. (2) あなたが見たり、感じたりできるものは何でも物質から出来ています。 may [a word used with an action word to mean permit (1) or possible (2) ] May I go? (1) 行ってもよろしいですか? They may leave tomorrow. (2) 彼らは明日出発するかもしれない。 mayor [the chief official of a city or town government] Her father was elected mayor of Springfield. 彼女の父はスプリングフィールドの市長に選出された。 meal [food eaten to satisfy hunger, such as dinner] Take this medicine after every meal. 毎食後にこの薬を飲んでください。      mean [(1) to want to; (2) to give the idea of; (3) to have the idea of] She meant to call you on the telephone, but she forgot. (1) 彼女はあなたに電話をかけるつもりだったが、忘れてしまった。 Tell me what you mean to do about the damage to my car. (2) 私の車の損傷について、あなたはどうしようと思っているのか教えてください。 I know what you mean. (3) 私はあなたの言っていることが分かります。 measure [(1) to learn the amount, size or distance of something; (2) an action taken; (3) a legislative proposal] I will measure the size of the windows. (1) 私が窓の大きさを測ります。 What measures did you take to prevent more damage? (2) あなたはさらなる損害を防ぐためにどのような方策を取りましたか? The Senate approved the measure. (3) 上院はその法案を承認した。 meat [the part of a dead animal used for food] She no longer eats meat; only vegetables, grains and fruits. 彼女はもはや肉は食べない。野菜、穀物そして果物だけを食べる。 media [all public information organizations, including newspapers, television and radio] The big story in the media is the vote counting problem. メディアにおける大きな話題は投票集計の問題です。 medicine [(1) a substance or drug used to treat disease or pain; (2) the science or study of treating and curing disease or improving health] She started feeling better after she began using the medicine. (1) 彼女は薬を使いはじめてから気分がよくなりだした。 His wife is studying medicine at the Harvard Medical School. (2) 彼の妻はハーヴァード大学医学部で医学を勉強しています。 meet [to come together with someone or something at the same time and place] We will meet here tomorrow with other members of the committee. 我々は明日委員会の他のメンバーたちとここに集まります。 melt [to make a solid into a liquid by heating it] Ice melts into water at temperatures above zero degrees Celsius. 氷はセ氏0度以上の気温で溶解して水になります。 member [one of a group] He is a member of a rock band. 彼はロックバンドの一員です。 memorial [something done or made to honor the memory of a person or event] Have you visited the Lincoln Memorial in Washington? あなたはワシントンのリンカーン記念堂を訪ねたことがありますか? memory [(1) a picture in the mind of past events; (2) the ability to remember; (3) a thing remembered] I can still see in my memory the place we used to swim. (1) 私は、私たちがいつも泳いでいた場所をいまだに記憶によみがえらせることができます。 He has a good memory. (2) 彼は記憶力がよい。 Do you have any memory of your father before he went to war? (3) あなたはおとうさんが戦争に行く前の思い出がありますか? mental [about or having to do with the mind] She had some unusual mental powers. 彼女は並外れた知能を持っていた。 mercy [(1) kindness toward those who should be punished; (2) the power to be kind or to pardon] She showed mercy by forgiving him for leaving her. (1) 彼女は彼女から離れていく彼を許して寛容さを示した。 He admitted guilt and asked the judge for mercy. (2) 彼は罪を認め、裁判官に慈悲を求めた。 message [(1) written or spoken news or information; (2) a note from one person to another person or group] The candidate delivered his message to the crowd. (1) 候補者は群集に自分のメッセージを述べた。 He sent her an E-mail message with his computer. (2) 彼は自分のコンピューターで彼女にEメールの連絡を送った。 metal [a hard substance such as iron, steel or gold] Many products formerly made of metal now are made of plastic. 以前は金属で作られていた多くの製品が、現在はプラスティックで作られています。 method [the way something is done] She developed a new method for losing weight. 彼女は体重を減らす新しい方法を開発した。 microscope [a device used to make very small things look larger so they can be studied] Tell me what you see through the microscope. 何が顕微鏡で見えるか教えてください。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com