M-1 machine [a device with moving parts used to do work] Our copy machine always seems to stop working when I have a lot of documents to copy. magazine [a publication of news, stories, pictures or other information] He likes to read computer magazines. mail [letters, papers and other things sent through an official system, such as a post office] E-mail is so much faster than sending mail through the post office. main [the most important or largest] Her main interest now is raising her children. major [great in size, importance or amount] Corn and wheat are major crops in the United States. majority [(1) the greater number; (2) more than half] The President's party won a majority of seats in the House of Representatives. (1) A bill passes only if a majority of the members approve. (2) make [(1) to produce; (2) to create; (3) to build; (4) to do something or to carry out an action; (5) to cause to be or to become] Many products sold in America are made in China. (1) She makes beautiful hats. (2) The same company makes many of the houses here. (3) They make each other happy. (4) The movie producer made her a star. (5) male [(1) a man or boy; (2) the sex that is the father of children; (3) of or about men] Police described him as a male in his early twenties. (1) Males are in the minority in the United States. (2) That store sells only male clothes. (3) man [an adult male human] That man is my father. manufacture [to make goods in large amounts] His company manufactures sewing machines. many [a large number or amount of] I have eaten here many times. map [a picture of the earth's surface or a part of it] Do you have a map of the city? march [(1) to walk in a group like soldiers; (2) to walk together in a large group to protest about something] The Marines spent many hours learning to march. (1) The protesters marched to the White House. (2) mark [to make a sign or cut on something] The price is marked on the box. market [(1) a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded; (2) an economic system in which the prices of things are decided by how many there are and how much money people are willing to pay for them] She sells her vegetables at the farmers' market. (1) The President spoke about the successful growth of market economies around the world. (2) marry [(1) to join a man and woman together as husband and wife; (2) to become husband and wife (usually in a religious or civil ceremony)] The priest married the man and woman. (1) Jim married Sue last Sunday. (2) mass [an amount of matter having no special form and usually of a large size] The gravity force of a space object depends on its mass. mate [to bring together a male and a female to create another creature] Their dogs mated last week so they should have puppies soon. material [(1) the substance, substances or matter of which something is made or from which something can be made, such as wood, cloth or stone; (2) anything that can be made into something else] Which materials are used to build houses in your country? (1) Scientists are using genetic material to create plants and animals different from those in nature. (2) mathematics [the science dealing with amounts, sizes and shapes, as explained by numbers and signs] Their mathematics test had questions on algebra and geometry. --------------------- --------------------- M-1 machine [a device with moving parts used to do work] Our copy machine always seems to stop working when I have a lot of documents to copy. 我々のコピー機は、私がたくさん書類をコピーしようとするといつも止まってしまうようだ。 magazine [a publication of news, stories, pictures or other information] He likes to read computer magazines. 彼はコンピューターの雑誌を読むのが好きです。 mail [letters, papers and other things sent through an official system, such as a post office] E-mail is so much faster than sending mail through the post office. Eメールは郵便で手紙を送るより断然速い。 main [the most important or largest] Her main interest now is raising her children. 目下、彼女の一番の関心事は自分の子供たちを育てることです。 major [great in size, importance or amount] Corn and wheat are major crops in the United States. トウモロコシと小麦は合衆国の主たる農産物です。 majority [(1) the greater number; (2) more than half] The President's party won a majority of seats in the House of Representatives. (1) 大統領の政党は下院で議席の大多数を勝ち取った。 A bill passes only if a majority of the members approve. (2) 議員の過半数が承認した場合のみ、法案が通過する。 make [(1) to produce; (2) to create; (3) to build; (4) to do something or to carry out an action; (5) to cause to be or to become] Many products sold in America are made in China. (1) アメリカで販売される製品の多くは中国製です。 She makes beautiful hats. (2) 彼女はきれいな帽子を作ります。 The same company makes many of the houses here. (3) 同じ会社がこの地の家々の多くを建てています。 They make each other happy. (4) 彼らはお互いを幸せにしています。 The movie producer made her a star. (5) 映画プロデューサーは彼女をスターにした。 male [(1) a man or boy; (2) the sex that is the father of children; (3) of or about men] Police described him as a male in his early twenties. (1) 警察は彼を20歳代前半の男であると言い表わした。 Males are in the minority in the United States. (2) 男性は合衆国で少数派です。 That store sells only male clothes. (3) その店は男性の洋服だけを販売している。 man [an adult male human] That man is my father. その男の人は私の父です。 manufacture [to make goods in large amounts] His company manufactures sewing machines. 彼の会社はミシンを製造している。 many [a large number or amount of] I have eaten here many times. 私はここで何度も食事をしたことがあります。 map [a picture of the earth's surface or a part of it] Do you have a map of the city? 町の地図を持っていますか? march [(1) to walk in a group like soldiers; (2) to walk together in a large group to protest about something] The Marines spent many hours learning to march. (1) 海兵隊員たちは行進を学ぶのに何時間も費やした。 The protesters marched to the White House. (2) 抗議者たちはホワイトハウスへデモ行進した。 mark [to make a sign or cut on something] The price is marked on the box. 価格は箱の上に記されています。 market [(1) a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded; (2) an economic system in which the prices of things are decided by how many there are and how much money people are willing to pay for them] She sells her vegetables at the farmers' market. (1) 彼女は自分の野菜を農民市場で売ります。 The President spoke about the successful growth of market economies around the world. (2) 大統領は世界中の市場経済の堅調な伸びについて話しました。 marry [(1) to join a man and woman together as husband and wife; (2) to become husband and wife (usually in a religious or civil ceremony)] The priest married the man and woman. (1) 牧師はその男性と女性の結婚式を執り行った。 Jim married Sue last Sunday. (2) ジムはこの前の日曜日にスーと結婚しました。 mass [an amount of matter having no special form and usually of a large size] The gravity force of a space object depends on its mass. 宇宙空間の物体の引力はその質量によって決まる。 mate [to bring together a male and a female to create another creature] Their dogs mated last week so they should have puppies soon. 彼らの犬たちは先週交尾したので、まもなく子犬が生まれるはずです。 material [(1) the substance, substances or matter of which something is made or from which something can be made, such as wood, cloth or stone; (2) anything that can be made into something else] Which materials are used to build houses in your country? (1) あなたの国では家を建てるのにどの材料が使われますか? Scientists are using genetic material to create plants and animals different from those in nature. (2) 科学者たちは自然界にあるものとは異なる植物や動物を創り出すのに遺伝物質を使っています。 mathematics [the science dealing with amounts, sizes and shapes, as explained by numbers and signs] Their mathematics test had questions on algebra and geometry. 彼らの数学のテストには代数や幾何についての問題が出た。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com