L-3 load [(1) to put objects on or into a vehicle or container; (2) that which is carried] She told him to load the boxes in the back of the car. (1) The truck carried a full load of fruit from Florida. (2) loan [(1) money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments; (2) something borrowed] The bank made a 10,000-dollar loan to him yesterday. (1) I gave him those tools only as a loan. (2) local [about or having to do with one place] They told him about a local place where he could get a good dinner. lonely [(1) feeling alone and wanting friends; (2) visited by few or no people] The city is full of lonely people. (1) He was a lonely man after his wife left. (2) long [(1) not short; (2) measuring from beginning to end; (3) measuring much; (4) for much time] We saw a long snake behind the house. (1) The road is three miles long. (2) Those pictures were made by someone who lived long before my people came to this land. (3) I knew her a long time ago. (4) look [(1) to turn the eyes toward so as to see; (2) to search or hunt for; (3) to seem to be] He looked at her for a long time. (1) I looked for that book but I could not find it. (2) She looks like my sister. (3) lose [(1) to have no longer; (2) to not find; (3) to fail to keep; (4) to be defeated] The prisoner lost all hope of escape. (1) The little boy lost his toy car. (2) He worried that he might lose his job. (3) Their school lost the big game. (4) loud [(1) having a strong sound; (2) full of sound or noise] The speaker had a loud voice. (1) The music at the rock concert was too loud. (2) love [(1) to like very much; (2) to feel a strong, kind emotion (sometimes involving sex); (3) a strong, kind emotion for someone or something; (4) opposite hate] He loved walking in the mountains. (1) She liked to pretend that he loved her more than anyone. (2) She has a great love for music. (3) He said his love for her would never die. (4) low [(1) not high or tall; (2) below the normal height; (3) close to the ground] You will find low prices for products on the Internet. (1) The airplane flew low over the town. (2) Fog is a low cloud near the ground. (3) loyal [showing strong friendship and support for someone or something] The President chose loyal supporters to serve in his cabinet. luck [something that happens by chance] He always has good luck in finding a place to park his car. --------------------- --------------------- L-3 load [(1) to put objects on or into a vehicle or container; (2) that which is carried] She told him to load the boxes in the back of the car. (1) 彼女は彼に車の後ろに箱を積み込むよう言った。 The truck carried a full load of fruit from Florida. (2) トラックはフロリダからフルーツ満載の積み荷を運んだ。 loan [(1) money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments; (2) something borrowed] The bank made a 10,000-dollar loan to him yesterday. (1) 銀行は昨日彼に1万ドルの貸付をした。 I gave him those tools only as a loan. (2) 私はそれらの道具を貸すだけということで彼に渡した。 local [about or having to do with one place] They told him about a local place where he could get a good dinner. 彼らはおいしいディナーを食べられる地元の場所について彼に教えた。 lonely [(1) feeling alone and wanting friends; (2) visited by few or no people] The city is full of lonely people. (1) 町には寂しい人々がたくさんいる。 He was a lonely man after his wife left. (2) 彼は妻が亡くなった後、孤独だった。 long [(1) not short; (2) measuring from beginning to end; (3) measuring much; (4) for much time] We saw a long snake behind the house. (1) 私たちは家の裏で長いへびを見た。 The road is three miles long. (2) 道は全長3マイルです。 ※one mile = 1.6 kilometers Those pictures were made by someone who lived long before my people came to this land. (3) それらの絵は、我々の民族がこの土地に来るずっと前に生活していただれかが描いたものでした。 I knew her a long time ago. (4) 私はずいぶん前に彼女を知りました。 look [(1) to turn the eyes toward so as to see; (2) to search or hunt for; (3) to seem to be] He looked at her for a long time. (1) 彼は長い間、彼女のことを見ていた。 I looked for that book but I could not find it. (2) 私はその本を探したが見つけることができなかった。 She looks like my sister. (3) 彼女はわたしの姉(妹)に似ています。 lose [(1) to have no longer; (2) to not find; (3) to fail to keep; (4) to be defeated] The prisoner lost all hope of escape. (1) 囚人は脱走のすべての望みを失った。 The little boy lost his toy car. (2) 小さな男の子は彼のおもちゃの車をなくした。 He worried that he might lose his job. (3) 彼は仕事を失うかもしれないことを心配した。 Their school lost the big game. (4) 彼らの学校は大試合で負けた。 loud [(1) having a strong sound; (2) full of sound or noise] The speaker had a loud voice. (1) スピーカーは大き声を発した。 The music at the rock concert was too loud. (2) ロックコンサートの音楽は騒がしすぎた。 love [(1) to like very much; (2) to feel a strong, kind emotion (sometimes involving sex); (3) a strong, kind emotion for someone or something; (4) opposite hate] He loved walking in the mountains. (1) 彼は山々を歩くのが大好きでした。 She liked to pretend that he loved her more than anyone. (2) 彼女は彼が自分のことをだれよりも愛していると見せかけたかった。 She has a great love for music. (3) 彼女は音楽がたいへん好きです。 He said his love for her would never die. (4) 彼は、彼の彼女に対する愛は決して消えることはないと言った。 low [(1) not high or tall; (2) below the normal height; (3) close to the ground] You will find low prices for products on the Internet. (1) あなたはインターネット上でいろいろな製品に安い値段を見つけることができるでしょう。 The airplane flew low over the town. (2) 飛行機は町の上空を低く飛んだ。 Fog is a low cloud near the ground. (3) 霧は地面に近い低いところにある雲のことです。 loyal [showing strong friendship and support for someone or something] The President chose loyal supporters to serve in his cabinet. 大統領は自分の内閣で務めるよう忠実な支持者たちを選んだ。 luck [something that happens by chance] He always has good luck in finding a place to park his car. 彼はいつも運よく車を止める場所を見つけることができる。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com