L-2 less [(1) smaller in amount; (2) not as much] His doctor said he should eat less meat. (1) She travels less in her new job. (2) let [(1) to permit to do or to be; (2) to make possible] Let me help you with that. (1) She let him drive her new car. (2) letter [a communication in writing sent to another person] I wrote a letter to you last night. level [(1) the amount or height that something reaches or rises to; (2) the position of something or someone] The river rose to its highest level in history during the flood last year. (1) He has worked at the top levels of government for many years. (2) liberal [one who usually supports social progress or change] Liberal lawmakers proposed a bill to reduce the cost of medicine for older Americans. lie [(1) to have one's body on the ground or other surface; (2) to say something that one knows is not true] She said she needed to lie down for a few minutes to rest. (1) The official told the court he did not lie about his campaign money. (2) life [(1) the time between being born and dying; (2) opposite death; (3) all living things] She spent her life helping people. (1) He died, but doctors brought him back to life. (2) She wrote a history of life on Earth. (3) lift [to take or bring up to a higher place or level] We watched the rising water lift the house and carry it away. light [(1) a form of energy that affects the eyes so that one is able to see; (2) anything that produces light; (3) bright; (4) not heavy] We could see the island clearly in the sun's light. (1) Please leave the light on when you go. (2) The room was painted light blue. (3) She said her bag was light, but I could not lift it. (4) lightning [light produced by electricity in the air, usually during a storm] Lightning filled the dark sky like fireworks. like [(1) to be pleased with; (2) to have good feelings for someone or something; (3) in the same way as; (4) similar to] I like this new dress. (1) I like her very much. (2) Much training is needed to sing like he does. (3) She sounds like my sister. (4) limit [(1) to restrict to a number or amount; (2) the greatest amount or number permitted] The hotel limits the number of people sleeping in each room. (1) The limit is four people in each room. (2) line [(1) a long, thin mark on a surface; (2) a number of people or things organized; (3) one after another; (4) the edge of an area protected by military forces] He used his sword to make a line in the sand. (1) The soldiers stood in a line, side by side. (2) They turned and marched in a line, one after another. (3)     Enemy soldiers could not break through allied lines. (4) link [(1) to connect; (2) to unite one thing or event with another; (3) a relation between two or more things, situations or events] The Russian and American spacecraft linked with each other in orbit. (1) The royal marriage linked the two kingdoms. (2) Scientists found a link between tobacco and lung cancer. (3) liquid [a substance that is not a solid or gas, and can move freely, like water] Ice changes to liquid when the temperature rises above zero degrees Celsius. list [(1) to put in writing a number of names of people or things; (2) a written series of names or things] Please list your name, address and telephone number. (1) This is a list of all the things I plan to do today. (2) listen [to try to hear] If you listen very carefully, you can hear them singing. literature [all the poems, stories and writings of a period of time or of a country] He is interested in ancient Greek literature. little [(1) not tall or big; (2) a small amount] He has a little dog named Elmo. (1) She could not buy it because she had only a little money with her. (2) live [(1) to have life; (2) to exist; (3) having life; (4) alive] She lived for many years after her operation. (1) He lives in Chicago. (2) Please do not cut down a live tree. (3) He said some polio vaccines were made from a live virus. (4) --------------------- --------------------- L-2 less [(1) smaller in amount; (2) not as much] His doctor said he should eat less meat. (1) 彼の医者は、彼は食べる肉の量を減らすべきだと言った。 She travels less in her new job. (2) 新しい仕事では、彼女は旅行することが少ない。 let [(1) to permit to do or to be; (2) to make possible] Let me help you with that. (1) それを手伝わせてください。 She let him drive her new car. (2) 彼女は、彼に彼女の新しい車を運転させた。 letter [a communication in writing sent to another person] I wrote a letter to you last night. 私は昨晩あなたへ手紙を書きました。 level [(1) the amount or height that something reaches or rises to; (2) the position of something or someone] The river rose to its highest level in history during the flood last year. (1) 川は昨年の大水の間、過去最高の水位に上昇した。 He has worked at the top levels of government for many years. (2) 彼は長年、政府の最高位で働いてきました。 liberal [one who usually supports social progress or change] Liberal lawmakers proposed a bill to reduce the cost of medicine for older Americans. 自由主義の議員たちは高齢のアメリカ人のために、医療費を削減する法案を発議した。 lie [(1) to have one's body on the ground or other surface; (2) to say something that one knows is not true] She said she needed to lie down for a few minutes to rest. (1) 彼女は、自分は横になって数分間休まなければならないと言った。 The official told the court he did not lie about his campaign money. (2) 役人は裁判所に自分の選挙運動資金についてうそをついていないと言った。 life [(1) the time between being born and dying; (2) opposite death; (3) all living things] She spent her life helping people. (1) 彼女は生涯人助けの人生を送った。 He died, but doctors brought him back to life. (2) 彼は死んだ。しかし、医者たちが彼を生還させた。 She wrote a history of life on Earth. (3) 彼女は地球上の生物の歴史を書いた。 lift [to take or bring up to a higher place or level] We watched the rising water lift the house and carry it away. 私たちは水位の上がった水がその家を持ち上げ、さらっていくのを見た。 light [(1) a form of energy that affects the eyes so that one is able to see; (2) anything that produces light; (3) bright; (4) not heavy] We could see the island clearly in the sun's light. (1) 私たちは太陽の光でその島をはっきりと見ることができた。 Please leave the light on when you go. (2) あなたが出かける時、明かりをそのままにしておいてください。 The room was painted light blue. (3) 部屋は明るい青色に塗られた。 She said her bag was light, but I could not lift it. (4) 彼女は自分のバックは軽いと言った。しかし、私はそれを持ち上げることができなかった。 lightning [light produced by electricity in the air, usually during a storm] Lightning filled the dark sky like fireworks. 稲妻が花火のように暗い空いっぱいに光った。 like [(1) to be pleased with; (2) to have good feelings for someone or something; (3) in the same way as; (4) similar to] I like this new dress. (1) 私はこの新しいドレスが気に入っています。 I like her very much. (2) 私は彼女がとても好きです。 Much training is needed to sing like he does. (3) 彼のように歌うにはたくさんの訓練が必要です。 She sounds like my sister. (4) 彼女(の声・話し方)は私の姉(妹)のように聞こえる。 limit [(1) to restrict to a number or amount; (2) the greatest amount or number permitted] The hotel limits the number of people sleeping in each room. (1) ホテルは各部屋の宿泊人数を制限している。 The limit is four people in each room. (2) その限度は各部屋4人です。 line [(1) a long, thin mark on a surface; (2) a number of people or things organized; (3) one after another; (4) the edge of an area protected by military forces] He used his sword to make a line in the sand. (1) 彼は砂に線を引くのに自分の剣を使った。 The soldiers stood in a line, side by side. (2) 兵士たちは横一列に並んで立った。 They turned and marched in a line, one after another. (3) 彼らは方向を変え、一列になって次々と行進した。     Enemy soldiers could not break through allied lines. (4) 敵の兵士たちは連合軍の防御線を突破することができなかった。 link [(1) to connect; (2) to unite one thing or event with another; (3) a relation between two or more things, situations or events] The Russian and American spacecraft linked with each other in orbit. (1) ロシアとアメリカの宇宙船は軌道上で互いに結合した。 The royal marriage linked the two kingdoms. (2) 皇室の結婚は2つの王国を結びつけた。 Scientists found a link between tobacco and lung cancer. (3) 科学者たちは喫煙と肺癌の関連を発見した。 liquid [a substance that is not a solid or gas, and can move freely, like water] Ice changes to liquid when the temperature rises above zero degrees Celsius. 氷は気温がセ氏0度以上に上昇すると液体に変化します。 list [(1) to put in writing a number of names of people or things; (2) a written series of names or things] Please list your name, address and telephone number. (1) あなたの名前と住所そして電話番号を(名簿に)記入してください。 This is a list of all the things I plan to do today. (2) これが私の今日する予定のすべての一覧表です。 listen [to try to hear] If you listen very carefully, you can hear them singing. 注意深く聴くと、あなたは彼らが歌っているのが聞こえます。 literature [all the poems, stories and writings of a period of time or of a country] He is interested in ancient Greek literature. 彼は古代ギリシャ文学に興味があります。 little [(1) not tall or big; (2) a small amount] He has a little dog named Elmo. (1) 彼はエルモと名づけられた小さな犬を飼っている。 She could not buy it because she had only a little money with her. (2) 彼女はほんの少ししかお金の手持ちがなかったので、それを買うことができなかった。 live [(1) to have life; (2) to exist; (3) having life; (4) alive] She lived for many years after her operation. (1) 彼女は手術後、長生きした。 He lives in Chicago. (2) 彼はシカゴに住んでいます。 Please do not cut down a live tree. (3) 生きている木を切り倒さないでください。 He said some polio vaccines were made from a live virus. (4) 彼は、小児麻痺ワクチンのいくつかは生きているウイルスから作られたと言った。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com