L-1 labor [(1) work; (2) workers as a group] Building a house is hard labor. (1) Organized labor is a major force in American politics. (2) laboratory [a room or place where experiments in science are done] The medical students spent much of their time in the laboratory. lack [(1) to be without; (2) the condition of needing, wanting or not having] The farmhouse lacked heat and electricity. (1) The lack of rain caused the crops to fail. (2) lake [a large area of fresh water surrounded by land] She swam across the lake. land [(1) to come to the earth from the air; (2) the part of the earth not covered by water; (3) the ground] Airplanes land at airports. (1) Only 25 percent of the earth's surface is land. (2) He bought this land ten years ago. (3) language [(1) words and their use; (2) what people speak in a country, nation or group] She was interested in how new words come into the language. (1) How many languages do you speak? (2) large [(1) big; (2) being of more than usual size, amount or number; (3) opposite small] How large is your house? (1) He had a large voice for such a small man. (2) She was a large woman. (3) last [(1) to continue; (2) after all others; (3) the only one remaining] The talks will last three days. (1) He was the last person to arrive. (2) She is the last person in line. (3) late [(1) after the correct time; (2) near the end; (3) opposite early] He arrived an hour late for work. (1) The doctor said she would have her baby late in the year. (2) Do you like to eat early or late? (3) laugh [to make sounds to express pleasure or happy feelings] I always laugh at her funny stories. launch [(1) to put into operation; (2) to begin; (3) to send into the air or space] The terrorists launched an attack in the middle of the night. (1) She said she soon will launch her campaign for mayor. (2) The United States launched an Apollo spacecraft on a flight to the moon. (3) law [all or any rules made by a government] The mayor urged city officials to pass the new law. lead [(1) to show the way; (2) to command; (3) to control; (4) to go first] I could not find the store until he led me to it. (1) General Wilcox will lead the special anti-terrorist force. (2) He leads our music department. (3) She followed as he led the way. (4) leak [to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid)] Oil leaked from the broken pipe. learn [(1) to get knowledge about; (2) to come to know a fact or facts] He learned calculus in high school.(1) She wondered how he learned where she lived. (2) leave [(1) to go away from; (2) to let something stay where it is] His son will leave home next year for college. (1) Please leave me alone. (2) left [(1) on the side that is toward the west when one is facing north; (2) opposite right] Do you write with your left hand? (1) I am lost because I turned left instead of right. (2) legal [of or in agreement with the law] He said his lawyer gave him good legal advice. legislature [a government lawmaking group] The legislature makes laws. lend [(1) to permit someone to use a thing temporarily; (2) to make a loan of money] Joe said he will lend me his car tomorrow. (1) None of his friends would lend him any money. (2) --------------------- --------------------- L-1 labor [(1) work; (2) workers as a group] Building a house is hard labor. (1) 家を建てることは重労働です。 Organized labor is a major force in American politics. (2) 組織化された労働者たちは、アメリカの政治活動におけるひとつの大きな勢力です。 laboratory [a room or place where experiments in science are done] The medical students spent much of their time in the laboratory. 医学生たちはほとんどの時間を実験室で過ごした。 lack [(1) to be without; (2) the condition of needing, wanting or not having] The farmhouse lacked heat and electricity. (1) 農家には暖房と電気がなかった。 The lack of rain caused the crops to fail. (2) 降雨不足は農作物の不作を生じさせた。 lake [a large area of fresh water surrounded by land] She swam across the lake. 彼女は湖を泳いで渡った。 land [(1) to come to the earth from the air; (2) the part of the earth not covered by water; (3) the ground] Airplanes land at airports. (1) 航空機は空港に着陸します。 Only 25 percent of the earth's surface is land. (2) 地球の表面のたった25パーセントが陸地です。 He bought this land ten years ago. (3) 彼はこの土地を10年前に買った。 language [(1) words and their use; (2) what people speak in a country, nation or group] She was interested in how new words come into the language. (1) 彼女はどのようにして新しい言葉が、その言語に取り入れられるのか興味があった。 How many languages do you speak? (2) 何カ国語を話しますか? large [(1) big; (2) being of more than usual size, amount or number; (3) opposite small] How large is your house? (1) あなたの家はどのくらいの大きさですか? He had a large voice for such a small man. (2) 彼は小男のわりには大きな声をしていた。 She was a large woman. (3) 彼女は体の大きな女性でした。 last [(1) to continue; (2) after all others; (3) the only one remaining] The talks will last three days. (1) 話し合いは3日間続きます。 He was the last person to arrive. (2) 彼が最後に到着した人だった。 She is the last person in line. (3) 彼女が列の最後尾です。 late [(1) after the correct time; (2) near the end; (3) opposite early] He arrived an hour late for work. (1) 彼は仕事に1時間遅れて到着した。 The doctor said she would have her baby late in the year. (2) 医者は、彼女は年末に子供を産むと言った。 Do you like to eat early or late? (3) 食事を早目にしたいですか、それとも遅くにしたいですか? laugh [to make sounds to express pleasure or happy feelings] I always laugh at her funny stories. 私はいつも彼女の面白い話しに笑う。 launch [(1) to put into operation; (2) to begin; (3) to send into the air or space] The terrorists launched an attack in the middle of the night. (1) テロリストたちは夜中に攻撃をしかけた。 She said she soon will launch her campaign for mayor. (2) 彼女は、自分はまもなく市長選の運動を始めると言った(現在時点ではまだ始めていない)。 The United States launched an Apollo spacecraft on a flight to the moon. (3) 合衆国は月への飛行にアポロ宇宙船を発射した。 law [all or any rules made by a government] The mayor urged city officials to pass the new law. 市長は市の役人たちに新法を承認するよう迫った。 lead [(1) to show the way; (2) to command; (3) to control; (4) to go first] I could not find the store until he led me to it. (1) 私は、彼が私を店に案内してくれるまでその店を見つけることができなかった。 General Wilcox will lead the special anti-terrorist force. (2) ウィルコックス将軍は対テロリストの特別部隊を指揮します。 He leads our music department. (3) 彼は我々の音楽部門を率いています。 She followed as he led the way. (4) 彼女は彼が先導するとおりについていった。 leak [to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid)] Oil leaked from the broken pipe. 油は折れたパイプから漏れた。 learn [(1) to get knowledge about; (2) to come to know a fact or facts] He learned calculus in high school.(1) 彼は微積分学を高校で学んだ。 She wondered how he learned where she lived. (2) 彼女は彼がどのように自分の住んでいるところを知ったのか不思議だった。 leave [(1) to go away from; (2) to let something stay where it is] His son will leave home next year for college. (1) 彼の息子は大学進学のために来年家を出る。 Please leave me alone. (2) ひとりにしてください。 left [(1) on the side that is toward the west when one is facing north; (2) opposite right] Do you write with your left hand? (1) あなたは左手で文字を書きますか? I am lost because I turned left instead of right. (2) 私は右に曲がらずに左に曲がったので道に迷ってしまった。 legal [of or in agreement with the law] He said his lawyer gave him good legal advice. 彼は、弁護士は適切な法的助言をしてくれたと言った。 legislature [a government lawmaking group] The legislature makes laws. 立法機関が法律を制定する。 lend [(1) to permit someone to use a thing temporarily; (2) to make a loan of money] Joe said he will lend me his car tomorrow. (1) ジョーは明日、私に彼の車を貸してくれると言った(この時点ではまだ貸してもらっていない)。 None of his friends would lend him any money. (2) 彼の友人たちは、だれも彼にお金を貸さないでしょう。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com