K-1 keep [(1) to possess; (2) to have for oneself] They kept the old house for a long time. (1) He keeps most of the money that he earns. (2) kick [to hit with the foot] How far can you kick the ball? kidnap [to seize and take away by force] The man kidnapped the boy but released him after the family paid him a million dollars. kill [(1) to make dead; (2) to cause to die] The woman killed her three husbands for their money. (1) The blight killed almost every chestnut tree in the United States. (2) kind [(1) sort; (2) gentle; (3) caring; (4) helpful] What kind of dog is that? (1) He is a kind man. (2) She was a kind mother to all her children. (3) A kind old man told me where to find your house. (4) kiss [to touch with the mouth to show love or honor] Do you remember your first kiss? knife [a tool or weapon used to cut] The knife that he found was very sharp. know [(1) to understand something as correct; (2) to have the facts about; (3) to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before] I know the answer to your question. (1) Do you know how deep the river is here? (2) He knew her for many years. (3) knowledge [(1) that which is known; (2) learning or understanding] A huge library in Alexandria, Egypt, was the world's center of knowledge 2,300 years ago. (1) You can use the Internet computer system to find knowledge about a great many subjects. (2) --------------------- --------------------- K-1 keep [(1) to possess; (2) to have for oneself] They kept the old house for a long time. (1) 彼らは長い間その古い家を所有した。 He keeps most of the money that he earns. (2) 彼は自分の稼ぐお金のほとんどを取っておく。 kick [to hit with the foot] How far can you kick the ball? どのくらい遠くまでボールを蹴ることができますか? kidnap [to seize and take away by force] The man kidnapped the boy but released him after the family paid him a million dollars. 男は少年を誘拐したが、家族が彼に100万ドル支払った後、少年を解放した。 kill [(1) to make dead; (2) to cause to die] The woman killed her three husbands for their money. (1) 女は自分の3人の夫たちを彼らの金目当てで殺した。 The blight killed almost every chestnut tree in the United States. (2) 胴枯れ病は合衆国にあるほとんどすべてのクリの木を枯らした。 kind [(1) sort; (2) gentle; (3) caring; (4) helpful] What kind of dog is that? (1) それはなんという種類の犬ですか? He is a kind man. (2) 彼は優しい男です。 She was a kind mother to all her children. (3) 彼女は自分の子供たち全員に思いやりのある母親だった。 A kind old man told me where to find your house. (4) 親切な老人が私にどこであなたの家を見つけることができるか教えてくれた。 kiss [to touch with the mouth to show love or honor] Do you remember your first kiss? はじめてのキスを覚えていますか? knife [a tool or weapon used to cut] The knife that he found was very sharp. 彼が見つけたナイフはとても鋭かった。 know [(1) to understand something as correct; (2) to have the facts about; (3) to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before] I know the answer to your question. (1) わたしはあなたの疑問に対する答を知っています。 Do you know how deep the river is here? (2) 川のこの場所はどのくらいの深さか知っていますか? He knew her for many years. (3) 彼は彼女とは長い間の知り合いだった。 knowledge [(1) that which is known; (2) learning or understanding] A huge library in Alexandria, Egypt, was the world's center of knowledge 2,300 years ago. (1) 2300年前、エジプト、アレキサンドリアの巨大図書館は世界の知の中心だった。 You can use the Internet computer system to find knowledge about a great many subjects. (2) 非常に多彩なことがらについての知識を得るために、インターネットコンピューターシステムを使うことができます。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com