I-3 invade [to enter an area or country by force with an army] Allied forces in England invaded the Normandy area of France in 1944. invent [(1) to plan and make something never made before; (2) to create a new thing or way of doing something] Did Henry Ford invent the automobile? (1) Did Henry Ford invent a new way to build cars? (2) invest [to give money to a business or organization with the hope of making more money] George asked his friends to invest in his new oil company. investigate [(1) to study or examine all information about an event, situation or charge; (2) to search for the truth] Civil rights leaders asked the federal government to investigate voting problems in some parts of Florida. (1) Congress is investigating the president's relationship with a young woman. (2) invite [to ask someone to take part in or join an event, organization or gathering] Jason invited Candy to his party. involve [(1) to take part in; (2) to become a part of; (3) to include] He has been involved in drama for many years. (1) She became completely involved with her new family. (2) The project involved thousands of people. (3) iron [a strong, hard metal used to make machines and tools] People have been making tools of iron for about 2,800 years. island [a land area with water all around it] Ken lived on several different islands in the South Pacific Ocean. issue [an important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about ] Campaign finance reform was the most important issue in the election campaign. it [a thing, place, event or idea that is being spoken about ] The sky is blue, but it also has a few white clouds. --------------------- --------------------- I-3 invade [to enter an area or country by force with an army] Allied forces in England invaded the Normandy area of France in 1944. イギリスの連合軍は1944年にフランスのノルマンディー地域に侵攻した。 invent [(1) to plan and make something never made before; (2) to create a new thing or way of doing something] Did Henry Ford invent the automobile? (1) 自動車を発明したのはヘンリー・フォードですか? Did Henry Ford invent a new way to build cars? (2) ヘンリー・フォードは車の組み立てに新しい方法を考案しましたか? invest [to give money to a business or organization with the hope of making more money] George asked his friends to invest in his new oil company. ジョージは自分の新しい石油会社に投資するよう友人に頼んだ。 investigate [(1) to study or examine all information about an event, situation or charge; (2) to search for the truth] Civil rights leaders asked the federal government to investigate voting problems in some parts of Florida. (1) 公民権指導者たちは、連邦政府に対してフロリダの何ヵ所かの投票問題を調査するよう求めた。 Congress is investigating the president's relationship with a young woman. (2) 議会は大統領と若い女性との関係を調べている。 invite [to ask someone to take part in or join an event, organization or gathering] Jason invited Candy to his party. ジェイソンはキャンディーを自分のパーティーへ招待した。 involve [(1) to take part in; (2) to become a part of; (3) to include] He has been involved in drama for many years. (1) 彼は長年芝居に参加している。 She became completely involved with her new family. (2) 彼女は新しい家族にすっかり溶け込んだ。 The project involved thousands of people. (3) プロジェクトには数千人が関わっていた。 iron [a strong, hard metal used to make machines and tools] People have been making tools of iron for about 2,800 years. 人々は約2800年の間、鉄の道具を作ってきた。 island [a land area with water all around it] Ken lived on several different islands in the South Pacific Ocean. ケンは南太平洋のいくつかの異なる島々に住んだ。 issue [an important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about ] Campaign finance reform was the most important issue in the election campaign. 選挙運動において、キャンペーン資金の改善はもっとも重要な論点だった。 it [a thing, place, event or idea that is being spoken about ] The sky is blue, but it also has a few white clouds. 空は青い、しかし、いくつか白い雲もある。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com