I-2 inflation [a continuing rise in prices while the value of money goes down] Federal banking officials were able to keep inflation from rising. influence [(1) to have an effect on someone or something; (2) to cause change] The strong economy did not influence voters to keep the party in power. (1) What influenced your decision to change jobs? (2) inform [(1) to tell; (2) to give knowledge to] Please inform me when you leave the office. (1) I informed her about what happened. (2) information [(1) knowledge; (2) facts] He got the information from several books. (1) He asked for information about his family. (2) inject [to force a fluid into, such as putting medicine or drugs into the body through the skin] The doctor injected the painkiller into his shoulder. injure [to cause harm or damage to a person or animal] The mail carrier was injured by an angry dog. innocent [(1) not guilty of a crime; (2) not responsible for a bad action] The court found that she was innocent of all charges. (1) The woman said her innocent dog never bit anyone. (2) insane [mentally sick] How does your country treat insane people? insect [a very small creature, usually with many legs and sometimes with wings] Flying insects attacked them as soon as they went into the forest. inspect [(1) to look at something carefully; (2) to examine, especially by an expert] He inspected his fingers for dirt. (1) The policeman inspected her car for damage. (2) instead [(1) in the place of; (2) taking the place of] She chose you instead of me. (1) He planned to go to a movie but decided to stay home instead. (2) instrument [a tool or device designed to do something or to make something] The spacecraft carried instruments to examine the surface of Mars. insult [to say something or to do something that makes another person angry or dishonored] He insulted her by arriving very late at her party. intelligence [(1) the ability to think or learn; (2) information gathered by spying] The research project required scientists with great intelligence. (1) The agency collected much intelligence about planned terrorist attacks. (2) intelligent [quick to understand or learn] The boy was so intelligent that he began university studies at the age of twelve. intense [(1) very strong; (2) extremely serious] Security was intense during the President's visit. (1) Learning the language required intense study. (2) interest [(1)&(2) what is important to someone; (3) a share in owning a business; (4) money paid for the use of money borrowed] He acted to protect his interests. (1) She had a great interest in painting. (2) My father holds an interest in several businesses. (3 The bank approved his loan, but it wanted him to pay 15 percent in interest each year. (4) interfere [(1) to get in the way of; (2) to work against; (3) to take part in the activities of others, especially when not asked to do so] He did not win the race because another boat interfered by turning in front of his boat. (1) The snowstorm interfered with our plans to climb the mountain. (2) Joanne asked her father not to interfere in her dispute with Bryan. (3) international [(1) of or about more than one nation or many nations; (2) of the whole world] The international conference of South American leaders has opened in Quito. (1) The information is in the report on international trade. (2) intervene [(1) to come between; (2) to come between in order to settle or solve] The police intervened before any shots were fired. (1) The President urged the United Nations to intervene in the border dispute. (2) --------------------- --------------------- I-2 inflation [a continuing rise in prices while the value of money goes down] Federal banking officials were able to keep inflation from rising. 連邦銀行の係官たちはインフレの進行を抑えることができた。 influence [(1) to have an effect on someone or something; (2) to cause change] The strong economy did not influence voters to keep the party in power. (1) 投票者たちは堅調な経済に影響されて、与党をそのまま続けさせることはしなかった。 What influenced your decision to change jobs? (2) 何があなたに転職を決断させたのですか? inform [(1) to tell; (2) to give knowledge to] Please inform me when you leave the office. (1) 事務所を出る時は私に教えてください。 I informed her about what happened. (2) 私は何が起こったのか彼女に教えた。 information [(1) knowledge; (2) facts] He got the information from several books. (1) 彼は数冊の本から知識を得た。 He asked for information about his family. (2) 彼は自分の家族についての情報を求めた。 inject [to force a fluid into, such as putting medicine or drugs into the body through the skin] The doctor injected the painkiller into his shoulder. 医者は彼の肩に痛み止めの注射をした。 injure [to cause harm or damage to a person or animal] The mail carrier was injured by an angry dog. 郵便配達人は怒った犬に襲われてけがをした。 innocent [(1) not guilty of a crime; (2) not responsible for a bad action] The court found that she was innocent of all charges. (1) 裁判所は彼女がすべての告発に無罪であると判決を下した。 The woman said her innocent dog never bit anyone. (2) 女性は、無邪気な彼女の犬は決して人に噛みつかないと言った。 insane [mentally sick] How does your country treat insane people? あなたの国は精神障害の人々をどのように扱っていますか? insect [a very small creature, usually with many legs and sometimes with wings] Flying insects attacked them as soon as they went into the forest. 彼らが森の中に入るやいなや、飛んでいる虫たちが彼らを襲った。 inspect [(1) to look at something carefully; (2) to examine, especially by an expert] He inspected his fingers for dirt. (1) 彼は自分の指が汚れていないか調べた。 The policeman inspected her car for damage. (2) 警察官は彼女の車に損傷がないか点検した。 instead [(1) in the place of; (2) taking the place of] She chose you instead of me. (1) 彼女は私の代わりにあなたを選んだ。 He planned to go to a movie but decided to stay home instead. (2) 彼は映画を見に行く予定だったが、そうしないで家にいることに決めた。 instrument [a tool or device designed to do something or to make something] The spacecraft carried instruments to examine the surface of Mars. 宇宙船は火星の表面を調べるための機器を持って行った。 insult [to say something or to do something that makes another person angry or dishonored] He insulted her by arriving very late at her party. 彼は、彼女のパーティーにひどく遅れて来ることで彼女を侮辱した。 intelligence [(1) the ability to think or learn; (2) information gathered by spying] The research project required scientists with great intelligence. (1) 調査プロジェクトは優れた知能を持つ科学者たちを必要としていた。 The agency collected much intelligence about planned terrorist attacks. (2) 政府機関は計画されているテロリストによる攻撃についてのたくさんの情報を収集した。 intelligent [quick to understand or learn] The boy was so intelligent that he began university studies at the age of twelve. 男の子は大変聡明だったので12歳の時に大学での勉強を始めた。 intense [(1) very strong; (2) extremely serious] Security was intense during the President's visit. (1) 大統領の訪問中、警備体制はとても厳しかった。 Learning the language required intense study. (2) その言語を学ぶには猛勉強が必要だった。 interest [(1)&(2) what is important to someone; (3) a share in owning a business; (4) money paid for the use of money borrowed] He acted to protect his interests. (1) 彼は自分の利益を守るために行動した。 She had a great interest in painting. (2) 彼女は絵を書くことに大変興味をもっていた。 My father holds an interest in several businesses. (3) 私の父はいくつかの事業に出資している。 The bank approved his loan, but it wanted him to pay 15 percent in interest each year. (4) 銀行は彼に貸付を認めた。しかし、銀行は毎年15パーセントの利息を払うことを彼に求めた。 interfere [(1) to get in the way of; (2) to work against; (3) to take part in the activities of others, especially when not asked to do so] He did not win the race because another boat interfered by turning in front of his boat. (1) 彼は他のボートが彼のボートの前で方向転換し邪魔をしたので、競走に勝てなかった。 The snowstorm interfered with our plans to climb the mountain. (2) 吹雪は我々がその山を登る計画を妨げた。 Joanne asked her father not to interfere in her dispute with Bryan. (3) ジョアンは父にブライアンとの言い争いに口出しをしないよう頼んだ。 international [(1) of or about more than one nation or many nations; (2) of the whole world] The international conference of South American leaders has opened in Quito. (1) 南アメリカの指導者たちの国際会議はキートで開始されました。 The information is in the report on international trade. (2) その情報は国際貿易についての報告書の中にあります。 intervene [(1) to come between; (2) to come between in order to settle or solve] The police intervened before any shots were fired. (1) 銃が発砲される前に警察が介入した。 The President urged the United Nations to intervene in the border dispute. (2) 大統領は国際連合にその国境紛争の仲裁に入るよう促した。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com