I-1 I [the person speaking] I am glad to meet you. ice [frozen water] Would you like more ice in your drink? idea [(1) a thought or picture in the mind; (2) a belief] He liked your ideas for the party. (1) His ideas about religion are very strange. (2) identify [to recognize someone or something and to say who or what they are] Can you identify the man you saw with the victim? if [(1) on condition; (2) provided that] I will go only if you go. (1) I will go if you go. (2) illegal [(1) not legal; (2) in violation of a law] His friend was an illegal visitor to this country. (1) The judge said throwing waste paper from the car was an illegal act. (2) imagine [(1) to make a picture in the mind; (2) to form an idea] I can imagine how pleased she was with the gift. (1) She said she could imagine several ways to correct the problem. (2) immediate [(1) without delay; (2) very near in time or place] The emergency required immediate action. (1) The officer ordered his men to search the immediate area. (2) import [(1) to bring from another country; (2) something brought from another country, usually for sale] This candy was imported from Germany. (1) The report said imports were increasing but exports were lower. (2) important [having great meaning, value or power] She is an important member of Congress. improve [(1) to make better; (2) to become better] He improved the company's earnings. (1) The company's earnings improved. (2) in [(1) inside; (2) held by; (3) contained by; (4) surrounded by; (5) during] The food is in the ice box. (1) What do you have in your hand? (2) The good wine is in that bottle. (3) Did you get wet in the storm? (4) He heard the child crying in the night. (5) incident [an event or something that happens] The incident did not affect her performance. incite [to urge or cause an action or emotion, usually something bad or violent] The speaker incited the riot. include [(1) to have; (2) to make a part of] That price includes sales tax. (1) Please include Mary on the list of speakers. (2) increase [to make more in size or amount] The runner increased his speed near the finish line. independent [(1) not influenced by or controlled by another or others; (2) free; (3) separate] An independent investigator found no evidence of wrongdoing. (1) He was an independent thinker. (2) The 13 American colonies declared that they were independent from Britain. (3) individual [one person] He wrote about protecting the legal rights of the individual. industry [(1) any business that produces goods or provides services; (2) the work and related activity in factories and offices; (3) all organizations involved in manufacturing] She works in the travel industry. (1) Industry began slowing down in the final months of 2000. (2) He believes the labor unions and industry will reach early agreement on their differences. (3) infect [to make sick with something that causes disease] A biological weapon could infect millions of people with a deadly disease. --------------------- --------------------- I-1 I [the person speaking] I am glad to meet you. お会いできてうれしく思います。 ice [frozen water] Would you like more ice in your drink? お飲み物にもっと氷を入れましょうか? idea [(1) a thought or picture in the mind; (2) a belief] He liked your ideas for the party. (1) 彼はパーティーに関するあなたの案が気に入りました。 His ideas about religion are very strange. (2) 宗教に関する彼の考えはとても変わっている。 identify [to recognize someone or something and to say who or what they are] Can you identify the man you saw with the victim? あなたが見た犠牲者と一緒にいた男を誰だか識別できますか? if [(1) on condition; (2) provided that] I will go only if you go. (1) あなたが行きさえすれば私も行きます(あなたが行く時だけ行く)。 I will go if you go. (2) あなたが行くなら私も行きます。 illegal [(1) not legal; (2) in violation of a law] His friend was an illegal visitor to this country. (1) 彼の友達はこの国への不法入国者だった。 The judge said throwing waste paper from the car was an illegal act. (2) 裁判官は、車から紙くずを投げ捨てるのは不法行為だと言った。 imagine [(1) to make a picture in the mind; (2) to form an idea] I can imagine how pleased she was with the gift. (1) 私は彼女が贈り物をどんなに喜んだか想像できます。 She said she could imagine several ways to correct the problem. (2) 彼女はその問題を是正するいくつかの手段を考え出すことができると言った。 immediate [(1) without delay; (2) very near in time or place] The emergency required immediate action. (1) 緊急事態には早急な行動が必要だった。 The officer ordered his men to search the immediate area. (2) 指揮官は自分の部下に近隣の地域を探索するよう命じた。 import [(1) to bring from another country; (2) something brought from another country, usually for sale] This candy was imported from Germany. (1) このキャンディーはドイツから輸入されました。 The report said imports were increasing but exports were lower. (2) 輸入は増加しているが、輸出は少なくなっていると報告された。 important [having great meaning, value or power] She is an important member of Congress. 彼女は国会の有力な議員です。 improve [(1) to make better; (2) to become better] He improved the company's earnings. (1) 彼は会社の収益を向上させた。 The company's earnings improved. (2) 会社の収益は向上した。 in [(1) inside; (2) held by; (3) contained by; (4) surrounded by; (5) during] The food is in the ice box. (1) 食料はアイスボックスの中です。 What do you have in your hand? (2) あなたは手の中に何を持っていますか? The good wine is in that bottle. (3) おいしいワインはその瓶に入っています。 Did you get wet in the storm? (4) 嵐に遭って濡れましたか。 He heard the child crying in the night. (5) 彼は夜中に子供が泣くのを聞いた。 incident [an event or something that happens] The incident did not affect her performance. その出来事は、彼女の演技〔演奏〕に影響しなかった。 incite [to urge or cause an action or emotion, usually something bad or violent] The speaker incited the riot. 演説者は騒動を煽った。 include [(1) to have; (2) to make a part of] That price includes sales tax. (1) 価格は消費税を含んでいます。 Please include Mary on the list of speakers. (2) メリーを話し手のリストに加えてください。 increase [to make more in size or amount] The runner increased his speed near the finish line. 走者はゴール近くでスピードを上げた。 independent [(1) not influenced by or controlled by another or others; (2) free; (3) separate] An independent investigator found no evidence of wrongdoing. (1) 独立して調査を行った調査員は、何も悪行の痕跡を発見しなかった。 He was an independent thinker. (2) 彼は独自の思想を持った人だった。 The 13 American colonies declared that they were independent from Britain. (3) アメリカにあった13の植民地は英国からの独立を宣言した。 individual [one person] He wrote about protecting the legal rights of the individual. 彼は個人の法的権利の擁護について書いた。 industry [(1) any business that produces goods or provides services; (2) the work and related activity in factories and offices; (3) all organizations involved in manufacturing] She works in the travel industry. (1) 彼女は旅行業界で働いています。 Industry began slowing down in the final months of 2000. (2) 事業は2000年の年末に落ち込みはじめた。 He believes the labor unions and industry will reach early agreement on their differences. (3) 彼は労働組合と会社側は両者の相違点について、早期に合意に達すると信じている。 infect [to make sick with something that causes disease] A biological weapon could infect millions of people with a deadly disease. 生物兵器は致死的な病気によって何百万もの人々を感染させることができる。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com