H-3 hospital [a place where sick or injured people are given medical care] She was treated at the hospital after falling off her horse. hostage [a person captured and held as a guarantee that a demand or promise will be honored] Police freed the hostages held by the terrorists. hostile [(1) ready to fight; (2) ready for war] He spoke words of peace but his eyes were hostile. (1) Hostile forces were at the border, ready to invade. (2) hot [having or feeling great heat or a high temperature] The hot coffee burned my mouth. hotel [a building with rooms, and often food, for travelers] This hotel has good service. hour [(1) a measure of time; (2) sixty minutes] The two old friends talked for hours. (1) He worked for four hours and thirty minutes on Saturday. (2) house [(1) a building in which people live; (2) a country's parliament or lawmaking group] I need to paint the outside of my house. (1) Republican legislators control the House of Representatives. (2) how [(1) in what way; (2) to what amount] John does not know how to get to my house. (1) How much money do you need? (2) however [(1) yet; (2) but] She said she would be late; however, she arrived on time. (1) His leg was broken; however, that did not stop him from escaping. (2) huge [(1) very big; (2) of great size] The new employee made a huge mistake. (1) We climbed that huge mountain. (2) human [of or about people] Workers found human bones buried under the old building. humor [the ability to understand, enjoy or express what makes people laugh] He liked her because she had an unusual sense of humor. hunger [the need for food] Hunger is one of the world's biggest problems. hunt [(1) to search for animals to capture or kill them; (2) to seek; (3) to try to find] The men with guns were hunting birds. (1) We hunted for a way out of the valley. (2) The negotiators hunted for a solution to the problem. (3) hurry [to do or go fast] If you hurry, you can catch the bus. hurt [to cause pain, injury or damage] The runner hurt his leg just before the big race. husband [a man who is married] Have you met Jan's husband? --------------------- --------------------- H-3 hospital [a place where sick or injured people are given medical care] She was treated at the hospital after falling off her horse. 彼女は自分の馬から落ちて、病院で手当てを受けた。 hostage [a person captured and held as a guarantee that a demand or promise will be honored] Police freed the hostages held by the terrorists. 警察はテロリストによって捕らえられていた人質を解放した。 hostile [(1) ready to fight; (2) ready for war] He spoke words of peace but his eyes were hostile. (1) 彼は平和の言葉を口にしたが、彼の目は敵意を持ったものだった。 Hostile forces were at the border, ready to invade. (2) 敵軍は国境にいて、いつでも侵略する準備が出来ていた。 hot [having or feeling great heat or a high temperature] The hot coffee burned my mouth. 熱いコーヒーが私の口をやけどさせた。 hotel [a building with rooms, and often food, for travelers] This hotel has good service. このホテルはサービスが良い。 hour [(1) a measure of time; (2) sixty minutes] The two old friends talked for hours. (1) 2人の古い友人は何時間も話した。 He worked for four hours and thirty minutes on Saturday. (2) 彼は土曜日に4時間半働いた。 house [(1) a building in which people live; (2) a country's parliament or lawmaking group] I need to paint the outside of my house. (1) 私は自宅の外側にペンキを塗る必要がある。 Republican legislators control the House of Representatives. (2) 共和党の議員は下院を支配している。 how [(1) in what way; (2) to what amount] John does not know how to get to my house. (1) ジョンは私の家への行き方を知らない。 How much money do you need? (2) いくらお金が必要ですか? however [(1) yet; (2) but] She said she would be late; however, she arrived on time. (1) 彼女は遅れると言ったが定時に到着した。 His leg was broken; however, that did not stop him from escaping. (2) 彼の足は折れていたが、それが彼の逃亡を妨げることはなかった。 huge [(1) very big; (2) of great size] The new employee made a huge mistake. (1) 新入社員は重大なミスを犯した。 We climbed that huge mountain. (2) 我々はあの巨大な山を登った。 human [of or about people] Workers found human bones buried under the old building. 作業員たちは古いビルの下に埋められた人骨を見つけた。 humor [the ability to understand, enjoy or express what makes people laugh] He liked her because she had an unusual sense of humor. 彼は、彼女が並外れたユーモアのセンスを持っていたので好きだった。 hunger [the need for food] Hunger is one of the world's biggest problems. 飢餓は最も大きな世界問題のひとつです。 hunt [(1) to search for animals to capture or kill them; (2) to seek; (3) to try to find] The men with guns were hunting birds. (1) 銃を持った男たちは鳥を狩っていた。 We hunted for a way out of the valley. (2) 私たちは渓谷から抜け出す道を探した。 The negotiators hunted for a solution to the problem. (3) 交渉人たちは問題の解決策を見つけ出そうとした。 hurry [to do or go fast] If you hurry, you can catch the bus. 急げばバスに乗れます。 hurt [to cause pain, injury or damage] The runner hurt his leg just before the big race. 走者は大きなレースの直前に脚を痛めた。 husband [a man who is married] Have you met Jan's husband? あなたはジャンの夫に会ったことがありますか? (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com