H-2 helicopter [a machine without wings that can fly up or down or remain in one place above the ground] Helicopters rescued many flood victims. help [(1) to give support; (2) to assist; (3) to make easier; (4) support; (5) aid] The company helped him to complete his university studies. (1) He helped her to put on her coat. (2) Will you help me prepare for the test tomorrow? (3) She needs your help to succeed. (4) What kind of help can you provide for the refugees? (5) here [in, to or at this place] Please come here now. hero [a person honored for being brave or wise] She said her brother was a hero in the war. hide [(1) to prevent from being seen or found; (2) to make secret] He hid me in his closet until his mother left. (1) Did she hide her political beliefs from you too? (2) high [(1) tall; (2) far up; (3) far above the ground; (4) important; (5) above others] That tree is high enough for a tree house. (1) There is a house high up on the mountain. (2) The helicopter flew high above the ground. (3) The Supreme Court is often called the high court. (4) He is a high official in the federal government. (5) hijack [to seize or take control of a vehicle by force] The prisoners hijacked a car in their escape attempt. hill [a small mountain] The boys climbed that hill and went down the other side. history [(1) the written record or description of past events; (2) the study of the past] She is writing a history of her family. (1) How many years have you studied American history? (2) hit [(1) to strike; (2) to touch with force] Don't hit me. (1) Her head hit the floor when she fell. (2) hold [(1) to carry or support, usually in the hands or arms; (2) to keep in one position; (3) to keep as a prisoner; (4) to contain; (5) to possess; (6) to occupy; (7) to organize and be involved in] He held a cup of water to her mouth. (1) The woman with the camera said, "Hold your head up while I take your picture." (2) The police held the suspect for questioning. (3) This cup holds eight ounces of liquid. (4) The businessman held a lot of stock in his company. (5) She holds the office of mayor. (6) The two sides hold talks this week. (7) hole [(1) an opening; (2) a torn or broken place in something] The little animal ran into a hole in the ground. (1) The boy had torn a hole in his shirt. (2) holiday [(1) a day when one does not work; (2) a day on which no work is done to honor or remember a person or event] He plans to go to Europe for a two-week holiday. (1) They decided to watch the fireworks in Washington on the Independence Day holiday, July 4th. (2) holy [greatly honored in religion] Christians follow the beliefs expressed in the Holy Bible. home [(1) the building where a person lives, especially with family; (2) the place where one was born or comes from; (3) the area or country where one lives] The White House has been the President's home for eight years. (1) Her home is New York City. (2) He says he will return to his home in Texas when he retires. (3) honest [(1) truthful; (2) able to be trusted] You can believe what he tells you because he is an honest man. (1) He says he is an honest person, but I do not trust him. (2) honor [(1) to obey; (2) to show strong, good feelings for; (3) an award; (4) an act of giving special recognition] She will honor her promises. (1) We honor our parents many times during the year, not just on Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day. (2) The Sergeant was given America's highest award for bravery, the Medal of Honor. (3) He received many honors for his efforts to help others. (4) hope [(1) to expect; (2) to believe there is a good chance that something will happen as wanted; (3) to want something to happen] We hope she will arrive tomorrow. (1) The doctor said he hopes the treatment will work as expected. (2) I hope for good weather this weekend. (3) horrible [(1) causing great fear; (2) terrible] Fighting a war with weapons that spread deadly diseases is a horrible idea. (1) Two people died in the horrible traffic accident. (2) horse [a large animal often used for racing, riding or farm work] Do you enjoy riding horses? --------------------- --------------------- H-2 helicopter [a machine without wings that can fly up or down or remain in one place above the ground] Helicopters rescued many flood victims. ヘリコプターは多くの洪水被害者たちを救出した。 help [(1) to give support; (2) to assist; (3) to make easier; (4) support; (5) aid] The company helped him to complete his university studies. (1) 会社は彼が大学での学業を成し遂げるのを支援した。 He helped her to put on her coat. (2) 彼は彼女がコートを着るのを手伝った。 Will you help me prepare for the test tomorrow? (3) 明日の試験の準備を手伝ってもらえませんか? She needs your help to succeed. (4) 彼女が成功するのにはあなたの助けが必要です。 What kind of help can you provide for the refugees? (5) あなたはどのような支援を難民たちのために提供できますか? here [in, to or at this place] Please come here now. 今ここに来てください。 hero [a person honored for being brave or wise] She said her brother was a hero in the war. 彼女は、彼女の兄(弟)は戦争の英雄だったと言った。 hide [(1) to prevent from being seen or found; (2) to make secret] He hid me in his closet until his mother left. (1) 彼は自分の母親が去るまで私を押し入れに隠した。 Did she hide her political beliefs from you too? (2) 彼女は自分の政治的な思想をあなたにも内緒にしましたか? high [(1) tall; (2) far up; (3) far above the ground; (4) important; (5) above others] That tree is high enough for a tree house. (1) その木は樹上の小屋を作るのに充分な高さです。 There is a house high up on the mountain. (2) 山の上方の高いところに家がある。 The helicopter flew high above the ground. (3) ヘリコプターが地上から高く飛んだ。 The Supreme Court is often called the high court. (4) 最高裁判所はよく"the high court"と呼ばれる。 He is a high official in the federal government. (5) 彼は連邦政府の高級官僚です。 hijack [to seize or take control of a vehicle by force] The prisoners hijacked a car in their escape attempt. 囚人たちは逃亡を企てる際に車を乗っ取った。 hill [a small mountain] The boys climbed that hill and went down the other side. 男の子たちはあの丘を登り、そして反対側を下った。 history [(1) the written record or description of past events; (2) the study of the past] She is writing a history of her family. (1) 彼女は自分の家族の歴史を書いている。 How many years have you studied American history? (2) あなたは何年間アメリカの歴史を勉強しましたか? hit [(1) to strike; (2) to touch with force] Don't hit me. (1) 私をぶたないでください。 Her head hit the floor when she fell. (2) 彼女は倒れた時、床に頭をぶつけた。 hold [(1) to carry or support, usually in the hands or arms; (2) to keep in one position; (3) to keep as a prisoner; (4) to contain; (5) to possess; (6) to occupy; (7) to organize and be involved in] He held a cup of water to her mouth. (1) 彼は水の入ったカップを彼女の口元に持っていった。 The woman with the camera said, "Hold your head up while I take your picture." (2) カメラを持った女性は「私があなたの写真を撮る間、頭を上げていてください」と言った。 The police held the suspect for questioning. (3) 警察は容疑者を尋問のために拘留した。 This cup holds eight ounces of liquid. (4) このカップには8オンスの液体が入ります。 ※ fluid ounce: 米では29.6cc 英では28.4cc The businessman held a lot of stock in his company. (5) 実業家は自社の多くの株を所有していた。 She holds the office of mayor. (6) 彼女は市長の職に就いています。 The two sides hold talks this week. (7) 両者は今週会談を行います。 hole [(1) an opening; (2) a torn or broken place in something] The little animal ran into a hole in the ground. (1) 小さな動物は地中の穴に走り込んだ。 The boy had torn a hole in his shirt. (2) 男の子は自分のシャツに破って穴をあけていた。 holiday [(1) a day when one does not work; (2) a day on which no work is done to honor or remember a person or event] He plans to go to Europe for a two-week holiday. (1) 彼は2週間の休暇でヨーロッパに行く予定です。 They decided to watch the fireworks in Washington on the Independence Day holiday, July 4th. (2) 彼らは7月4日の独立記念の祭日にワシントンで花火を見物することにした。 holy [greatly honored in religion] Christians follow the beliefs expressed in the Holy Bible. キリスト教徒は聖書の中で説かれている信条に従います。 home [(1) the building where a person lives, especially with family; (2) the place where one was born or comes from; (3) the area or country where one lives] The White House has been the President's home for eight years. (1) ホワイトハウスは8年間その大統領の家でした。 Her home is New York City. (2) 彼女の郷里はニューヨークシティです。 He says he will return to his home in Texas when he retires. (3) 彼は引退したらテキサスの郷里に帰ると言っている。 honest [(1) truthful; (2) able to be trusted] You can believe what he tells you because he is an honest man. (1) 彼は誠実な人だから、彼が言うことを信じて大丈夫です。 He says he is an honest person, but I do not trust him. (2) 彼は自分が正直者だと言う。しかし、私は彼を信頼していない。 honor [(1) to obey; (2) to show strong, good feelings for; (3) an award; (4) an act of giving special recognition] She will honor her promises. (1) 彼女は自分のした約束を守るでしょう。 We honor our parents many times during the year, not just on Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day. (2) 私たちは母の日や父の日だけでなく年中自分たちの両親に敬意を表します。 The Sergeant was given America's highest award for bravery, the Medal of Honor. (3) 軍曹は勇気に対して与えられるアメリカで最高の賞、名誉勲章を与えられた。 He received many honors for his efforts to help others. (4) 彼は他人を助ける努力に対して多くの栄誉を授かった。 hope [(1) to expect; (2) to believe there is a good chance that something will happen as wanted; (3) to want something to happen] We hope she will arrive tomorrow. (1) 私たちは彼女が明日到着することを期待しています。 The doctor said he hopes the treatment will work as expected. (2) 医者は治療が予想通りに効果があることを期待していると言った。 I hope for good weather this weekend. (3) 私は今週末よい天気になってほしい。 horrible [(1) causing great fear; (2) terrible] Fighting a war with weapons that spread deadly diseases is a horrible idea. (1) 致死的な病気を撒き散らす武器を使って戦争をすることは恐ろしい考えです。 Two people died in the horrible traffic accident. (2) 悲惨な交通事故で2人の方が亡くなった。 horse [a large animal often used for racing, riding or farm work] Do you enjoy riding horses? 馬に乗ることは楽しいですか? (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com