H-1 hair [the fine material that grows from the skin, especially from the head] She has long brown hair. half [one of two equal parts of something] She had some soup and half a sandwich for lunch.  halt [(1) to cause to come to a stop; (2) to stop] He halted the group of marching men. (1) The marching men halted. (2) hang [(1) to place something so the highest part is supported and the lower part is not; (2) to kill by hanging] Please hang your coat next to the door. (1) The court ordered the killer to die by hanging. (2) happen [(1) to become a fact or event; (2) to take place] The accident happened over there. (1) He saw it happen. (2) happy [(1) pleased; (2) satisfied; (3) feeling good; (4) not sad] She was happy that he called. (1)  He was happy with the solution to the problem. (2) His dog seemed happy to be outside. (3) She looked happy for the first time since the accident. (4) hard [(1) not easily cut or broken; (2) solid; (3) difficult to do or understand; (4) needing much effort or force] A diamond is very hard. (1) That hard door is made of oak wood. (2) Legal papers written by a lawyer usually are hard to understand. (3) Digging a well is hard work. (4) harm [(1) to injure; (2) to damage; (3) damage; (4) hurt] The dog did not harm me. (1) Do not harm my son's good name. (2) What harm did he do by speaking to me? (3) The labor strike caused much harm to the business. (4) harvest [(1) to gather crops; (2) the crop after it is gathered] Farmers harvest their crops in autumn. (1) The grain harvest was the largest in years. (2) hat [a head cover] You hair looks like you just took off your hat. hate [(1) to have strong emotions against; (2) to consider as an enemy; (3) opposite love] He hated to make mistakes. (1) The woman hated her former husband. (2) He said he did not hate her, but he also said he did not love her either. (3) have [(1) to possess; (2) to own; (3) to hold] I have only three dollars left. (1) He had that car for a long time. (2) I had the ball in my hand, and I dropped it. (3) he [the boy or man who is being spoken about] He is my father. head [(1) to lead; (2) to command; (3) leader; (4) chief; (5) the top part of something; (6) the highest position] He heads the new office. (1)  The general heads allied military forces in Europe. (2) That man is head of Jimmy's Boy Scout group. (3) She is the head lawyer on this case. (4) The stream begins flowing at the head of this valley. (5) That old man was head of his country many years ago. (6) headquarters [(1) the center from which orders are given; (2) the main offices of a business or organization] The headquarters for United States naval forces in the Atlantic area is at Norfolk, Virginia. (1) The headquarters of our company is near Seattle. (2) heal [(1) to return to good health; (2) to cure; (3) to become well] The medical center treats many sick people and heals some of them. (1) A bone marrow transplant healed his cancer. (2) He is completely healed. (3) health [(1) the general condition of the body and mind; (2) the condition of being free from sickness or disease] Health is a major concern in many countries. (1) The woman says she is in good health now. (2) hear [(1) to receive sound through the ears; (2) to receive news about] Can you hear me if I talk softly? (1) I heard that you have a new job. (2) heat [(1) to make hot or warm; (2) great warmth; (3) that which is produced by burning fuel; (4) energy from the sun] She is heating some water for tea. (1) He became sick because of the desert heat. (2) Can you feel the heat from the fire? (3) They use the sun's heat to help warm their home. (4) heavy [(1) having much weight; (2) not easy to lift; (3) of great amount or force] The doctor told him he is too heavy. (1) She needed help to lift the heavy box. (2) Heavy voting was reported in many parts of the country. (3) --------------------- --------------------- H-1 hair [the fine material that grows from the skin, especially from the head] She has long brown hair. 彼女は茶色の長い髪の毛をしています。 half [one of two equal parts of something] She had some soup and half a sandwich for lunch. 彼女は昼にスープとサンドイッチ半分を食べた。  halt [(1) to cause to come to a stop; (2) to stop] He halted the group of marching men. (1) 彼は行進している男たちのグループを止まらせた。 The marching men halted. (2) 行進している男たちは止まった。 hang [(1) to place something so the highest part is supported and the lower part is not; (2) to kill by hanging] Please hang your coat next to the door. (1) あなたのコートをドアの横に掛けてください。 The court ordered the killer to die by hanging. (2) 裁判所は殺人者に絞首刑を命じた。 happen [(1) to become a fact or event; (2) to take place] The accident happened over there. (1) 事故はあのあたりで起こりました。 He saw it happen. (2) 彼はそれが起こるのを見た。 happy [(1) pleased; (2) satisfied; (3) feeling good; (4) not sad] She was happy that he called. (1) 彼女は彼が電話してきたのでうれしかった。  He was happy with the solution to the problem. (2) 彼は問題の解決策に満足だった。 His dog seemed happy to be outside. (3) 彼の犬は屋外にいることが楽しそうだった。 She looked happy for the first time since the accident. (4) 彼女は事故以来はじめてうれしそうに見えた。 hard [(1) not easily cut or broken; (2) solid; (3) difficult to do or understand; (4) needing much effort or force] A diamond is very hard. (1) ダイヤモンドはとても固い。 That hard door is made of oak wood. (2) その頑丈なドアはオーク材で出来ています。 Legal papers written by a lawyer usually are hard to understand. (3) 弁護士によって書かれた法律文書は、たいてい理解するのが難しい。 Digging a well is hard work. (4) 井戸を掘ることは大変な仕事です。 harm [(1) to injure; (2) to damage; (3) damage; (4) hurt] The dog did not harm me. (1) 犬は私を傷つけることはなかった。 Do not harm my son's good name. (2) 私の息子の名声を傷つけないでください。 What harm did he do by speaking to me? (3) 彼が私に話しかけたことで何のさしつかえがあったのですか? The labor strike caused much harm to the business. (4) 労働ストライキは商売に多大な損害を生じさせた。 harvest [(1) to gather crops; (2) the crop after it is gathered] Farmers harvest their crops in autumn. (1) 農夫たちは秋に自分たちの農作物を収穫する。 The grain harvest was the largest in years. (2) 穀物の収穫高は何年かの間で最大のものだった。 hat [a head cover] You hair looks like you just took off your hat. あなたの髪の毛はたった今帽子を脱いだように見えます。 hate [(1) to have strong emotions against; (2) to consider as an enemy; (3) opposite love] He hated to make mistakes. (1) 彼は間違えることがとてもいやだった。 The woman hated her former husband. (2) その女性は前の夫を憎んでいた。 He said he did not hate her, but he also said he did not love her either. (3) 彼は彼女のことは嫌いではないと言った。しかし、彼は彼女のことを愛してもいないとも言った。 have [(1) to possess; (2) to own; (3) to hold] I have only three dollars left. (1) 私はあと3ドルしか持っていない。 He had that car for a long time. (2) 彼はあの車を長い間所有していた。 I had the ball in my hand, and I dropped it. (3) 私は手にボールを握り、そしてそれを落した。 he [the boy or man who is being spoken about] He is my father. 彼は私の父です。 head [(1) to lead; (2) to command; (3) leader; (4) chief; (5) the top part of something; (6) the highest position] He heads the new office. (1) 彼は新しい事務所を率いています。  The general heads allied military forces in Europe. (2) 将軍はヨーロッパにおいて同盟軍を指揮している。 That man is head of Jimmy's Boy Scout group. (3) あの男の人がジミーのボーイスカウトグループのリーダーです。 She is the head lawyer on this case. (4) 彼女はこの裁判の主任弁護士です。 The stream begins flowing at the head of this valley. (5) この川はこの谷の頂から流れ出しています。 That old man was head of his country many years ago. (6) あの老人は昔、彼の国の元首だった。 headquarters [(1) the center from which orders are given; (2) the main offices of a business or organization] The headquarters for United States naval forces in the Atlantic area is at Norfolk, Virginia. (1) 大西洋地区の合衆国海軍の司令部は、ヴァージニア州のノーフォークにあります。 The headquarters of our company is near Seattle. (2) 我社の本社はシアトルの近くにあります。 heal [(1) to return to good health; (2) to cure; (3) to become well] The medical center treats many sick people and heals some of them. (1) メディカルセンターは多くの病人を治療し、そのうち何人かを治す。 A bone marrow transplant healed his cancer. (2) 骨髄移植は彼の癌を治した。 He is completely healed. (3) 彼は完治しています。 health [(1) the general condition of the body and mind; (2) the condition of being free from sickness or disease] Health is a major concern in many countries. (1) 健康は多くの国々で大きな関心事です。 The woman says she is in good health now. (2) 女性は自分の現在の健康状態は良好であると言っています。 hear [(1) to receive sound through the ears; (2) to receive news about] Can you hear me if I talk softly? (1) そっと話したら聞こえますか? I heard that you have a new job. (2) 私はあなたが新しい仕事に就いていると聞きました。 heat [(1) to make hot or warm; (2) great warmth; (3) that which is produced by burning fuel; (4) energy from the sun] She is heating some water for tea. (1) 彼女はお茶を入れるためにお湯を沸かしています。 He became sick because of the desert heat. (2) 彼は砂漠の暑さで気分が悪くなった。 Can you feel the heat from the fire? (3) あなたは火から熱を感じますか? They use the sun's heat to help warm their home. (4) 彼らは自分たちの家を暖める助けに太陽熱を利用している。 heavy [(1) having much weight; (2) not easy to lift; (3) of great amount or force] The doctor told him he is too heavy. (1) 医者は彼に、彼は体重が重過ぎると言った。 She needed help to lift the heavy box. (2) 彼女は重い箱を持ち上げるのに助けが必要だった。 Heavy voting was reported in many parts of the country. (3) 高い投票率が国の各地で報告された。 (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com