G-2 granddaughter [the daughter of a person's daughter or son] My granddaughter is three years old today. grandfather [the father of a person's father or mother] He became a grandfather when his granddaughter was born. grandmother [the mother of a person's father or mother] She plans to visit her grandmother. grandson [the son of a person's daughter or son] The old woman had many grandsons. grass [a plant with long, narrow, green leaves] He asked his grandson to cut the grass in his yard. gray [having the color like that made by mixing black and white] Gray clouds filled the sky. great [(1) very large or more than usual in size or number; (2) very good; (3) important] A great many people around the world watched on television as the astronaut stepped onto the moon's surface. (1) He was a great President. (2) I like to read about the great heroes of history. (3) green [(1)having the color like that made by mixing yellow and blue; (2) having the color like that of growing leaves and grass] Mixing blue and yellow paint produces green paint. (1) Rain has made the trees especially green this year. (2) grind [to reduce to small pieces by crushing] Many people grind coffee beans each morning to make coffee. ground [(1) land; (2) the earth's surface; (3) soil] The ground here is very dry. (1) The airlines plane flew almost nine kilometers above the ground. (2) In the spring, farmers prepare the ground for planting crops. (3) group [(1) a number of people or things together; (2) a gathering of people working for a common purpose] That group of houses was built last year. (1) The two groups decided to work together instead of competing with each other. (2) grow [(1) to develop or become bigger; (2) to increase in size or amount] That young tree has grown much taller in the past year. (1) Higher interest rates made his savings grow even more. (2) guarantee [(1) to promise a result; (2) to promise that something will happen] The company guaranteed it would repair or replace the computer if it broke within two years. (1) The employee guaranteed he would complete the work by the end of the week. (2) guard [(1) to watch and protect a person, place or thing; (2) a person or thing that watches or protects] He guards the president. (1) He is a prison guard. (2) guerrilla [a person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police ] Guerrillas attacked a police station in the town and captured guns and ammunition. guide [(1) to lead to; (2) to show the way; (3) one who shows the way] He offered to guide us to the top of the mountain. (1) The driver guided his car through the narrow street. (2) Our guide spent the day showing us the city. (3) guilty [(1) having done something wrong or in violation of a law; (2) responsible for a bad action] The court found him guilty of stealing a car. (1) She felt guilty because she did not call her mother. (2) gun [a weapon that shoots bullets] Is it legal to own a gun in your country? --------------------- --------------------- G-2 granddaughter [the daughter of a person's daughter or son] My granddaughter is three years old today. 私の孫娘は今日で3才です。 grandfather [the father of a person's father or mother] He became a grandfather when his granddaughter was born. 彼は孫娘が生まれておじいさんになった。 grandmother [the mother of a person's father or mother] She plans to visit her grandmother. 彼女はおばあさんを訪ねる予定です。 grandson [the son of a person's daughter or son] The old woman had many grandsons. 老婦人にはたくさんの孫息子がいた。 grass [a plant with long, narrow, green leaves] He asked his grandson to cut the grass in his yard. 彼は自分の孫息子に庭の草を刈るように頼んだ。 gray [having the color like that made by mixing black and white] Gray clouds filled the sky. 空は灰色の雲でいっぱいでした。 great [(1) very large or more than usual in size or number; (2) very good; (3) important] A great many people around the world watched on television as the astronaut stepped onto the moon's surface. (1) 宇宙飛行士が月面に足を踏み出した時、世界中の非常にたくさんの人々がテレビで見ていた。 He was a great President. (2) 彼はすばらしい大統領でした。 I like to read about the great heroes of history. (3) 私は歴史上の偉大な英雄について読むことが好きです。 green [(1)having the color like that made by mixing yellow and blue; (2) having the color like that of growing leaves and grass] Mixing blue and yellow paint produces green paint. (1) 青色と黄色のペンキを混ぜると、緑色のペンキができます。 Rain has made the trees especially green this year. (2) 今年は雨が木々を特に青々とさせました。 grind [to reduce to small pieces by crushing] Many people grind coffee beans each morning to make coffee. 多くの人々が毎朝、コーヒーを入れるためにコーヒー豆を挽きます。 ground [(1) land; (2) the earth's surface; (3) soil] The ground here is very dry. (1) ここの土地はとても乾いています。 The airlines plane flew almost nine kilometers above the ground. (2) 航空会社の飛行機は地上ほぼ9キロのところを飛んだ。 In the spring, farmers prepare the ground for planting crops. (3) 農夫たちは春に種まきのために土を準備します。 group [(1) a number of people or things together; (2) a gathering of people working for a common purpose] That group of houses was built last year. (1) あの(ひとかたまりの)家々は昨年建てられたものです。 The two groups decided to work together instead of competing with each other. (2) 2つのグループは互いに競う代わりに共に働くことに決めた。 grow [(1) to develop or become bigger; (2) to increase in size or amount] That young tree has grown much taller in the past year. (1) その若木はこの1年で大変背たけが伸びた。 Higher interest rates made his savings grow even more. (2) 金利が上がったので彼の貯蓄はさらに増えた。 guarantee [(1) to promise a result; (2) to promise that something will happen] The company guaranteed it would repair or replace the computer if it broke within two years. (1) 会社はコンピューターが2年以内に壊れたら、修理するか交換すると保証した。 The employee guaranteed he would complete the work by the end of the week. (2) 従業員は週末までに仕事を完成させると約束した。 guard [(1) to watch and protect a person, place or thing; (2) a person or thing that watches or protects] He guards the president. (1) 彼は大統領を警護します。 He is a prison guard. (2) 彼は看守です。 guerrilla [a person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police ] Guerrillas attacked a police station in the town and captured guns and ammunition. ゲリラたちは町の交番を襲い、銃と弾薬を奪った。 guide [(1) to lead to; (2) to show the way; (3) one who shows the way] He offered to guide us to the top of the mountain. (1) 彼は我々を山の頂上へ案内すると申し出た。 The driver guided his car through the narrow street. (2) ドライバーは車を進めて狭い道を切りぬけた。 Our guide spent the day showing us the city. (3) ガイドは我々に町を案内するのに1日を費やしました。 guilty [(1) having done something wrong or in violation of a law; (2) responsible for a bad action] The court found him guilty of stealing a car. (1) 裁判所は彼は車を盗んだ罪で有罪であると判決を下した。 She felt guilty because she did not call her mother. (2) 彼女は母親に電話をしなかったので気がとがめた。 gun [a weapon that shoots bullets] Is it legal to own a gun in your country? あなたの国では銃を所持することは合法ですか? (c) 2001 Educommons L.P. http://www.eigozai.com